发布时间:2020-01-11 09:10:46 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Hassalo on Eighth by




Hassalo on Eighth作为LEED白金级城市开发项目,秉持着“生态社区”的理念,拥有创新的可持续技术、可再生清洁能源、生态屋顶、自行车枢纽和通往公共交通网络的便利设施。与此同时,它还是北美第一个、也是规模最大的可以进行场地废水回收与处理的社区。NORM(Natural Organic Recycling Machine,即天然有机的回收设备)将三栋住宅楼100%的废水从市政下水道中分流,减轻了公共事业负担,节省了昂贵的维修和基础设施扩建费用,获得了市、州环境质量部门(DEQ,Department of Environmental Quality)的大力支持。通过一系列与公园般的步行“水街”整合在一起的滴滤器和人工湿地,NORM每天能处理4.5万加仑的水。多余的再生水也不会被浪费,它们被注入干燥的水井,以在基本上不透水的城市地区进行重要的地下水补给。

Envisioned with ethos of an “eco-district,” Hassalo on Eighth is LEED Platinum urban development with innovative sustainable technologies and amenities for renewable and clean energy, green roofs, a bike hub, and access to mass transportation. It is also one of the first and largest North American neighborhoods to treat and recycle wastewater on site. NORM, Natural Organic Recycling Machine, diverts away from the municipal sewer 100% of the wastewater generated in the three residential buildings. The system lessens the burden on public utilities, saving costly repairs and infrastructure expansion and garnering considerable support from the City and State DEQ. NORM treats 45,000 gallons per day through a series of trickling filters and constructed wetlands integrated into the design of the park-like pedestrian water street, an epicenter of the landscape. Unused treated wastewater is injected into dry wells for crucial groundwater recharge in a largely impervious urban area, ensuring that no element of this new ‘waste’ stream is wasted.

▲总平面图:秉持着“生态社区”的理念,Hassalo on Eighth作为LEED白金级城市开发项目,拥有创新的可持续技术、可再生清洁能源、生态屋顶、自行车枢纽和通往公共交通网络的便利设施。Site Plan:Envisioned with ethos of an “eco-district,” Hassalo on Eighth is a LEED Platinum urban development with innovative sustainable technologies and amenities for renewable and clean energy, green roofs, a bike hub, and access to mass transportation.



获得LEED ND(社区规划与发展评估)白金认证的Hassalo on Eighth,把波特兰落后的城市商业区转变为一个充满活力、生态友好的繁荣社区。这个占地110万平方英尺的社区,将超级街区重新定义为“行人的终极复仇”。作为波特兰市有史以来最大的住宅开发项目,Hassalo on Eighth一期在劳埃德生态区有650多套可持续住宅单元。预计于第二阶段完工的俄勒冈广场将有1000套市场价格的四街区住宅。由于地处波特兰娱乐和购物区附近的交通枢纽,且东侧与城中心交汇,该项目成为欧洲大陆最重要的自行车停放项目之一。整个地下停车场提供了1200个带清洗、储物柜、代客泊车和维修服务的车位。

小区新增了三幢多户住宅楼:位于东南角、楼高6层、有177套公寓的Velomor;位于东北角、楼高5层、有143套公寓的The Elwood Building;位于东南角、有337套公寓的21层大楼Aster,它取代了现有的地面停车场,为当地带来了82万平方英尺的居住面积和5万平方英尺的商业用地。临街零售点包括一个沿着波特兰MAX轻轨和有轨电车系统入口的杂货店,而社区广场和“水街”则有助于增加该地区的人文城市景观。四街区的建筑布局经过仔细考量,以确保中央广场和“水街”获得充足采光。

Hassalo on Eighth通过北美最大的现场分散处理和再利用系统NORM(位于占地1.3万平方英尺的社区广场,沿“水街”分布)来管理所有水资源。“水街”将覆盖超过3.8万平方英尺的多个生态屋顶,纳入一个可以将水流从压力重重的城市下水道中转移出来、且会对雨水产生净值正面效益的有力回收系统。NORM通过一系列滴滤器和人工湿地来100%处理和回收污水,从而满足所有的厕所冲洗、冷却和景观灌溉需求。最终,污水从市政下水道系统中分流且没有产生任何废物,四栋建筑的总用水量也从而减少了50%(也就是每年减少约730万加仑的水)。



Hassalo on Eighth将波特兰市中心这个未被充分利用的地区,转变为强调规划严谨、宜居性、户外舒适性和创新性的城市生态基础设施。生态屋顶、雨水收集花园与NORM一样,都是雨水收集系统的一部分。作为波特兰的第一个生态区,它也是先进环境的标志和环保设计的典范。通过保存雨水并防止径流淹没系统,生态屋顶减少了大型降雨期间的峰值流量。一个6万加仑的蓄水池用来收集屋顶的雨水,并将其通过整个“水街”中的水流系统进行再循环。由于采用了创新的布局策略,该项目可以节省总计148万美元的系统开发费、水费和下水道费。

Hassalo on Eighth的景观框架与亲生物设计原理结合,创建了一个由生态屋顶、大型雨水花园,以及核心步行“水街”组成的“巢穴”。景观的改善将场地的水循环恢复到前Lewis & Clark时期的状况,减轻了基础设施老化的负担,控制了高峰流量,并为蓄水层补充了足够的水分。“水街”的流水来自于收集的雨水,它的形成既为人们带来了欢乐,也满足了日益增长的城市生态系统的需求。大型花槽与生态屋顶一起,创建了相互连通的绿色岛屿网络,使场地的植被足迹增加了四倍。“水街”和相连的花园种植着来自本地和归化的各色植物,为迁徙的鸟儿提供了授粉通道。该社区密集且宜居,融入了一流的公交系统并提倡自行车出行,使居民逐渐摆脱对机动车的依赖。



Hassalo on Eighth项目是环境和社会可持续发展的典范。它为交通繁忙的社区增加了住房,并在步行可达的邻近地区提供了超过2.5万个工作岗位。在中心广场举办的周末集市、电影放映会和季节性的庆祝活动有助于增强地区吸引力,建立一个宜居的生态友好型社区。

▲深思熟虑的设计选择:通过缩减规模,Hassalo on Eighth的每项设计都以细致入微的方式专注于有更多价值的空间,设计的每一部分都与使用该空间的居民和社区成员息息相关。Thoughtful Design Choices:Breaking down the scale, every design for Hassalo on Eighth features a fine-grain focus on spaces that add value, each part of the design ties back to how it affects the residents and community members who use the space.

▲修复城市结构:在相邻街区和未来发展的核心地带,一条向北蜿蜒的壮观步行长廊,为人们提供了散步、骑自行车和聚会的场所。Repairing the Urban Fabric:At the heart and catalyst for future development of adjacent blocks, a grand pedestrian promenade with its organizing spine meandering north, contains places for people to walk, bike and gather.

▲恢复城市网格:城市设计策略将原始的超级街区恢复为传统的波特兰网格,重启十字路口,并再次将第八大街引为行人专用通道。Restoring the Urban Grid:The urban design strategy returns the original superblock to the traditional Portland grid, bringing back the cross-streets and reintroducing 8th Ave as a pedestrian-only thoroughfare.

▲多模式连接器:可以举办周末市集、电影放映会和季节性的庆祝活动的中心广场,为公交服务区增加了2.5万多个工作岗位,给该区的美好形象做出了贡献,帮助建立起一个宜居的生态友好型社区。Multi-modal Connector:Adding housing to a transit-served area with 25,000+ jobs in the walkable vicinity with weekend markets and seasonal festivities, the central plaza contributes to the district’s attractive image establishing a community which celebrates the Eco-district ethic within a livable metropolis.

▲科学展示:景观的改善将场地的水循环恢复到前Lewis & Clark时期的状况,减轻了基础设施老化的负担,控制了高峰流量,为蓄水层补充了足够的水分。Science on Display:Landscape improvements restored the site’s water cycle to pre-Lewis & Clark conditions, lessening the burden on aging infrastructure, reducing peak flows, and recharging aquifers.

▲天然有机回收系统:通过一系列滴滤器和人工湿地来100%处理和回收污水,从而满足所有的厕所冲洗、冷却和景观灌溉需求。污水从市政下水道系统中分流且不产生任何废物,建筑总用水量每年减少50%。Natural Organic Recycling Machine:100% of grey/black water is treated and recycled through filters and wetlands meeting 100% of toilet, cooling, and irrigation demands. Wastewater is diverted from the municipal sewer system generating no waste and bio-solids reducing water usage by 50% per year.

▲中央走廊:作为大型综合系统的一部分,“水街”收集、输送和处理着雨水。其流动的水道来自收集的雨水,它的形成既为人们带来了欢乐,也满足了日益增长的城市生态系统的需求。A Central Corridor:The water street collects, conveys and treats stormwater as part of a larger integrated system. Its flowing waterways are sourced from harvested rainwater; its formation brings joy to people and quenches the thirst of a growing urban ecosystem.

▲门口的自然风光:街道大厅和私人庭院让业主感到宾至如归。他们走过前门廊,创造出一种邻里街区的氛围。Nature on the Doorstep:Residents are welcomed home through street lobbies as well as private courtyards. They walk past neighbors’ front stoops, creating a neighborhood street scale to the buildings.

▲提升的室外空间:每栋住宅楼在整个建筑内都提供了多层室外空间,有助于在密集的城市环境中营造出一片绿洲。Elevating the Outdoors:Each building provides outdoor space at multiple levels throughout the buildings, helping to create an oasis in a dense urban setting.

▲生态屋顶花园:在缺乏社会活力的地区为社区创造空间是项目发展的关键。遍布四处的共享设施为社交或放松提供了多种场所。Functioning Eco-Roof Garden:It was key to the development to create space for community in an area that lacked any social vibrancy. Shared amenities throughout offer a variety of places to socialize or unwind.

▲聚焦可持续性:Hassalo on Eighth的每栋建筑均获得了LEED白金级认证。场地的可持续发展战略与波特兰居民的价值观完美契合,为劳埃德区的振兴树立了基调。Focusing on Sustainability:Each Hassalo on Eighth building has received the highest Platinum Level LEED certification. The on-site sustainability strategies align perfectly with the values of Portland residents, setting the tone for the Lloyd District’s revitalization.

▲建立社会空间:Hassalo on Eighth是LEED ND白金级社区,它将波特兰欠发达的城市商业区转变为充满活力、生态友好的繁荣社区。Establishing Social Space:A LEED ND Platinum community, Hassalo on Eighth transformed Portland’s underdeveloped urban commercial zone into a vibrant, eco-friendly, 24-hour neighborhood.

▲居民的理想场所:新的城市广场不再是汽车的停车场,而是一个地区聚会场所。位于广场中心的大型公园长椅,创造了一个非正式的邻里公园,为休憩或大型聚会提供了灵活的空间。A Destination for People:No longer a parking lot for cars, the new urban plaza becomes a district meeting place. An oversized park bench at the center creates an informal neighborhood park, crafting a flexible space for pause or larger gatherings.


A LEED ND Platinum community, Hassalo on Eighth transformed Portland’s underdeveloped urban commercial zone into a vibrant, eco-friendly, 24-hour neighborhood. Redefining the superblock as the “ultimate revenge of the pedestrian,” Phase 1, Hassalo on Eighth, is a 1.1 million square foot, the city’s largest-ever residential development with more than 650 sustainable housing units in Portland’s Lloyd Eco-district and anticipated 1,000 market rate four-block Phase 2, the Oregon Square. Located at the nexus of transportation near Portland’s entertainment and shopping district, where eastside meets central city, Hassalo on Eighth is one of the continent’s most significant bike parking projects encompassing 1, 200 below-grade stalls with showers, lockers, valet and repair services.

Three new multifamily housing buildings of varying density: Velomor, a 6-story, 177-apartment mid-rise on the southeast corner; The Elwood Building, a 5-story, 143-apartment mid-rise on the northeast corner; and Aster, a 21-story, 337-apartment tower on the southeast corner replace existing surface parking with 820,000 square feet of residential space and 50,000 square feet of commercial area with an exciting lineup of local entrepreneurs. Street level retail includes an anchor grocer along with immediate access to both the Portland MAX light-rail and the Portland Streetcar systems while the community plaza and water street contribute to the district’s increased human cityscape. The disposition of massing on the four-block development was carefully analyzed to preserve access to sunlight to the central plaza and water street.

At the forefront of the National Resilient Cites’ trend, the Hassalo on Eighth manages all the water via the largest onsite decentralized treatment and reuse system in North America, a Natural Organic Recycling Machine (NORM), located in the community’s 13,000 square feet main plaza and along the water street, the district’s heart and soul. The water street engages multiple green roofs covering over 38,000 square feet into an expressive recycling system redirecting flow away from stressed city sewer infrastructure and having a net positive impact on stormwater. NORM treats and recycles 100% of the grey and black water through a series of trickling filters and constructed wetlands designed to meet 100% of the toilet flushing, cooling, and landscape irrigation demand. As a result, wastewater is diverted from the municipal sewer system with NORM generating no waste and bio-solids reducing water usage for the four buildings by 50% or approximately 7.3 million gallons of water per year.

The system handles 45,000 gallons of waste water per day and treats it to State of Oregon Class A reuse standards through a series anaerobic tanks, trickle filters, tidal wetlands, filtration, UV treatment, and storage. All of this constructed beneath the four-block district’s pedestrian water street creating an exposed look wholly unique from the surrounding neighborhood. Excess treated wastewater is stored in dry wells for groundwater recharge through infiltration, which, helping prevent wastewater from being futile.

The area’s wastewater system was in such need of innovation that the city discounted its system development charges by 60 percent, typically assesses to projects requiring infrastructure improvements. Natural Organic Recycling Machine (NORM) not only conserves water for the area, it is also a cost-saving solution that frees the city from any further strain on its infrastructure. In all, the reduction in system development charges, operations and maintenance, required testing, and capital investment resulted in a 2.4-year payback to the project.

Transforming daily experience and perception of this underutilized district in the heart of Portland, Hassalo on Eighth places emphasis on livability with sensitive planning, outdoor comfort, and enterprising urban ecological infrastructure. Along with NORM, the green roofs and rainwater harvesting gardens are part of the stormwater capture system, a symbol of the development’s progressive environmental identity, a model of green design, and Portland’s first Eco-district. The green roofs also reduce peak flows during large rain events by retaining stormwater and preventing runoff from overwhelming the system. A 60,000-gallon cistern harvests rooftop rainwater and recirculates it through a riverine water feature within an entire block of water street. Due to the innovative placemaking strategies the project was allowed a refund of the system development charges, water and sewer fees, totaling $1.48 million.

The Hassalo on Eighth landscape framework incorporates principles of biophilic design creating a nest of eco-roofs, extensive stormwater gardens, and at its core, a pedestrian water street. Landscape improvements restored the site’s water cycle to pre-Lewis & Clark conditions, lessening the burden on aging infrastructure, reducing peak flows, and recharging aquifers. Its flowing waterways are sourced from harvested rainwater; its formation brings joy to people and quenches the thirst of the growing urban ecosystem. The large planters create a linked network of green islands, which along with the eco-roofs, quadrupled the site’s vegetated footprint. Planted with a diverse native and naturalized palette, the water street and associated gardens support migratory song birds and create a pollinator pathway. A dense, walkable community, the development taps into a superb transit system and promotes cycling, allowing residents to leave auto-dependence.

Science is put on display with civic open space of respite inherent to creative design. Eco roofs were used throughout to mitigate heat island effect while also insulating the buildings beneath to help reduce energy consumption. The existing 1970’s office building underwent an energy retrofit to target over 50% energy savings. The 270,000 sf skin was re-sealed with the Central Utility Plant equipment replaced. Synergy was found in the new mechanical systems with the ground level retail uses by the sharing of heating and cooling load connecting the uses through water loop to heat pumps within the new construction. Reclaimed water from the on-site wastewater treatment facility is used to replenish water lost within the cooling tower of the office building. LED lighting is used throughout the project to realize additional energy savings in excess of 30% of current code requirements.

The landscape, integral to the experience, is also a place where one learns about the sustainability. The knowledge is shared with the occupants via feedback dashboards displaying shared energy savings, water savings, local transit times and with hopes that similar solutions are transferable to future local developments.

Hassalo on Eighth ultimately represents a model of environmental and social sustainability. The development has added housing to a transit-served area with over 25,000 jobs in the walkable vicinity. Weekend markets, movie screenings, and seasonal festivities in the central plaza contribute to district’s attractive image and establish a community which celebrates the Eco-district ethic within a livable metropolis.



设计方:PLACE Studio LLC





– National ASLA Award 2019

– Architecture Masterprize 2019

– LEED v4 Platinum 铂金认证 2019



tel:151 0113 0195 周先生


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