英文名称:Greece of lignite industrial area Renovation
设计团队:leonidas papalampropoulos
该项目是由leonidas papalampropoulos团队完成的。场地位于希腊ptolemaida市西北部的褐煤开采区,该项目也是对矿区的改造。在该项目中,设计团队希望能够将更多的注意力放在自然环境的修复上,尤其是在后工业时期对当地环境所造成的损害。此次改造中一系列景观的建造都是以此为主要目标的。该工程也被命名为“野餐工程”。设计师们花费了很大的精力来完成各个板块的设计,并延续了浪漫主义的园林风格,这样的风格在该地区的后工业时期非常多见。
leonidas papalampropoulos团队的构念代表了矿工业发展的减缓以及它在过去对环境所造成的伤害。设计团队接受并成功将这种影响降到最小,所涉及的景观与大自然紧密联系,同时也将浪漫主义发挥到了极致,拉近了人们与大自然之间的距离。设计师们希望在场地中央设计一条水道,使得流水贯穿整个区域,为场地增加动感和活力。
the leonidas papalampropoulos architecture bureau has presented its fantastical vision for the revitalization of the northwest lignite mining area of ptolemaida in greece. the design focuses on issues of re-appropriation of nature in the post-industrial era, and suggests a collection of architectural projects in the area that play on this theme.gathered under the umbrella title of the ‘picnic project’ the proposals take a thoughtful approach to the designs that they suggest, referring heavily to theories of romanticism and where such ideas find legitimacy in a post-industrial society.
the constructs outlined by the leonidas papalampropoulos architecture bureau represent a response to trauma (in this case the decline of the mining industry) through acceptance and management, rather than denial or repression. this approach can be associated with the re-instatement of the romantic idealization of nature and the new relationship that it develops towards the landscape.the design proposes achieving this through management of a central waterway that runs through the area.