发布时间:2020-09-23 01:16:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Designed by New York-based RUR Architecture, the 756,000-sqft Performance Hall at the Taipei Music Center (TMC) officially opens with its first concert on September 5, 2020. Located in the Nangang District, this innovative structure is the centerpiece of the firm’s competition winning design for a 9-hectare site in Taipei dedicated to the performance, production, and celebration of pop music in Asia.

▼台北流行音乐中心表演厅,Performance Hall at the Taipei Music Center RUR Architecture & Fei and Cheng Associates ©RUR Architecture + Fei and Cheng Associates


The Performance Hall is designed for indoor and outdoor performances, seating 6000 inside and also accommodating several hundred outside at the public plaza. A faceted double skin wraps around and encloses the auditorium, made of anodized aluminum cladding outer layer and

gypsum wall inner layer. The expansive geometric volumes mirror the terrain of the nearby mountains, a site-specific reference that ties the building into its environment. The venue features state-of-the-art technology, from acoustics and lighting to eco-friendly heating and cooling systems.

▼表演厅外部的多折面的双层表皮结构,a faceted double skin wraps around and encloses the auditorium ©Yana Zhezhela + Alek Vatagin

▼二层入口,entrance on 2F ©Yana Zhezhela + Alek Vatagin

▼外观细节,detailed view ©Yana Zhezhela + Alek Vatagin

台北流行音乐中心被誉为“流行音乐之都”,是台北后工业复兴时期文化都市主义的一部分。作为文化孵化器,它将流行音乐社区聚集在一个混合的多用途复合街区中。位于北场地的表演厅是RUR方案总体规划中的三座主要建筑之一。位于南场地的展览厅(The Cube)则包含多个展览空间,馆藏存储,研究,档案和演讲设施。产业区 (Creative Area)则设有音乐制作设施。被市民大道分隔的南北场地透过高架人行天桥联接。该计划还包括三个小型音乐厅,通过亲密的表演形式支持新生代流行音乐发展。

▼剖面图,section ©RUR Architecture

Conceived as a ‘City of Pop Music’, the TMC is a key part of cultural urbanism in the post-industrial revival of Taipei. As a cultural incubator, it brings the pop music community together in one hybrid and multipurpose complex. The Performance Hall is one of three major buildings in RUR’s masterplan, along with the Exhibition Hall (The Cube), which contains multiple exhibition spaces, collection storage, and research, archives, and lecture facilities, and the Creative Area Building (the Music Industry Shell), which houses production facilities. A new elevated public ground bridges the north and south sites which are divided by Civic Boulevard, bringing together all three buildings in a coherent design. The program also includes three live-houses, which will allow for simultaneous performances and also support new talent with intimate concerts.

▼建筑外观,exterior view ©RUR Architecture + Fei and Cheng Associates

▼远观人行天桥,view to the bridge ©Yana Zhezhela + Alek Vatagin

▼背部立面,the rear facade ©RUR Architecture + Fei and Cheng Associates


该综合体的南场地预计于2021年中期开放,这将画下20年规画设计过程的终点 。

RUR has designed the TMC as a new urban arts precinct for Taipei, weaving the buildings into the natural surroundings and further into the fabric of the city. Fully landscaped grounds and the inclusion of mixed-use spaces, such as stores, markets, and cafes, position the TMC as an appealing destination for both residents and visitors to Taipei, independent of the performance schedule.

The South side of the complex is scheduled for opening mid-2021, which will mark the completion of the project over a decade in planning by the central government and a decade in design and construction of RUR’s winning scheme.

▼表演厅和城市环境,the Performance Hall in its urban context ©RUR Architecture + Fei and Cheng Associates

▼首层大厅,lobby on the  ground floor ©Yana Zhezhela + Alek Vatagin

▼走廊,corridor ©Yana Zhezhela + Alek Vatagin

RUR的负责人Jesse Reiser表示:“十年前,外围台北市的特色是工业区紧邻葱郁的森林山丘。 从过去到现在,城市从未逐步过渡到郊区——实际上根本没有郊区。 这种对比的效果是城市与自然之间惊人的并置。 拆除旧工业并建造台北音乐中心后,我们发现大自然和新建筑相互辉映。 台北音乐中心在自然景观中成为城市一部份的有机体,与城市相连又独立又延伸到大自然。

Jesse Reiser, Principal at RUR, comments “Ten years ago, the outskirts of Taipei were characterized by industrial areas situated right up against verdant, forested hills. There was, and still is, no gradual transition of city to suburbs – in fact no suburbs at all. The effect of that contrast is a striking juxtaposition between city and nature. Once the old industry was removed and the Taipei Music Center was constructed, we found that nature and new architecture amplified each other’s beauty. Taipei Music Center functions as a discrete urban organism within the natural landscape, an urban peninsula connected to the city yet independent and extending beyond it into nature.”

▼天桥楼梯,staircase to the bridge ©RUR Architecture + Fei and Cheng Associates

▼地面层入口,entrance on the ground floor ©RUR Architecture + Fei and Cheng Associates

“台北市市长柯文哲评论说:“我们的首要任务是为台北人民打造一座地标性建筑,同时为流行音乐产业提供必要的支持。 纽约RUR建筑事务所设计的独特的山形醒目几何形状使我们能够再次强调台湾流行音乐产业在普通话和亚洲流行音乐中起着领导作用。”

Ko Wen-je, the Mayor of Taipei City, comments that “Our priority was to create a landmark building for the people of Taipei that at the same time provides necessary support to the pop music industry. The unique mountain-like eye catching geometry designed by RUR Architecture from New York allows us to reemphasize the Taiwanese pop music industry as playing a leading role in Mandarin and Asian pop music.”

▼使用中的表演厅,Performance Hall in use ©RUR Architecture + Fei and Cheng Associates

▼表演舞台,performance stage ©RUR Architecture + Fei and Cheng Associates

▼表演厅夜景,night view ©RUR Architecture + Fei and Cheng Associates

▼一层平面图,plan 1F ©RUR Architecture

▼二层平面图,plan 2F ©RUR Architecture

▼立面图,elevation ©RUR Architecture

RUR合作团队包括 监造建筑师:宗迈建筑师事务所,台湾 结构工程师(初步设计):奥雅纳,香港 结构工程师(细部设计):超伟工程顾问有限公司,台湾 幕墙顾问:中国迈进,上海 剧院,声学顾问:奥雅纳,香港 景观设计师:台湾环境艺术设计公司 照明顾问:台湾RDG

RUR have collaborated on the TMC with an expansive team, including: Architect of Record: Fei and Cheng Associates, Taipei Structural Engineer (Schematic Design): ARUP, Hong Kong Structural Engineer (Detailed Design): Supertek, Taiwan Facade Consultant: Meinhardt Façade Technology, Shanghai Theater, Acoustics Consultants: ARUP, Hong Kong Landscape architect: The Environmental Arts Design Company, Taiwan Lighting Consultant: RDG, Taiwan


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