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2013ASLA规划设计荣誉奖 – Ningbo Eco-Corridor



Through an innovative and carefully composed tapestry of topography, hydrology, and vegetation, the project transforms an uninhabitable brownfield into a linear “living filter.” Ningbo Eco- Corridor creates vital habitat for native flora and fauna, enhances public health, creates beautiful public spaces, and raises the bar globally for sustainable development. Just after the first phase of completion, rarely seen local wildlife has returned – A testament to the health of the restored natural systems, waterways, and habitats of the site. The successful “living filter” makes a case for similarly sized cities in the region and beyond to plan based on high-performance best practices. Ningbo Eco-Corridor is a clear example of the economic and quality of life successes that investing in green infrastructure can offer.

△ 景观总体规划:从不适宜居住的棕地到充斥着绿意的“活体过滤器”。

Landscape Master Plan: Transforms an uninhabitable brownfield into a green “Living Filter”

Photo Credit: Graphics Courtesy of SWA























△ 综合了地形、水文与植被设计的线性“活体过滤器”。

Composing topography, hydrology, and vegetation: a linear “Living Filter”

Photo Credit: Graphics Courtesy of SWA

△ 改造前:基地内极富特色的古老运河因为工业生产、有效分区的缺乏和对污染的不加控制水质严重恶化。

Before: Within the Eco-Corridor site, the historic canals that characterize the Ningbo region had become severely degraded with the introduction of industrial uses in the absence of effective zoning and pollution controls.

Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of Hui-Li Lee, Jack Wu

△ 改造后:线性的绿地网络之中,人类与野生的动植物和谐共处,共同繁衍生息。

After: A linear network of green spaces where humans, wildlife, and plants can reside, coexist, and prosper. Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of Tom Fox

△ 桥梁为行人与骑行车联系起两岸的道路,同时也呼应着场地悠久的工业历史。

Bridge invokes and celebrates industrial past and accommodates pedestrians and cyclists.

Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of Tom Fox

△ 悬空的栈道让城市地表径流可以毫无阻碍的流入绿地,层层过滤深入地下。

Elevated walkways allow urban runoff to be filtered without interruption.

Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of Tom Fox

△ 水生植物园在缓解暴雨引发的洪涝灾害的同时,维护了生物的多样性。

Aquatic Garden celebrating storm water mitigation and biodiversity.

Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of Tom Fox

△ 秋色中的亲水平台与步行桥。

Riparian edge in autumn with water access platform and pedestrian bridge. Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of David Lloyd

△ 踏石小道顺着缓坡微微起伏,穿过雨水花园。周边开发地区挖出的多余土方被二次利用,在生态走廊区内塑造出起伏的山丘河谷。

Stepping stone passage across rain garden and gentle landform. Incorporating construction fill from the surrounding development areas, the corridor is carefully graded to create hills and valleys that direct the flow of water across the site.

Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of Tom Fox

△ 野趣十足的自然山体中,一片五彩缤纷的花园为游客带来了多样化的空间体验。无论是色彩、形态还是坡度,都与缓缓起伏的山坡形成了鲜明的对比,带来更丰富的空间层次。

A colorful Perennial Garden within a wilderness-like hill offers different experiences for the visitors. Through color, texture and slope, a surprising contrast has been created to compliment the gently sloped hill.

Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of David Lloyd

△ 滨河栖息地改造:硬纸河道被缓缓下降的自然河岸所取代,创造了一片水生生境。或立或倒的树木作为野生动物栖息地结构散布在河道的两侧,带来多样化的栖息环境和物种群落。

Riparlan Habitat Improvement: Replaces existing hard wall banks with soft, sloping vegetated banks for aquatic habitat. Wildlife habitat structures like logs and perch trees are planned along the riparian edge to jumpstart habitat complexity and species richness functions.

Photo Credit: Graphics Courtesy of SWA

△ 在缓缓下降的自然河岸生境中,白鹭、黑水鸡、小䴙䴘随处可见。

Soft, sloping vegetated banks for aquatic habitat, egrets, moorhen, and little grebes are commonly found along the water’s edge.

Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of Tom Fox

△ 河岸边树立的原木为鸟类提供落脚之处;覆盖在步行桥两侧百叶则一定程度上阻隔了人类活动对鸟类的影响。

Riparlan edge with recycled perch trees for birds; Pedestrian bridge covered with bird blind mitigates human interruptions.

Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of Tom Fox

△ 一片自然丛林在密密麻麻的城市建筑环境中茁壮的成长着。自生态廊道一期工程竣工以来,野生动物群落呈现出高速增长的状态。

Wild nature with the background of the forest of urban concrete buildings. Wildlife population has rapidly increased since eco-Corridor phase I completion.

Photo Credit: Photos Courtesy of Tom Fox

Context & Scope: A New Urban Green Spine

Ningbo City lies in the southern part of the Yangtze River delta eco-region. This area was historically known for its extensive riparian forests, reed swamps, rural agricultural cultivation, and a vast network of canals. As a result of rapid urbanization, by the end of the 20th century the canals of the Eco-Corridor site were severely degraded due to a disastrous combination of industrial use and lack of effective zoning and pollution control.

In 2002, with the dual intention of alleviating development pressure on Old Ningbo City and setting a precedent for a balanced, ecological approach to further urban expansion, the planning department called for a master plan for “Ningbo Eastern New City,” which includes six square miles of mixed-use urban development to accommodate the growing population. Ningbo Eco-Corridor is located at the center of this urban expansion. It provides a linear network of green spaces where humans, wildlife, and plants can reside, coexist, and prosper.

Recognizing that wetland and aquatic habitats hold the greatest conservation significance for this eco-region, the design team focused their energies on a site-specific intervention that would have historical and cultural relevance in the new era of eco-consciousness. Phase 1 (56 acres total) was recently completed, and work on Phase 2 is scheduled to begin this year.

Design Intent: A living filter

Pre-industry, the network of canals accommodated the diverse functions of transportation, irrigation, and flood control. Within the Eco-Corridor Phase 1 site, water management and ecological functionality were woven into a unique park and recreation area, simulating the original canal functions. Carefully designed layers of soil, water, and vegetation offer recreational and educational opportunities, foster an increased community relationship to water, and support natural habitat in an urban context.

The resulting successful “living filter” makes a case for similarly sized cities in the region and beyond to plan cities based on high-performance best practices. Ningbo Eco-Corridor is a clear example of the economic and quality of life successes that investing in green infrastructure has to offer.

Design Approach

Topography: Incorporating excessive dirt from the surrounding development areas, the entire Eco-Corridor zone is carefully graded and crafted into contours creating a terrain of hills for recreation and valleys for storm water management.

Hydrology: Replacing the existing system of dead-end and disconnected canals is a new meandering water course, with series of free-flowing rivulets, streams, ponds, and marshland that will support the re-establishment of the indigenous ecology. The newly constructed watercourse improves the quality of the canal water and makes it suitable for ecological restoration and recreational use.

Vegetation: An emphasis on native vegetation supports the re-establishment of diverse plant communities along the length of the corridor and encourages colonization by indigenous wildlife. Plant selection also creates a unique sense of place: together with topographical variety, differentiation of species into groupings based on height, texture, and color creates distinct spatial patterns.

Riparian Habitat improvement: Replaces existing impervious, vertical canal banks with soft, sloping vegetated banks. The riparian planting edge provides a green buffer and aquatic habitat, and aids the removal of contaminants from canal water and storm water runoff. Wildlife habitat structures like logs and perch trees are placed along the riparian edge to jumpstart habitat complexity and species richness functions.

Reconnecting People and Nature: The park and trail design provides a clear example of natural processes in an urban setting. Bio-swales, rain gardens, an aquatic garden, and restored habitat were all carefully sited for maximum function, but can be easily assessed or observed by elevated boardwalks, stepping stones, bridges, and bird blinds.

A Model for Sustainability

The Eco-Corridor serves as the spine of Ningbo New City’s open space system, creating and connecting a variety of land uses. Extending two miles, the corridor merges seamlessly with the adjacent urban fabric and natural systems, creating a symbiotic relationship between the greenway and surrounding city.

Through an innovative and carefully composed tapestry of topography, hydrology, and vegetation, the Ningbo Eco-Corridor transforms an uninhabitable brownfield into a linear “living filter.” By restoring the ecological network in this region, Phase 1 of the Ningbo Eco-Corridor creates vital habitat for native flora and fauna, enhances public health, creates beautiful and enjoyable public spaces for local and neighboring communities, and raises the bar for sustainable development in China and beyond.

Lead Designer:

Hui-Li Lee, ASLA

SWA Group Team Members:

Hui-Li Lee, ASLA

Roy Imamura

Chih-Wei Lin, ASLA

Scott Chuang

Jack Wu

Chih-Wei Chang, ASLA

Nancy Coutler

Amity Winters

Luis Kao

Xun Li

Kathy Sun

Huiqing Kuang


Shen-I Chiou

Marc Ojanen

Ojanen_Chiou Architects LLP

Environmental Consultants:

Mark Merkelbach

Herrera Environmental Consultants

Galen Fulford

Biomatrix Water

Local Design Institute:

Ningbo Landscape Architecture Design Research College







2013ASLA规划设计荣誉奖 – Ningbo Eco-Corridor


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