Surfers paradise beach reconstruction
位置:意大利 威尼斯
:heinz mack
图片来源:alessandra chemollo
意大利威尼斯建筑双年展场馆为这个水城带来了活力和创造力,是一个非常具有历史意义的场所。双年展展馆设在威尼斯的地标圣马可广场,在这里,heinz mack设计了一个不朽的作品:“九柱顶天”。它是9个相同的,拥有整体结构的柱子,每个达到7米高,柱身覆盖着嵌花的金色入场券——它们引用了当地悠久的传统工艺和威尼斯的早期文化以及与东方和西方的关系;柱子象征着人类直立的形象,也表达了最早的建筑史元素,贴合了本次双年展“基础”理念,形成天地之间的直接关系。“九柱顶天”仿佛在海边立起了四根火柱,热烈而永久,照耀着威尼斯城。
译者: 饭团小组
designboom is in venice, bringing you live coverage of the 14th international architecture exhibition directed by rem koolhaas. across the city on water, exhibitions, installations and pavilions have popped-up, bringing life and creativity to the historic locale.
visible from venice’s landmark piazza san marco (st. mark’s square), beyond the grand canal is heinz mack‘s monumental work, ‘the sky over nine columns’. positioned on the isola san giorgio maggiore, the installation features nine identical monolithic structures each reaching seven meters in height, that are wrapped in a mosaic of golden tesserae – referencing the long tradition of local craftsmanship and venice’s early cultural relations with the orient and occident; and the pillars standing as a manifestation of the human being standing upright, as well as symbolizing earliest elements in the history of architecture, forming a direct relation between earth and sky. in its entirety, the blazing sculpture plays with light, offer a constantly changing visual performance animating the rich and legendary cityscape of venice.