Germany Zalando公 Corporate Office
位置:德国 柏林
Hülle & Fülle为Zalando公司,在德国柏林打造了一个多用途的新办公室。白天这里可以用作展示产品或者组织新闻发布会,晚上则可以容纳公司三百多名员工一起聚会或者举行各种大规模活动。与此同时,这里还为员工们提供了多种多样的协同工作区、团队会谈室、午餐区、以及咖啡角和休息室。当然最后一点也不容忽视,那就是这里还有足够的瑜伽室和其他一些健身设施。
Hülle & Fülle have designed the new multi-purpose environment of Zalando located in Berlin, Germany.Presentations and press conferences during the day, large-scale events and company parties for more than 300 people at night. At the same time offering areas for co-working, small team meetings, lunch and coffee breaks. Last but not least: providing enough room for yoga classes and other fitness activities.
Two main features connect the space visually: a wide timber podium runs parallel to the glass facade on street level, bridging the height difference functionally in form of an auditorium, moving up to a platform for the lunch area and finishing off as tribune for small team meetings. A extensive tiled wall separates the lower from the upper level, where the structure incorporates a bar counter to work on, view presentations or just watch countless tourist strolling along Berlins former wall.