发布时间:2024-03-07 03:00:19 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▼32层社交俱乐部,level 32 Upper club (social) © Koichi Takada Architects

▼31层健康俱乐部,level 31 wellness club (wellbeing) © Koichi Takada Architects

▼立面图,elevation © Koichi Takada Architects

Project information: Project name: Upper House Client: ARIA Property Group Architecture & Interiors: Koichi Takada Architects Builder: Minicon Timber Specialist: Theca Location: 66 Hope Street, South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Building type: Multi-Residential Stories: 33 Site area: 2,235m2 GFA: 19,700m2 No. Apartments: 188 Public benefit: Public artwork on façade and Art Gallery Space in Lobby Façade Artwork: ‘Bloodlines weaving string and water’ by Judy Watson. Timber Pergola: made of Larch = 48m3. 672 individual elements CNC cut working with tri-dimensional production files. Timber Nests: Two “nest” structures are made up of a series of ribs and a circular bench, connected to level 32 by a footbridge. Made of 92 Ash ribs that were shaped with an innovative steaming process and hydro-adjustable moulds.

位于澳大利亚南布里斯班的Upper House住宅综合体是Koichi Takada Architects落成的最新多住宅项目,大楼共33层,包含了188套公寓住宅。富有表现力的建筑形式从澳大利亚原生植物 —— 大叶榕的形态上汲取灵感,标志着城市多住宅设计的新时代,将建筑与自然的联系、设计质量、居民福利,以及环境可持续性紧密结合在一起。

Upper House in South Brisbane, Australia, is the latest multi-residential project to launch by Koichi Takada Architects and delivers 188 apartments over 33 stories. The expressive architectural form drew inspiration from the Moreton Bay Fig and signals a new era in urban multi-residential design, where connection to nature, quality of design, resident wellbeing and environmental sustainability align.

▼项目概览,Overview © Tom Ferguson

Upper House住宅综合体是Aria Property Group和Koichi Takada Architects首次合作完成的项目,该项目颂扬了布里斯班的自然美景和当地轻松的城市生活方式,通过天然木材藤架、热带屋顶绿洲、先进的福利设施,以及五层裙楼外立面的本地艺术品,点缀了城市天际线。

Upper House is the first completed collaboration between Aria Property Group and Koichi Takada Architects and the architecture celebrates Brisbane’s natural beauty and relaxed urban lifestyle, punctuating the city skyline with a natural timber pergola and tropical rooftop oasis, progressive wellbeing amenities as well as a five-storey indigenous artwork at the building’s podium.

▼由周边环境看建筑,viewing the tower from surrounding © Scott Burrows

独特的设计 Distinctive design

“盘根错节”的外立面形态与天然木材藤架为建筑赋予了强而有力的识别性,其形式参考了当地原生植物 —— 大叶榕的根茎系统,这种生态结构能够支撑树木并锚定树木的位置,而在建筑中,这种形式则将其与场地区位紧密地联系在一起。在合作方Theca的精心施工下,Upper House的外立面藤架完美落成,以西伯利亚落叶松实现了结构中独特的三维曲线。建筑的顶部,两处露台聚会空间如同包裹在木制的“茧”中一般,每一侧都能够通过32层的人行天桥进入。

▼草图与参考意向,sketch and reference © Koichi Takada Architects

Easily identified by its architectural “roots” and natural timber pergola, Upper House’s form references the buttress root system of the native Moreton Bay Fig (Ficus macrophylla) which function to stabilize and anchor the tree – or in this case building – to its prime location. Upper House’s pergola was expertly achieved by collaborator, Theca, with tri-dimensional twists and curves in the Siberian Larch structure. Two timber “nests” on opposite sides of Upper House are accessed by footbridges from level 32 and can each accommodate a small party of guests to gather in the open- air cocoons.

▼街景,street view © Scott Burrows

▼俯视顶层露台,overlooking the top-floor terrace © Mark Nilon

有机、蜿蜒的立面与澳大利亚艺术家Judy Watson为底部五层裙楼外立面创作的艺术品《2023》相呼应,这是一件由穿孔金属板经过折叠,且设有背光的艺术品,旨在将当地本土历史和传统叙事带入到日常生活中。“光线纵横交错地穿过河流和大地,当地的路线沿袭着原住民的步行路线延伸,将我们汇入祖国与文化的血脉中“,艺术家Watson解释道。她在这件艺术品中对土著历史的突出表达奠定了尊重的基础,培养了居民之间的包容感,并创造出人们与澳大利亚历史的对话。业主Aria Property Group对艺术和社区的承诺进一步体现在“希望街大厅”(Hope Street lobby)中,这是一个展示新兴艺术家创作的公共画廊空间,与附近的鱼巷艺术区(Fish Lane Arts Precinct)相互呼应,异曲同工。

The organic, meandering façade, speaks to the five-story artwork by Australian artist Judy Watson. Bloodlines weaving string and water, 2023, is a perforated metal, folded and backlit artwork that brings to life indigenous history and traditional narrative. “Lines of light criss-cross the river and the land. Local routes follow Aboriginal walking tracks. They are the bloodlines that pull us to Country and culture,” says Watson. Her prominent expression of indigenous history lays the foundation of respect, fosters a sense of inclusion among residents, and opens a dialogue about Australia’s significant past. Aria Property Group’s commitment to art and community continues inside the Hope Street lobby, which is a public gallery space to showcase emerging artists, aligning with their mission of the nearby Fish Lane Arts Precinct.

▼立面夜景,night view of the facade © Tom Ferguson

▼澳大利亚艺术家Judy Watson为底部五层裙楼外立面创作的艺术品,the five-story artwork by Australian artist Judy Watson © Mark Nilon

全面健康 Holistic wellness

Upper House住宅综合体位于布里斯班河对岸,与城市的CBD隔江相望,设计的初衷旨在赞颂布里斯班著名的自然美景,同时满足居民集体和个人的健康需求。通过高质量的设计、对自然的包容,以及对居民整体健康的关注,Aria Property Group和Koichi Takada Architects共同创造出最令人向往的市中心居住地,为公众展示出一种令人羡慕的生活方式。

Upper House, situated across Brisbane River from the city’s CBD, began as a vision to celebrate the natural beauty that Brisbane is renowned for, while catering to the collective and individual wellbeing needs of its residents. Together, Aria Property Group and Koichi Takada Architects have created the most desirable inner-city address, which delivers an enviable lifestyle through quality design, the inclusion of nature and a focus on holistic wellness.

▼顶层露台中木制的“茧”,the wooden “cocoon” in the top terrace © Mark Nilon

▼通往“茧”的步道,walkway leading to the “cocoon” © Mark Nilon


The multi-residential tower is the first of its kind, with a double-storey Wellness Club and resident facilities called Upper Club that span two premium rooftop floors. Over 1,000m2 of world-class amenities are designed to foster interaction, build a sense of community and enhance wellbeing. Amenities include infinity pool, spa, saunas, fitness club, yoga studio in and amongst mature tropical landscaping, as well as boardroom, work from home facilities, lounge bar, cinema and private dining and wine cellar.

▼无边泳池夜景,night view of the infinity pool © Mark Nilon

▼无边泳池,infinity pool © Scott Burrows

可持续性、生物多样性和能源优化 Sustainability, biodiversity and optimization Upper House中的所有公寓都享有室外阳台空间,这些阳台向东面的CBD或西面的山区绿色景观开放,同时也能保证居住者的隐私。交错的阳台突出也平衡了自然光线和阴影,同时也与亚热带气候相适应,提高了人们的生活质量。负责任的设计决策贯穿于

Upper House的建设和运营过程中,符合公司的ESD原则。设置节能系统并采用回收和可再生材料资源可最大限度地减少建筑对于生态的影响,并有助于取得积极的环境成果。

All Upper House apartments enjoy outdoor balcony space and are strategically oriented to provide privacy or open out towards views of the CBD to the east or the mountainous green landscape to the west. The staggered balcony protrusions also balance natural light and shade to accommodate an exceptional quality of life in the sub-tropical climate. Responsible design decisions throughout see Upper House built and operating in accordance with the firm’s ESD principles. Energy-efficient systems and adoption of recycled and renewable materials and resources minimize the impact and contribute to positive environmental outcomes.

▼电梯厅,elevator hall © Scott Burrows

▼水疗中心,spa © Scott Burrows

“在当今社会,高层建筑的生活方式已经变得如此孤立,与社区、自然、彼此脱节。在Upper House项目中,我们希望挑战这一点,并建立一种新的垂直生活模式,即,以联系为基础。” “High rise lifestyle has become so detached and disconnected – from the community, from nature, from one another. With Upper House we are looking to challenge that and establish a new model for vertical living that is, at its foundation about connection.”


Upper House住宅综合体,澳大利亚 / Koichi Takada Architects
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