As the ways of life and production in traditional human settlements are experiencing revolutionary changes, the Maotai distillery in Guizhou has been reviving the history and culture of Maotai town and liquor, renovating the urban space and the human settlement. The practice took place in the block once occupied by the former liquor-works of “Chengyi”, “Ronghe”, “Hengxing”.
▼项目概览,project overview
This design aims to integrate Maotai town’s history, terrain, culture, space and landscape in the form of public art. With the notions to restore geographic features and follow traditional style of constructions, we bring back the streets, alleys, buildings, and scenes of living and production in historic areas of traditional liquor works in Yangliuwan during late Qing dynasty and early Republic and during 1950s. It is hoped that in doing so the human settlement of traditional town befitting both commerce and living can be revived, and the spirit and culture of Maotai town carried forward. It is at the same time an innovative research of sustainable development of mountainous towns and an exploration of how traditional regional culture can marry contemporary lifestyle in the process of urbanization.
▼再现杨柳湾传统酿酒工坊重要历史片区的街巷空间,bring back the streets, alleys, buildings, and scenes of living and production in historic areas of traditional liquor works in Yangliuwan
The ancient, modern and contemporary culture of Maotai may be harmonized and imparted by renovating the historical and material environment upon which the culture of national liquor was developed, including the scenery of Yangliuwan, the entire landscape, the traditional architectures as well as the texture the streets and alleys formed.
▼茅台酒传统的制酒活,The traditional process to produce Maotai liquor
The distilling culture of Maotai and the memories of ancestral way of life in Maotai may be revived by re-introducing the production activities and lifestyle as found in mills, jar-works, sealing-works caravans and traditional houses of northern Guizhou.
▼“茅酒之源”文化旅游体验区实景照片, “Origin of Maotai Liquor” cultural tourism experiencing area
A human settlement in accordance with traditional context, contemporary lifestyle, and sustainable development may be created by redesigning the town and the practice of cultural rejuvenation.
▼室内展陈空间,The indoor exhibition area
▼室内展陈细节,The indoor exhibition details
交通体系:爬山街(南北走向)连接杨柳街与赤水河码头,台地半边街(东西走向)与杨柳街平行,街巷交错相连。 街巷美学:南北爬山街(内向型街巷)、东西半边街(观山观水的外向型街巷),串联窖坑遗址广场形成收放有序的街巷美学。 空间形态:遵循典型地域特征,以传统街巷为骨架,组织建筑布局、邻里后院、邻里外坝、街旁小坝和功能性或保护性绿化空间。 视觉肌理:合理控制建筑密度,结合地形和视线分析管控建筑高度,以坡屋面和小青瓦屋顶为主的传统木构建筑形态特征,恢复黔北地区传统小场镇的视觉肌理。
▼“空间结构分析图,spatial structure analysis
规制:遵循清末民初黔北地区的传统民居形制,以穿斗木结构为主。 形态:爬山街两侧采用山地木构、分层筑台、吊脚架空与青瓦坡顶等设计手法,形成次第层叠、店宅结合的场镇街巷空间与建筑形态。 平缓地势设置合院式小天井带檐廊的传统民居建筑,丰富片区内的建筑类型与形态。 风貌:采用不同形态的黔北地区传统式、院落式民居建筑组合,利用山地竖向高差优势,打造杨柳湾酿酒工坊片区独特的山地特色建筑风貌。 功能:恢复与酿酒相关的作坊、当地民俗功能用房、传统民宅。
▼典型大宅院,typical messuage
▼街巷景观,project landscape
▼施工现场,construction site
设计单位:重庆惠庭都市建筑设计事务所、四川美术学院。 Design team: Huiting Architects & Engineers, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute 主创设计:郝大鹏、郭晏麟、朱航 Architect: GUO Yanling, ZHU Hang 位置:中国贵州 Location: Guizhou, China 类型:历史文化的保护与传承 Category: Protection and Inheritance of History and Culture 材料:木材、砖、石材 Material: Wood, Brick, Stone