▽展厅F/G gallery F/G
▽展厅I galleryI
Joona was a person involved with environmental issues and before leaving he asked about the maintenance and energy consumption of the museum. He was told that the carbon footprint of the compound was minimal, because the building energy system was highly efficient. The materials used within the buildings provide a high thermal insulation what brings about a low energy request. Geothermal systems, which use the earth heat, are used to reduce the energy consumption.‘
▽构造分析图 constrction diagram
Since that visit, every time Joona sailed to Helsinki, he saved some time to re-visit the museum. He enjoyed walking by inner streets of the Museum, losing himself and discovering new exhibitions to, finally, sit to read or drink something in front of the bay.
▽一层平面图 1F
▽二层平面图 2F
▽剖面图 section
▽细部剖面图 section detail
Project Title: Guggenheim Helsinki
Location:Helsinki, Finland
Design year:2014
Author:Viar Estudio,Iñigo de Viar, Architect
Collaboration:Edorta Larizgoitia, Architect;Sara Navazo, Architect; Marta Chavarri, internship; Angel Garcia, internship
English Text: Viar Estudio
Viar Estudio