发布时间:2022-03-18 10:58:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Flotation is the imagery that encapsulates our vision for this architecture at the Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA).

▼项目概览,overview of the project ©Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates


▼轴测分析图,axonometric diagram ©EHS ArchiLab, Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates

The Technology and Art Pavilion is an experimental foundation devoted to new media and technology in art. The architecture is composed of several “boxes” of different scales that form the main structural facilities. In addition to performances, exhibitions and lectures, The Pavilion accommodates an operations center, offices, lecture halls, laboratories and workshops.

▼漂浮的大盒子,floating box ©Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates

▼悬挑下方形成灰空间,The overhangs form a grey space below ©Shephotoerd

▼眺望关渡平原,Overlooking the Guandu Plain ©Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates

▼立面细部,facade detail ©Shephotoerd


The design for the Technology and Art Pavilion stems from two parallel concepts: one is to echo the architectural tradition and forms found in TNUA, and the other is to connect with other spaces on the campus to invent a new field for art experimentations.

▼建筑表皮与漫游路径,Building skin and roaming path ©Shephotoerd

▼楼梯通道,circulation space along the facade ©Shephotoerd

然而科技艺术馆做为北艺大新媒体艺术的实验基地,「当代性」甚至于「未来式」该是其建筑精神。因此在设计的策略上则一反原有校园的建筑传统,采用了「抬升」于空中的「黑盒子」和「灰盒子」做为建筑的主体。 「黑盒子」、「灰盒子」的空间定义是机能性的,也是构筑性的。 「黑盒子」的皮层空间有着满足服务机能的坡道连接,同时也是自然通风的风道;「灰盒子」是机能未被明确定义的空间,其包覆的皮层是由外墙与透光的扩张网所组成,有着漫射的光。

Most of the existing buildings are symmetrical structures with inclined roofs and solid buttresses conforming to the sloped contour. Spatially these buildings often composed of atriums and courtyards. As an experimental facility for new media art, however, the new Technology and Art Pavilion is crafted to embody the spirit of the “contemporary” and the “futuristic.” As such its design departs from the traditional styles by deploying “black boxes” and “gray boxes” that hover in mid- air and form the main body of the architecture. The “black boxes” and “gray boxes” are spatially defined to achieve both functionalism and structuralism. The outer spaces, or “skin” of the “black boxes” consisted of ramps satisfying the service function while acting as channels for natural ventilation. In the meantime, the “gray boxes” are spaces of undefined functions, with their “skin” constituting an expansive net to allow transparency and light diffusion.

▼大阶梯,Big step ©Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates

▼由楼梯看向周边环境,View the surrounding environment from the stairs ©Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates

▼楼梯平台,uplift landing ©Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates

▼透过开窗眺望关渡平原, Overlooking the Kuandu Plain through the window ©Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates


The building is situated at the end of the main road on the campus. The site originally was a plaza that leads to the Sports and Swimming Center and was used for bus turnaround and car parking. The site seemed to serve disparate functions. But it commands the most beautiful view of the campus, overlooking the Guandu Plain that stretches for hundreds of miles into the horizon. For this very reason, we deployed four large structures to elevate the enormous boxes and create a “rain cover” underneath. This space continues to serve its original functions of parking lot, turnaround, and the entrance to the Sports and Swimming Center. But It also readily transforms into a site for art exhibitions, student activities and public participatory events. Connecting upward from this space is a wandering path, sometimes adjoining, sometimes probing into the periphery of the black boxes, as you take in the breathtaking view of the vast Guandu Plain.

▼展览空间概览,overview of the exhibition space ©Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates

▼黑盒子,black box ©Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates

▼员工通道,Staff passage ©Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates

▼夕阳中的建筑,The project in the dusk ©Shephotoerd

▼北艺大校园整体平面图,master plan of TNUA ©EHS ArchiLab, Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates

▼总平面图,master plan ©EHS ArchiLab, Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan ©EHS ArchiLab, Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates

▼三层平面图,3F Plan ©EHS ArchiLab, Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates

▼五层平面图,5F Plan ©EHS ArchiLab, Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates

▼立面图,elevations ©EHS ArchiLab, Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates

▼剖面图,sections ©EHS ArchiLab, Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates

建筑设计: EHS ArchiLab, Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates

面积 : 7825 7825平方米

项目年份 : 2021

摄影师 :Yi-Hsien Lee and Associates, Shephotoerd

主创建筑师 : 郭旭原

建筑设计 : EHS ArchiLab, Hsuyuan Kuo Architects & Associates

地点 : 中国台湾


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