发布时间:2023-09-11 20:47:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Recently, CCTV-1 aired the story of Nanshan Cattle-herding Village on “Homes in Beautiful China”. The narrative depicts how this village, located in the northern part of the Nanshan Scenic Area in Chongqing, achieved rural revitalization through the integration of agritourism, to foster a harmonious blend of rural and urban elements. Beyond narrating the evolution of a singular village, the story epitomizes the triumphant implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in Nanshan Cattle-herding Village. Rural revitalization stands as one of the vital tasks outlined in the report to 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Its objective is to comprehensively rejuvenate rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations. As an integral component of the rural revitalization strategy, rural tourism plays a crucial role in fostering rural revival, agricultural development, and increasing farmers’ income and prosperity. Nanshan Cattle-herding Village, as an exemplary rural tourism demonstration village, aims to enhance the rural environment, elevate the quality of rural life, and promote rural tourism development through context-specific micro-renewal design. These efforts further drive the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

▼村头概览,village entrance overview © 日野摄影

设计背景 Design Background

“依南山北,临长江岸,芳草萋萋,翠林葱葱。晨观空谷云雾,暮赏农家炊烟。禅房通幽径,园林映繁花。呈田园野趣美景,伴钟鼓蛙鸣鸟音……”——放牛村赋 “By Nanshan’s northern side, where Yangtze’s waters flow, verdant grasses thrive, emerald woods a-show. at dawn, misty valleys enchant with their hue, and twilight reveals homesteads’ smoke anew. Zen chambers on tranquil paths reside, gardens mirror flowers in a splendid stride. A rustic countryside’s charm unfolds, serene, with chimes, drums, frogs, and birds’ melodic scene…”.— Cattle-herding Village Ode

▼放牛村全貌,Fangniu Village overall view © 日野摄影


Nestled in the northern reaches of Nanshan Scenic Area in Chongqing, Cattle-herding Village derives its name from a remarkable boulder that resembles a grazing cattle, its head facing Tieshanping. With undulating terrain and a profusion of plant species, the village boasts rich forest resources and abundant vegetation, ensuring a thriving natural ecological environment. Historical and cultural assets like Nanshan Temple, Ancient Buddha Temple, and venerable trees further enrich the locale. Cattle-herding Village thrives on the pillars of horticulture, seedlings, and rural tourism, supported by several leisure agriculture zones and clusters of countryside accommodations.

▼俯瞰道路,top view of the roads © 日野摄影


The design is acutely aware that only by anchoring in the renewal and transformation of local culture can it truly take root and flourish in this land. To further develop Cattle-herding Village and enhance its allure and competitiveness in rural tourism, the focus has shifted towards the realm of humanistic arts. Through an analysis of Cattle-herding Village’s local culture, ecological resources, and industrial structure, the design concentrates on humanistic arts. The intention is to use art and humanities as the core, while engaging in re-creation, redevelopment, and reutilization of local elements, aiming to amalgamate art with nature, culture with tourism, thereby crafting a unique and enticing rural tourism destination. Art is poised to be the propellant of future tourism, which then infuses new cultural elements and vitality into rural development.

▼放牛村标牌,village brand sign © 日野摄影

设计思路 Design Thinking


With the theme “Art in Nanshan, Even Cattle-herding is Art”, the design leverages the potent role of culture and empowers art. Employing a contemporary visual language, it re-imagines the local backdrop, and undertakes transformative interventions and image enhancements at key junctures. This approach generates comfortable contrasts and dynamic variations, culminating in the creation of the Hillside International Art Village—a seamless fusion of the artistic realm and authentic rural life.

▼路边的标识,brand sign by the street © 日野摄影

▼logo细部,detail of the logo © 日野摄影


While safeguarding the natural ecological environment, preserving the village’s texture, and conserving its cultural resources, the integration and creation of art are introduced. Through micro-renewal and subtle interventions, a process is undertaken to infuse artistry into Cattle-herding Village’s infrastructure while adding new functionalities. The village is enriched with brand imagery, wayfinding signage, cultural ambiance installations, functional amenities, forest fire prevention structures, and more. By employing a holistic approach, this strategy comprehensively cultivates the establishment of a cultural and tourism brand within the village.

▼提示牌,informative signs © 日野摄影

品牌形象 Brand Image


▼牛文化品牌形象,cattle culture brand sign © 日野摄影

To elevate Cattle-herding Village’s prominence and reputation, the design crafts a unique bovine culture tourism brand with distinctive characteristics, utilizing highly recognizable bovine elements intertwined with culture, novel forms with strong design sensibilities, and vivid color contrasts for visual allure. Embracing the core of Cattle-herding Village’s “Cattle Culture” and “Spirit of the Three Oxen”, this approach, coupled with Picasso’s minimalist style, births a brand image resonating with international aesthetics. The chosen color palette features a bold and vibrant shade of orange, which provides an immediate sense of vitality and joy in an international context. Building upon this brand image, customized fonts and icon designs unique to Cattle-herding Village are derived. The designs are simple yet dynamic, imbued with whimsicality and artistic flair. These lively and engaging visuals become the village’s emblem, seamlessly blending into the rustic landscapes and rural life.

▼品牌形象近景,close-up of brand sign © 日野摄影

导视标识 Wayfinding Signage System


▼标识系统,signature system © 十作设计

▼寻路牌,wayfinding sign © 十作设计

A comprehensive wayfinding signage system not only aids visitors in understanding the village but also provides insight into its unique cultural essence. It presents a well-organized, cultured, and meaningful portrayal of the village’s modern rural identity.

▼宣传板,billboard © 日野摄影

▼警示牌,caution signs © 日野摄影


The design integrates the distinctive branding of Cattle-herding Village into the enhancement of the wayfinding system. By incorporating three-dimensional treatments into the flat visual identity, the design employs clean forms to evoke artistic and exaggerated effects, fostering a more vivid and immediate visual impact. This approach leads to the creation of a comprehensive signage system encompassing overall guides, village entry guidelines, pedestrian direction signs, caution signs, and informative signs. This holistic system serves both functional purposes and enhances the rural tourism experience, facilitating a seamless integration between visitors and Cattle-herding Village.

▼牛雕塑,cattle sculpture © 日野摄影

文化氛围 Cultural Atmosphere


To elevate the overall cultural and artistic ambiance within the village, the design re-imagines the local backdrop through a contemporary visual language. It introduces comfortable contrasts, dynamic conflicts, and rich variations, to infuse every corner with captivating scenery that is both visually appealing and emotionally evocative. By using fluttering ribbons at the entrance, the design interconnects Cattle-herding Village’s theme, to bridge the past, present, and future. These ribbons not only carry celebratory and auspicious symbolism but also establish a ceremonial sense upon entering the village. Standing in the heart of Happiness Square is a spiritual fortress, where the abstract image of bull horns harmonizes with the “Spirit of the Three Oxen”, conveying the symbols of Cattle-herding culture. The form is akin to a blazing flame, embodying positive enthusiasm and the thriving vitality of growth.

▼抽象化牛角雕塑, the abstract image of bull horns © 日野摄影

▼造型如同一把燃烧的火焰,the form is akin to a blazing flame © 日野摄影


The design of the bus station incorporates the phonetic spelling of “Cattle-herding”, which brings a unique visual impact that adds playfulness and artistic flair, and reduces the monotony during waiting. The road banners, designed with hollowed-out techniques, offer a framed view of the rural scenery, capturing the beauty of nature in a still frame.

▼公交车站概览,overview of the bus station © 日野摄影

▼公交车站细部,close-up of the bus station © 日野摄影


The design skillfully employs the ecological and harmoniously livable environment of Cattle-herding Village, weaving visual elements to craft a picturesque rural tableau. This approach enhances the public’s and villagers’ sense of belonging, identity, and pride in their environment. Wandering amidst the scenic mountains and woods, one encounters unexpected moments of delight, like nature’s spirits and the very essence of the village itself.

▼融入自然的标识设计,Sign design weaved into nature © 日野摄影

森林防火构筑物 Forest Fire Prevention Structures


To safeguard the rural ecological environment and support rural tourism development, the design incorporates multifunctional facilities with fire prevention capabilities. These structures serve the dual purpose of securely storing forest fire prevention materials and meeting firefighting needs while also offering visitors a landscape for interactive rural experiences. By effectively utilizing the open public spaces within the village, they can be employed for convenient commercial purposes and hosting various rural cultural activities, thus enhancing the cohesion of the rural community. Simultaneously, aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces also serve as better leisure and entertainment venues for tourists, which strengthens the populace’s sense of identification with the village environment and enriches the overall rural leisure experience.

▼森林防火站,forest fire station © 日野摄影


Leveraging art as its fulcrum and rooted in local culture, the micro-renewal in Cattle-herding Village center around the development of cultural and artistic tourism, which offers visitors distinctive art experiences and opportunities for cultural exchange. Amidst the scenic beauty of the countryside, it crafts a unique and captivating rural tourism destination.

▼总平面图,site plan

项目名称:重庆南山放牛村微更新 项目类型:品牌形象|导视标识|文化氛围装置|功能配套设施|森林防火构筑物 设计团队:10Design十作设计 摄影团队:日野摄影

Project Information Project Name: Micro-renewal for Nanshan Cattle-herding Village, Chongqing Project Type: Brand Identity | Wayfinding Signage | Cultural Ambiance Installations | Functional Amenities | Forest Fire Prevention Structures Design Team: 10Design Photography Team: HINO


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