发布时间:2021-09-10 06:07:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


ToThree: The IN Art Center is a floating crystal palace built by SUNAC, along the New Botanic Garden in Qujiang District of Xi’an. We were inspired by the architecture at the first sight. So we created a logo with the visual effect of floating, which became the core spirit of the whole environmental visual system including the installation, signage system as well as landscape furniture.

▼在场地上构建艺术装置 Build an art installation on the site

▼建筑主体“空中水晶宫”Building main body“crystal palace in the sky”

品牌形象 The logo of the project

Logo 图形来自于汉字”曲”方正的字型结构和呈方格型的西安古城格局,图形与文字的组合关系对应着艺术中心这个”漂浮的玻璃盒子”的建筑形态。动态的 Logo 图形就像能够被风吹动,不停的翻转,轻快灵巧。

The logo takes the structure of the first character of the project’s Chinese name, which also portrays the layout of the old Xi’an city. To echo the ethereal concept, the logo is presented with motion effect, flipping airily, looking like being touched by a breeze.

▼LOGO 在建筑入口的使用状态 The logo at the entrance

▼品牌形象 logo 设计 The logo of the project


When the logo appears in the space, a specially designed installment was applied to make sure the connection with the wall is invisible, so that the logo at the entrance looks ethereal like the graphic one.

▼品牌 LOGO 在室内前台背景墙的使用状态 The logo on the backdrop at reception

公共艺术 – 曲江³漂浮 The installation“The Mirror Space”西安曲江印艺术中心入口的“曲江³漂浮”装置,由 6 万多块双镜面不锈钢方块均置排布而成,这些源自于 logo 图形的镜面散布在入口,构成的一个虚缈的立方网络,创造出沉浸式的漂浮体验空间。

The installation at the entrance is a cubic array formed by 60,000 stainless steel sheets, which find their origin in the grid-like logo. As huge as the installation is, it is still ethereal and exquisite because the steel sheets are mirror finished on both sides.


When people pass by the installation through the passage inside of it, everything flickers as the mirrors at different heights reflect the light and surroundings at different angles. It creates a futuristic scene where the space and time look like have been reprogrammed.



The mirror array is like light waves diffused in the space. It is so indescribable though it is visible and touchable. It creates a memorable interface for the project, which attracts people’s attention and triggers their thinking.

景观家具 & 导示设计 Landscape Furniture and Signage System


The smallest floating cubes formed by the mirror steel sheets are the lawn lamps. A variety of details and changes are created in the daylight and lights due to the composition of the lamp.


At certain angles, people can see the big cube and small cube at the same time


The signage system also talks in the same language, simple and concise, emphasizing the nature of the material and the structure. The two stainless steel boards form the main body of the sign, creating a strong contrast of virtuality and reality.


The project image sign is in a huge volume in order to make it visible to the drivers, as it faces the main roads of the city. At the same time, to make it less intruding, we integrated it with the landform, so that it looks like grown out of the slope.

基本形的构成要素为视觉系统向室内的延展提供了灵活的表达方式,50 毫米厚的方块水晶叠合构成了垃圾桶,与典雅现代的室内环境浑然一体。在使用过程中,扭曲后的形体更显张力,与室内的水晶陈设艺术品相呼应,被客户称其为具有艺术气质的垃圾桶。

The basic visual element extends to the interior signs and furniture: Crystal blocks of 50mm thick stacked up and form a trash bin. The twisted shape makes it more tensile. Overall the trash bin is like a part of the artworks display in the art center.


Explore further of the basic element, the brass blocks are stacked into the signs for restrooms and other functional rooms.


Other way finding information is presented in a more neutral way. The brass words and characters are inlayed into the wall, and finished with a level surface. It may look effortless; it is actually a result of strict implementation control and thorough craftsmanship.


The covers of fire hydrant and exhaust controlling system are unified into the signage system.

结语 conclusion

在曲江印艺术中心,这些分布于空间中的方块层叠、穿插、阵列构成的公共艺术装置和环境设施,与建筑景观空间一起塑造着场所的精神活力,设计上清晰的意图和逻辑的连贯性,使得各专业在设计生成上具有思想上的一致性,营造出超脱于世的场所空间与美学境界,将人们从日常生活中解放出来去追寻那漂浮于心间的精神世界,追寻那漂浮于西安之上的一片乌托邦。Through stacking, interleaving, and arraying, the squares sheets and blocks form the installation, the signs and some of the environmental facilities, shaping the spirit of the space together with the architecture and landscape. The clear intention and logic make the design of different disciplines coherent as a whole, creating an ethereal space aesthetic state. It liberates people from daily routine to experience the spiritual world, to pursue the utopia hovering in their mind.







其它专业:gad 建筑设计、T.R.O.P 景观设计、CCD 室内设计




Project: The Grand Milestone (IN Art Center)Location: Xi’an

Client: Sunac Xi’an

Design management: Zhang Deng, Wang Yang, Wu Xin, Xian Rui, Liu Xiuming, Zhang Yang

Design: ToThree

Design Team: HeYang, Liu Wenbo, Zhang Rui, Le Yi, Zhang Linna, Gao Jinxiao, Zhang Peinan, Li Pengfei, Wang Qixing, Jiang Xuhui

Partners: GAD Architecture, T.R.O.P Landscape, CCD Interior

Manufacturing: Tiantian Jingyi

Photograph: He Yang,Liu Wenbo, Zhang Peinan, Zhang Rui

Special thanks to Sunac Xian and Holi Photograph for the Architecture photos and landscape bird view photo.


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