发布时间:2019-10-25 02:33:23 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

埃尔萨景观:承德四季度假国际滑雪小镇项目项目总占地 10 平方公里,共包括 11 个地块,分三期开发,景观总体面积约 711 公顷,建设用地占地面积约 287 公顷;ALSA 景观设计事务所参与其景观总体规划及概念设计的国际竞赛投标。在众多国内外一流设计单位的竞赛中获得评审高度评价,以综合实力名列第二。

河北省被京津两市包围,为首都的“后花园”。项目基地位于其东北部承德市中心城区。项目基地距离北京市 230 公里(约 2.5 小时车程),天津市 300 公里(约 3 小时车程),有良好的基础客源市场。新机场航线往返上海、香港及华南城市,为拓展南方市场提供可能。项目基地位于城市历史风貌轴线,得天独厚的历史文脉区位,延续避暑山庄度假生活方式。

ALSA: Chengde four seasons international resort ski town project covers a total area of 10 square kilometers, including a total of 11 plots, divided into three stages of development. The total landscape area is about 711 hectares, and the construction land area is about 287 hectares. ALSA participated in the international competition bidding for its landscape master plan and concept design. In many domestic and foreign first-class design company in the competition, with comprehensive ability ranked second.

Surrounded by Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei province is the “back yard garden” of the capital. The project base is located in the center of Chengde city. The project base is 230 kilometers away from Beijing (about 2.5 hours drive) and 300 kilometers away from Tianjin (about 3 hours drive). The new airport service between Shanghai, Hong Kong, and south China offers the possibility to expand the southern market. The project base is located in the axis of the city’s historical features, advantaged historical context location, and continues the summer resort vacation lifestyle.

▼基地地理位置分析 Site location analysis


The site is combined by mountain and valley, the southwest side is the highest spot and slope off to northeast side. Some spot of the ridge have great view to downtown and mountains in the distance.

基地地理地形分析 Site geography topographic analysis


A good side is the resource for the good design. According to the site visit, we found the site has excellent natural landscape condition with various level change and classes landscape elements, from flatlands to valley, brea to cliff, meander footpath to rivulet, wetland planting to evergreen tree on mountain peak. Those landscape elements can create great potential for landscape design.

▼基地现场地形分析 Site field topographic analysis

概念思考 Concept thinking

承德,拥有天独厚的地理环境,四季交错的自然风光,历史悠久的传统文化。针对承德独特特质提取”树””水””石”串联古今的自然元素,并通过贯穿设计的三大途径 (“significant”象征,“system”运用以及“service”应用) 形成景观规划的设计手段。


By the unique geographical condition with seasonal natural landscape and traditional history, chengdi has specific characteristic. “Tree” “water” and “stone” is the element to link the ancient and modern, which can connect by the three approach as the design strategy.

The elements, “tree” “water” “stone” are the main part in the landscape design in various way. Our proposal is considering about the roles they can play in landscape architecture design in the following approachs. In the traditional culture of China, mountains and water, trees and stones always appear in pairs, and they are in harmony. It contains the way to survive in harmony with nature. Adapting to local conditions, respecting nature creates a unique landscape, so that everyone who walks into it is immersed in it, and tastes the simple relationship between man and nature.

▼一草一树一山一石一湖一水 Grass tree mountain stone lake and water

整体规划策略 The overall landscape planning


The overall landscape planning is built on the basis of optimizing the original architectural layout, respecting the natural advantages and opportunities brought by the site, and ensuring the reasonable distribution of functional areas through the terrain trend. The most important thing is to establish a traffic network and an ecological network.

▼项目规划布局 Landscape planning proposal

水系设计策略 The landscape water strategy


The only water on site is located at the valley between two mountains. Base on topography information, the potential to enlarge the water area is remarkable. Various water pool would be created in the valley.

▼景观水系分析 Landscape water analysis


Because of the limitation condition, natural water is limited. Water collection and recycle is the one of the most important landscape strategy for this project, which can improve the microclimate and natural environment, ensure adequate water resources, and create the water condition for water activities in summer and the snowfall for winter.

▼景观水系策略 Landscape water proposal

ALSA 规划采用了四种不同的集水方式,分别是生态集水、道路集水、建筑集水以及污水集水。生态集水,道路集水和建筑集水都是以自然雨水为水源,生态集水通过地表径流与地下径流,流向在本山坡上不同高度上规划了满足生态过滤的洼地,道路集水则是在道路两侧设置排洪渠道收集雨水经过的地下过滤与净化,而建筑集水需要在建筑设计阶段配合满足水生态设计,如通过绿色屋顶和有序排水系统收集水源,最终所有水源都将有序流人规划的蓄水区域等待循环利用。另外还有场地中所产生的生活污水也可作为重要循环水源。

ALSA adopt four different water collection methods in the planning, which are ecological water collection, road water collection, building water collection and sewage water collection. Ecological drainage, road drainageand building water catchment are all based on natural rainwater as the source of water. In ecological drainage water flows through surface run off and underground run off to the depression that we have planned to meet ecological filtration at different heights on the hillside. Road drainage is the way for underground filtration and purification of rainwater collected by drainage channels on both sides of the road. For collecting water in buildings, it is necessary to meet the water ecological design during the architectural design, such as collecting water through green roof and orderly drainage system, and finally all water will flow to the planned storage area in an orderly manner for recycling. In addition, the sewage produced by the lock in the site can also be used as an important circulating water source.

植被设计策略 The landscape plant strategy


The natural landscape of the mountain is dominated by arbor. In order to increase the amount of greening of the mountain and the ornamental of the four seasons, the landscape plant strategy is to increase the ever green trees such as spruce and pine, while retaining the original pear landscape and replanting in the surrounding area. More pear trees and rhododendrons, the adjacent water vegetation retains the original ecological feeling, adding white birch to increasing the color change of vegetation.

▼景观四季植被设计 Landscapeplantingdesign

▼景观细部节点设计 Landscape detail proposal


This landscape planning not only focuses on the ecological problems, but also considers the balance between project planning and later use. Including traffic flow, passenger evacuation, road planning, vehicle parking, and tour route and content planning and layout. The original planning scheme has been optimized to a great extent and different landscape strategies have been put forward.

▼景观总平面 Master plan

▼景观剖面关系 Section

季节对比 Seasonal different

季节适应性游乐设计策略 Seasonal adaptive amusement design strategy

景区游玩项目规划是未来项目吸引游客的重心之一,如何考虑一年因季节变化所针对的不同游乐项目,ALSA 也提出来相应的设计策略。ALSA 提出将游乐项目分为常年项目与冬季项目两大类型,并且在项目场地使用上可以因季节相互转换,保证四季变化给项目地最大的潜力。

Tourism project planning in scenic spots is one of the focuses to attract tourists for future projects. ALSA also proposes corresponding design strategies on how to consider different amusement projects in a year due to seasonal changes. ALSA proposed to divide the amusement program into two types: perennial program and winter program, and the use of the program site can be installed and changed according to the season, so as to ensure the maximum potential of the program site due to the change of seasons.

夏季山体景观效果 Mountain view in Summer

冬季滑雪场效果 Ski resort in Winter

▼冬季景观入口效果 Winter entrance

夏季主入口广场效果 Entrance plaza in Summer

▼秋季溪流景观效果 Waterscape in Fall

▼春季山体景观效果 Mountain view in Spring

夏季滑索缆车景观效果 The cable car along the hill

冬季温泉度假区效果 Spring area in Winter

设计总结 Design conclusion





About the design thinking for this project, what we done is find the site limitation, look for opportunities for design, emphasize the functions and theme to creates the bigger ecological landscaping possibility.

The resort for four seasons, all day and all ages is the priority character for this project. Chengde has natural conditions and feature attractions with traditional local characteristic. Three natural elements “tree” “water” “stone” is pushed out by means of the analysis from site information, to remind the needs and attention for the importance of the high quality natural environmentin resort, and uses three different angles to transform the elements tolandscape design.

Seasonal change brings more opportunities for the landscape planning. Natural sceneryand seasonal activities are considered in landscape strategy, for instance, people can admire the beauty of flowers in spring, have water activities during summer, hiking in fall and skiing in winter. The landscape way is used to bringpeople cross the attractive valley.

The another important aspect is ecological protection. In order to keep the advantageous natural conditions, some eco-way for landscape design is proposed, such as have more plants, using environment-friendlymaterial, keep the mountain structure and have the efficient water recycle system to insure the sustainable development for resort.



项目面积:287 公顷



主创及设计团队:皮埃尔 阿兰、赖韵琪、张惠英、潘贤乐、赵娟


Project Name: Chengde four seasons international resort ski town

Completion: January 2020

Project Area: 287 hectares

Project Location: Chengde City, Hebei Province, China

Design Company: ALSA

Leader Designer & Team: Pierre Alain Freour, Lai Yunqi, Zhang Huiying, Pan Xianle, Zhao Juan

Client/Developer: CITIC Group


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