Cooker’s Gourmet咖啡屋身处于莫斯科市中心一处充满活跃氛围的地区Kuznetsky Most。它以简单却精致的快捷餐饮,为当地民众带来了新鲜的城市体验。这儿的常客们早就表现出对声名狼藉的卢比扬卡氛围的唾弃,并迫切希望将革命前的开放自由带回这里。而这间建造于112年前的咖啡馆,便成为历史的见证地,是历史与未来的交汇处。
Discovered right in the very centre of Moscow, a lively, emanating energy and thrill area of Kuznetsky Most, Cooker’s Gourmet Cafe has stunned the city with its novelty: a gourmet bistrot offering affordable but exquisite food served fast. Its regulars being so desperate to force out the atmosphere of the notorious Lubyanka and to bring back the ambience of pre-revolutionary openness and freedom into the area, the cafe, built 112 years ago, adds to it and serves as a point to reunite the past and the future, excess with modesty, to join 1905 and 2017.
▼咖啡馆内部,interior view
Veter Design has attempted to infuse the walls of the cafe with the concept, matching the unmatchable: blending brutal frame with subtle stuffing, combining intricate with rough and simple, drawing those seeking time efficiency, so crucial and indispensable for Moscow, but unwilling to refuse from savouring truly delicious food. Modest size was offset with imposing details so as to disguise lack of space: huge mirrors, golden and blue ones, reflect each other and emphasize shaggy walls. Marble breccia, so typical of Russia, is the base for the space, its floor, inspired by the lake starting cracking in spring, addind to the weightlessness and freshness of the place. Mesmerizing copper along with navy blue reminiscent of classic Russian train compartments make up an unexpected, fresh and at the same time grounded impression, uniting elegance with everyday life.
▼金色和蓝色的镜子在空间内彼此映射,huge golden and blue mirrors reflect each other
▼怀旧蓝营造熟悉的氛围,navy blue reminiscent of classic Russian train
▼角砾岩作为空间内部的主要肌理,marble breccia is the base for the space
▼大理石地面的色彩与肌理和细腻的家具肌理及色彩形成鲜明对比,the texture and color of the marble plays a contrast with the texture and color of the furniture
Architects: Veter Design & Architecture Project: Cooker’s Gourmet Cafe Location: Moscow, Russia. Year completed: June, 2017. Area: 100 sqm. Photography: Mikhail Loskutov.