终身制盲人住房以振兴托特纳姆热刺。Apex House 是 John McAslan + Partners 的优质再生项目,由三座相互连接的砖砌建筑群组成,位于伦敦北部七姐妹路和托特纳姆高路的交界处,高达 23 层。
一座 23 层高的塔楼、一座六层和四层的大楼共同构成了一个以新广场为中心的住宅地标,该广场包括 163 套公寓,其中 60% 用于私人租赁部门,40% 用于经济适用房。这个以住宅为主导的项目还可能包含一个新的七姐妹市场,重振深受喜爱的当地机构。
Tenure blind housing to revitalise Tottenham. Apex House, a high-quality regeneration project by John McAslan + Partners, is a cluster of three inter-connected brick-clad buildings rising to a peak of 23-storeys over the junction of Seven Sisters Road and Tottenham High Road in north London. Together, a 23-storey tower, a six- and a four-storey block form a residential landmark centred on a new piazza comprising 163 apartments, sixty per cent for the private rental sector and forty per cent affordable housing. The residential-led project may also incorporate a new Seven Sisters market, reviving a much-loved local institution.
标志着七姐妹再生项目的第一阶段,Apex House 是一个突出的结构,旨在从周围街道的不同方面看到。托特纳姆高路呈现出纤细的轮廓,它沿着七姐妹路拓宽,在零售单位上方的四层楼中设有公寓,包括用于室内市场的空间。预计居民每年将在当地商店花费 340 万英镑。
Marking the first phase of the Seven Sisters Regeneration Project, Apex House is a prominent structure designed to be seen from different aspects from surrounding streets. Presenting a slim profile to Tottenham High Road, it broadens out along Seven Sisters Road with apartments in the four-storey block set above retail units including space for an indoor market. Residents are projected to spend an annual £3.4 million in local shops.
该设计。Apex House 的雕刻体量具有明确定义的底座、铰接式边缘和仔细考虑的屋顶景观,为由两条特别繁忙的主干道的直线定义的街景贡献了建筑多样性。同时,建筑物的规模和体量允许高密度的住房,最大数量的双向公寓和私人阳台。屋顶露台为居民提供全方位的城市景观。
The Design. With a clearly defined base, articulated edges and a carefully considered roofscape, the sculpted volumes of Apex House contribute architectural variety to a streetscape defined by the straight lines of two particularly busy arterial roads. At the same time, the scale and massing of the buildings allows for a high density of housing with a maximum number of dual-aspect apartments and private balconies. Roof terraces offer residents views across the city in all directions.
Apex House 的混凝土框架是用砖砌成的。以两种色调和各种图案,这些使结构充满活力,同时反映了使用砖作为七姐妹区常见建筑材料的情况。该结构以其创新和广泛使用超高性能纤维增强混凝土板(UHPFRC)而著称。轻薄,这些特点是浇铸砖块,无需手工铺设和设置砖块即可快速施工。
The concrete frames of Apex House are clad in brick. In two tones and with a variety of patterns, these animate the structure while reflecting the use of brick as a common building material in the Seven Sisters district. The structure is notable for its innovative and extensive use of ultra-high-performance fibre reinforced concrete panels (UHPFRC). Thin and light, these feature cast brick slips allowing rapid construction without the need for hand-laying and setting bricks.
该系统被 John McAslan + Partners 项目团队描述为与典型预制件相比非常高效,使用 1/3 到 1/2 的典型混凝土。例如,与尝试在托特纳姆热刺多风的道路上手工砌筑 25 层高的砖块相比,这种施工方法的质量控制和可建造性要高得多。直接雇用的290多名工人在现场工作。
This system is described by the John McAslan + Partners project team as incredibly efficient compared to typical pre-cast, using 1/3 to 1/2 of typical concrete. For example, quality control and buildability are much higher with this method of construction when compared to trying to hand setting bricks 25 storeys up on a windy road in Tottenham. More than 290 labourers employed directly worked on the site.
Apex House 受 Grainger plc 委托,该公司成立于 1912 年,如今是英国最大的住宅出租房东。除了配备齐全的现代公寓外,该开发项目还为居民提供超高速 Wi-Fi、24 小时健身房、包裹寄存处、居民休息室和共同工作区。得益于良好的公共交通连接,Apex House 还提供充足的自行车停放设施,但没有停车场,反映了 2021 年年轻一代伦敦人的生活方式选择。
Apex House has been commissioned by Grainger plc, founded in 1912 and today the UK’s largest residential rental landlord. Along with fully furnished modern flats, the development provides residents with superfast wi-fi, a 24-hour gym, parcel storage, a residents’ lounge and a co-working area. Benefitting from excellent public transport links, Apex House also offers ample provision for bicycles but no car parking, reflecting the lifestyle choices of a younger generation of Londoners in 2021.
建筑师:John McAslan + Partners
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