無盡的連接 endless connection
Arrow Electronics Limited_Hong Kong Head-office
The Arrow office based around particular planning, A special planning was designed by a new schematic design package contains a simple layout. "Infinity connection", a simple lighting rig and fresh mood, creating an intense focus for the office.
In the words of the entrants. The main concept come from our client. Arrow, is a electronics development company. Many brainstorming was inspired by the original logo, which use nine pieces of V-shape to combine together. Because of different kind of department in one company, we hope that some elements of the logo can use in our design, like the smooth curve, the different size of degree.This idea is circuit board as part as different kinds of department, it creates a many cooperation by each group, in which provide a chance for client and staff to experience this package.
In visualization of hold office, it mainly used a white, brown, green color and glass partition which created a highly contrast inside the office. The material used wooden veneer combine together the color tone and partition. It matching a white furniture to create a mood be more sense of weight. The general office use a open-office, it can obsorb more sky lighting. The working team rallied after the sunlight.