Denmark Novo Nordisk Nature Park
设计方:SLA Architects
该项目公园的总体设计理念是两位伟大的思考者Soren Kierkegaard和Friedrich Nietzsche在散步时突发灵感,进而提出来的。蜿蜒曲折的小路遍布整个公园,穿梭于公园内的各个生物小区之间,不过设计团队这样安排是为了最大限度的为场地空间创造多样性。虽然公园中的小路很多,但还是设有一条大路,人们只要沿着大路走下去,便可以将整个公园参观一遍。同时,公园路径的设计也使得员工们在公园内更容易遇见同事,公司可以在这里进行“边走边谈”式的户外会议。若要想从A区直接到达B区是不可能的,因为公园内没有一条小路可以从一个地方直接通往另一个地方,它们往往在各生物小区间来回曲折,尽量将到达两个目的地之间的距离拉到最长,方便员工在到达目的地的路上发挥创造性思维,想出创造性的解决方案,也为了增加员工在路上偶遇同事的机会,加深同事间的关系。另一个设计方面是灯光,该公园的灯光设计在整个自然公园的设计中是必不可少的一部分。白天,各种植物和树叶在阳光的照耀下,在白色的大理石路上投下了闪烁的光影斑点。而到了晚上,整个公园被白色的灯光点亮,公园的植被在灯光映射下多了一层动感和一份天然环境的色彩。
The park’s overall design concept is founded on great thinkers like Soren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche who got their best ideas while walking. The paths wind up and down through the park’s topography and in and out of biotopes to create maximum spatial variety. The paths of course provide general access around the site and from one building to another; but they also make it convenient and indeed inevitable for employees to meet their colleagues and arrange walk-and-talk meetings outdoors. The paths never lead the shortest way from A to B, but wind their way between the biotopes in order to make each trip long enough for the employees to think creative thoughts and meet others on their way. Lighting also plays an integral part in the design of the nature park. During daytime, the sunlight will allow the vegetation and the leaves to cast weaving shadows on the gleaming white concrete of the paths. In the evening the landscape is lit up by carefully aligned tones of white light which highlights and enhance the natural colors and movements of the vegetation.
丹麦Novo Nordisk自然公园外部实景图
丹麦Novo Nordisk自然公园外部小树林实景图
丹麦Novo Nordisk自然公园外部局部实景图
丹麦Novo Nordisk自然公园外部夜景实景图
丹麦Novo Nordisk自然公园剖面图