Crossboundaries为Qimoo 童装品牌店铺的设计,颠覆以往传统服装店铺分散布置的格局,通过集各种功能为一体、又具有高度统一性和整合性的“种子”概念,开创了儿童服装店铺的全新体验。引人注目的外形和独特概念让所有到访者眼前一亮。与此同时,专门为孩子们设计的玩耍空间,让孩子们在购物的同时获得乐趣。整个空间以“种子”为中心,所有元素都从其中自然生长而出。
Children’s apparel brand Qimoos’ flagship store is not your conventional shop. Crossboundaries’ approach was to provide a child friendly shopping experience, integrated into one single element. Expressed as a ‘seed’ which grows into the retail space, it showcases the Qimoo brand and contains all the functional elements required. Contradicting the norms of a conventional clothes shop, the giant seed creates a curiosity against its neighboring competitors. Popping up in a shopping mall it attracts all passersby, adults and children alike, to explore its contents.
▼集各种功能为一体、又具有高度统一性和整合性的“种子”概念,开创了儿童服装店铺的全新体验, Expressed as a ‘seed’ which grows into the retail space, it showcases the Qimoo brand and contains all the functional elements required.
▼具有极强冲击力巨型“种子”,圆形设计憨态可掬,The vivid seed as an attraction, Circular design is
charmingly naive
▼集展示,试衣,储藏功能为一体,it unifies the functions of display, fitting and storage
▼从种子的根基出发,延展至地面及墙体——墙面上的圆环的演变成不同的功能,如镜子、logo墙、品牌VI形象等,The seed’s form determines the patterns that spiral out onto the floor and up on the walls, designating the locations of further functions: mirrors, logo, the brand VI, etc.
▼别出心裁地引入了可供儿童玩耍、休息的通道空间,Integrated into the body of the seed is a series of play spaces: cave-like spaces for children to explore in multiple directions.
The vivid seed is not just an attraction; it unifies the functions of display, fitting and storage. Resulting in a single element which customers can move around and through, a spatial experience that differs from other stores – like the uniqueness of the Qimoo brand.
In addition to the necessary functions and desires of aretail experience is the inclusion of Qimoo’s vision to lead kids in adventures of the imagination. Integrated into the body of the seed is a series of play spaces: cave-like spaces for children to explore in multiple directions. Soft chairs spill out on the edges, providing a landscape for children to entertain themselves while their guardians shop for their clothes.
What first appears to be a simple volume within a space is in fact a strategic relationship of two parts, the seed and the space it sits in. The seed’s form determines the patterns that spiral out onto the floor and up on the walls, designating the locations of further functions: mirrors, logo, the brand VI, etc.
Flexible with an overall logic, the design has the ability to be modified and applied in multiple locations, offering systematic yet customized modules, patterns, sizes and positions.
Crossboundaries’ design presents a new concept to Qimoo, through a single and whole expression that injects a new retail vision, holding a strong conceptual thinking and logic. Besides function and concept it responds to its users’ needs, especially children, by integrating playful elements, breaking the norms of the conventional shopping experience.
首店建筑面积:96 平方米
负责合伙人:蓝冰可(Binke Lenhardt), 董灏
团队:崔雨柔, 汤佳音, Libny Pacheco, Andra Ciocoiu, 谈可斌
Project: Qimoo Children’s Apparel, Chain Store Concept
Client: Rosemoo Clothing Co.
Commission Time: 2016.04
First Store Realized: 2016.10
Stores: Xian (two realized), Beijing (one under construction)
Partners in Charge: Binke Lenhardt, DONG Hao
Design Team: Cynthia Cui, TANG Dian, Libny Pacheco, Andra Ciocoiu, TAN Kebin
Animation and Rendering: WANG Xudong
Photography: Yang Chaoying