发布时间:2020-12-01 14:55:17 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


In an old industrial building that was once a flourishing hub for world-famous inventions, Hungarian dance has found a new home. The former Ganz factory, which had its heyday at the end of the 19th century, was not just a symbol of Hungarian industry, but also a cradle for a generation of Hungarian scientists who lent extraordinary creative impetus to the world. The factory hall, now home to the National Dance Theatre, hosted the creative endeavours of internationally renowned engineers and scientists, and several defining inventions such as the transformer and the dynamo were conceived there. The new building is thus a forum where science and culture meet, where experimental genres, folk dance, contemporary dance, as well as classical ballet, are all given a stage. At the same time, the building is not only a cultural and artistic space, but also a meeting point in one of Budapest’s regenerated parks.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Zsolt Hlinka


The previous home of the National Dance Theatre was a monastery converted into a theatre that provided limited technical possibilities for presenting a broad repertoire of dance genres. The site chosen for the new building was an industrial hall in one of the capital’s parks, which in the 19th century was one of the buildings of the Ganz factory. The factory was closed during the change of regime, then transformed into a public park, and the industrial buildings were converted into exhibition and studio spaces.

▼大厅,引人注目的天花,lobby with attractive ceiling ©Zsolt Hlinka


When designing the new theatre building, the architects had a dual objective: to emphasise the virtues of the existing industrial building, and to transform the space to meet the diverse current and future needs of the dance profession. A new wing and facade was added to the previously closed-off industrial hall, which connects it to the park, open and inviting. The see-through lobby is part of both the park and the theatre: it serves not only to receive visitors but is also a vibrant community and cultural space where art, human interaction and recreation are present simultaneously.

▼透明的前厅,可进行小型舞蹈表演,transparent lobby for small-scaled dancing performance ©Zsolt Hlinka

▼等候区,waiting area ©Dániel Dömölky

▼楼梯可以作为观众席,steps act as spectator seats ©Zsolt Hlinka

▼木制天花细部,closer view to the wooden ceiling ©Dániel Dömölky

▼楼梯间,staircase ©Zsolt Hlinka


The industrial hall can be thought of as a three-nave cathedral, the central element of which is a large hall for 368 people converted into a multifunctional theatre space. The stage area, equipped with modern theatre technology, can be adapted to the broad repertoire of the dance profession, to its current and future needs, but other events such as concerts and gala dinners can also be held in it.  The detachable, mobile chair system of the auditorium, which can be moved to the side if necessary, also serves this purpose.

▼多功能剧场,multi-functional theater ©Zsolt Hlinka


The small hall suspended over the lobby is a space for experimentation, which also functions as a theatre for staging a variety of genres. By moving the mobile curtain system, the acoustic environment can also be changed, making the sound of the room sharper or duller.  A sound studio has also been set up in the building to expand the artistic potential of the dance productions, and there are also two large rehearsal rooms in the dance theatre.

▼小剧场,small hall ©Zsolt Hlinka

▼夜景,night view ©Zsolt Hlinka

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©Zoboki Design And Architecture

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Zoboki Design And Architecture

▼三层平面图,third floor plan ©Zoboki Design And Architecture

完工年份:2019 占地面积:8000平方米 项目地址:匈牙利布达佩斯

领衔设计:左博基·加博尔(Zoboki Gábor),欧尔罗维齐·鲍拉日(Orlovits Balázs),兰代·安德拉什(Lente András) 设计团队:亚诺希·约翰纳(Jánossy Johanna),海拜什·米克洛什(Heppes Miklós),费凯代·奥蒂拉(Fekete Attila),萨博·沃蕾丽亚(Szabó Valéria) 委托方:千禧科学文化非营利公司,国家舞蹈剧院 工程人员:菲尔耶什·安多尔(Fürjes Andor),托姆保伊·茹饶(Tompai Zsuzsa), 班采·佐尔担(Bencze Zoltán),科尧·班采(Kólya Bencze), 拜尔泽泰伊·拉斯洛(Berzétei László),沙皮·亚诺什(Sápi János),楚保·班代古兹(Csuba Bendegúz)

Completion Year: 2019 Gross Built Area: 8000 m2 Project location: Budapest, Hungary

Lead Architects: Gábor Zoboki, Balázs Orlovits, András Lente Design Team: Johanna Jánossy, Miklós Heppes, Attila Fekete, Valéria Szabó Clients: Millenáris Tudományos Kulturális Nonprofit Kft., Nemzeti Táncszínház Engineering: Andor Fürjes, Zsuzsa Tompai, Zoltán Bencze, Bencze Kólya, László Berzétei, László Lukács, János Sápi, Bendegúz Csuba


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