Inspired by Kintsugi – the Japanese philosophy and art of repairing – the transformation of Uppsala Town Hall visibly repairs and restores the old old town hall while adding new qualities through modern building techniques and technology. Fifty-seven years after Uppsala Town Hall first opened, it is now finally fulfilling its original purpose. Uppsala Town Hall was recently awarded the Swedish Building of the Year 2022.
▼项目外观,Exterior view
Henning Larsen事务所与SLA和Tyréns进行合作,为瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩北部的乌普萨拉市改造并扩建了既有的市政厅建筑。正如所有的建筑项目一样,改造需要对建筑背景进行深入的研究,以充分了解其社会、环境和历史条件。在此之外,还需要对周围其他的建筑作品进行探索,以借助当下的建筑环境来审视过去。乌普萨拉市政厅的设计也同样遵循了这样的思路。
In collaboration with SLA and Tyréns, Henning Larsen has designed an extensive transformation and extension of the Swedish town hall for Uppsala Municipality Arenas and Properties north of the Swedish capital Stockholm. Like every architectural project, a transformation calls for a deep dive into the context to fully unfold the social, environmental, and historical conditions. But, in addition, it also includes an exciting exploration into the work of others, investigating the past through the built environment. The design of the newly inaugurated Uppsala Town Hall is no exception to this.
▼市政厅入口立面,Entrance facade of the Uppsala Town Hall
Unfinished Business
由Erik和Tore Ahlsén提出的晚期现代主义设计,其构想是修建四座5层高的建筑体量,并使它们围绕于中央的户外庭院。然而,由于施工过程中遇到的财政困难,项目在1964年被迫提前结束,其中一栋建筑没能被完整地建成。已经落成的建筑呈现出一个L形的布局,设想中的庭院则沦为了沉闷的停车场。在那之后的50年间,该市曾多次尝试继续补完该项目,但均未获得成功。
The late modernist design proposed by Erik and Tore Ahlsén had planned four five-story buildings congregating around a central outdoor courtyard. Construction, however, was met with financial struggles that concluded the project prematurely in 1964, and one of the buildings was not constructed in its entirety. As a result, an L-shape was formed and the envisioned courtyard remained undefined, eventually becoming quite a dull parking lot. Over the five decades that followed, the city tried several times to continue building, without success.
▼场地环境,Aerial view
The unrealized plan meant that its intended function was never quite fulfilled. Uppsala City Hall never managed to accommodate all the municipal departments and offices as, over the decades, many of them dispersed throughout the city. Short of an assembly hall, the elected politicians would even gather periodically in the neighboring Concert Hall for discussions and meetings. In short, Uppsala’s City Hall never became the place it was intended to become.
2016年,由Henning Larsen、SLA和Tyrens组成的团队被委托接受这项挑战。在对既有建筑(即Ahlsén兄弟未完成的作品)进行扩建后,该项目如今的总面积达到2.5万平方米。
In 2016, a team consisting of Henning Larsen, SLA, and Tyrens was selected to take on the challenge. Extending the existing architecture, that is the half-completed design of the Ahlsén brothers, the project now totals 25,000 m2 / 270,000 ft2.
▼建筑外观,Exterior view
▼立面细节,Facade detailed view
Past, Present and Future Come Together
The journey into the construction of the Ahlsén brothers’ unfinished building sparked the idea of using the Japanese art of repairing pottery with gold, known as Kintsugi, as inspiration for connecting the original building with a new one. The town hall in Uppsala engages with the citizens. It invites the audience inside through a passageway that runs through the ground floor of the building forming the heart of the town hall. Here public services and programs such as a café, a restaurant, shops, and exhibition facilities are located.
▼设计示意 & 草图,Diagram & sketch
Now open to the public, the new building carries the legacy of the old but boasts 14,000 new square meters to finally house all the municipality’s activities. A 1,500 m2 indoor courtyard covered with a striking cantilevered dome-shaped glass roof, weighing 700 tons, offers an inclusive space for residents, municipality staff, and public officials to gather, and a sculptural building located within the courtyard in which the municipal council chambers and assembly hall are located, the building can now fully reflect the democratic values that drive the activities it is home to.
▼室内庭院,Indoor courtyard
▼新建筑将市政会议室与大会堂同时纳入其中,The new building located within the courtyard accommodates the municipal council chambers and assembly hall
An inclusive space for residents, municipality staff, and public officials to gather
▼室内立面,Indoor facade view
▼会堂,Assembly hall
▼建筑夜景,Night view
▼场地平面图,Site plan
▼一层平面图,Plan level 0
▼四层平面图,Plan level 03
▼剖面图1,Section 1
▼剖面图2,Section 2
Project: Transformation and extension of existing town hall
Place: Uppsala, Sweden
Year: 2016-2021
Size: 25,000 m2 / 270,000 ft2
Client: Uppsala Municipality Arenas and Properties
Sustainability: BREEAM-SE Excellence
Awards: Building of the Year 2022 by Swedish Byggindustrin
Contractor: Peab
Architect: Henning Larsen
Landscape: SLA
Engineer: Tyréns
Photography: Einar Aslaksen