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The Port of Montréal Tower, designed by Provencher_Roy, is the jewel in the crown of the dramatic transformation of a crumbling infrastructure complex into an exceptional public landscape. Begun in 2013, the fruit of integrated design combines architecture and landscape. Rising 65 metres high, this new icon of the Old Port offers a spectacular view of the city and the river. Like a lighthouse, it acts as a visual landmark for visitors arriving by boat and signals the entrance to the Port. For Montréalers, it marks the presence of the quay and a large public square from the pedestrian zones of Old Montréal.

“作为一位蒙特利尔人,我们时常忘记自己是生活在一座岛屿上。本设计是一个庆祝当地两个标志性地点——Saint-Lawrence河和皇家山脉的绝佳机会。”事务所合伙人、首席设计师、项目负责人Sonia Gagné说到。

“We tend to forget, as Montréalers, that we live on an island. We had a fantastic opportunity to create a place that celebrates our two natural icons: the majestic Saint-Lawrence River and Mount Royal,”  explains Sonia Gagné, Architect, Principal Partner and Lead Designer.

▼项目概览,Overall view © Stéphane Brügger

▼远观,Distant view © James Brittain

设计者大胆地打造了一个悬臂体量,使Grand Quai成为新地标。高塔下方是一条新建的高架长廊,这条廊道将城市与滨海区重新连接起来,滨水步道也被重新设计,在这个旧港口打造了一个独特的城市聚集地。蒙特利尔港高塔是当地最高的建筑之一,即是码头的标志物,也为行人和抵港游客提供了新的公共空间。设计者将其打造为一个引导游客的视觉参考点,作为滨海大道、游轮码头和码头尽头的公共空间之间的过渡:一个新的起点。

With its daring cantilevers, the 65-metre tall tower heralds the Grand Quai as a signature destination in Montréal for tourists and Montréalers alike. It overlooks a new elevated promenade that reconnects the city to its waterfront, anchors a redeveloped riverwalk, and creates a unique urban gathering place in the Old Port. One of the tallest structures in the area, the Tower signals the quay and a new public space for pedestrians and visitors arriving by cruise ship. It orients visitors and creates a visual point of reference that transitions between the raised esplanade, cruise terminal, and new public space at the tip of the quay which slopes down to the river: the Place des commencements.

▼高塔分析图,analysis of the tower © Provencher_Roy

▼灵感来源,concept © Provencher_Roy

“我们希望通过打造优质的公共空间、塔楼、通向海边的通道以及公共空间,来吸引人们抵达码头的尽头。”Sonia Gagné 解释道。

“We wanted to make a statement to attract Montréalers to the end of the pier thanks to quality public spaces, beautiful views from the Tower, access to the river, and a space for citizens,” explains Sonia Gagné.

▼高塔概览,Overall view of the tower © Nanne Springer

▼高塔远观,Distant view © James Brittain

▼高塔近景,Close view ©Nanne Springer, James Brittain

除了有着独特的轮廓外,在悬臂结构处还有着360度的视野。游客能够从悬臂顶端看到城市中各个方向的地标建筑,包括,Habitat 67、Silo No.5、Basilique Notre-Dame、Saint Lawrence河和皇家山脉。观景台位于塔身的55米处,游客抵达后可以在这里体验令人难忘的蒙特利尔接受。观景台的设计灵活,还可作为高级活动空间和接待厅。

Beyond lending the building its distinctive silhouette, the cantilever also opens up 360-degree views. From the top, visitors can see landmarks in all directions, including Habitat 67, Silo No.5, Basilique Notre-Dame, the Saint Lawrence River, and Mount Royal. An observation deck set 55 metres above the quay commands sweeping vistas over the city and river, offering visitors arriving by cruise ship an unforgettable introduction to Montréal. The observation deck is designed to be flexibly programmed and can double as a premier event space and reception hall.

▼高塔中的视野,View inside of the tower © James Brittain, Stéphane Brügger


▼螺旋楼梯分析图,analysis of the spiral staircase © Provencher_Roy

A sculptural helicoid staircase rises from the observation deck to the belvedere, 10-metres higher, which is a jewel-like glass chamber cantilevered off the façade where visitors can step out over the water and into the spectacular view. Wrapped in gold-coloured balustrades, the staircase shines through the façade and can be seen from the surrounding city. Its form recalls the 19th-century exterior stairways that define Montréal’s streetscape. Unfurling as it rises, the sculptural gold staircase evokes the crowns of the wheat plants, the port’s main export during its heyday.

▼高塔内的螺旋楼梯,The spiral staircase © James Brittain


The tower’s design evokes the site’s rich industrial heritage, originally home to four giant wheat-storing hangars before becoming a cruise terminal. It takes its proportions from the low-slung port buildings but stands them on end, creating a form that resembles a grain elevator. The steel structure, as well as the structural concrete frame and core, read through the glazed façade, paying homage to the monumental industrial forms that once defined the port. Together, the core and frame add a distinctive sense of depth to the tower’s elevation.

“我们希望塔楼的结构变得可视,这样能够展示当地的工业遗产。码头附近还矗立着Tour des Convoyeurs,曾有几代人在哪里装卸船上的谷物——塔楼的设计就是对其形象的转译。”Sonia Gagné补充说道。

“We chose to let the Tower’s structure be visible behind a curtain wall to celebrate the site’s industrial heritage. Adjacent to the pier stands the Tour des Convoyeurs, which was used to unload grain from ships generations ago – it’s a reference to it,” adds Sonia Gagné.

▼高塔结构,Structure details © James Brittain

Grand Quai重建背景

Grand Quai redevelopment background


▼码头分析图,analysis © Provencher_Roy

Originally built in 1899, the Alexandra Pier in the Port of Montréal became one of the world’s busiest grain exporting hubs. The four large storage hangars which covered most of the pier’s surface were subsequently transformed into a maritime terminal for cruise ships and parking lots, the pier having been converted for automobile traffic. These transformations severed the city from its riverfront, turning the pier into a forbidding piece of infrastructure. Over time, and despite significant maintenance investments, the complex deteriorated, further disrupting the urban fabric. Provencher_Roy won the design competition launched by the Montréal Port Authority in 2013, which sought to modernize the terminal’s facilities to meet growing demand for cruise ship docking. The architects completely rethought pedestrian and vehicular access to the site; the terminal now welcomes cruise passengers at ground level. The new circulation pattern opens up the roof of the esplanade and rationalizes vehicle traffic patterns, allowing cars to park in the hangars without disrupting the pedestrian experience.

▼港口概览,Overall view of the port © James Brittain

▼码头公共空间,Public space © James Brittain

▼滨海艺术中心,Esplanade © James Brittain, Stephane Brügger


The pier’s transformation into a new public space


Designed in collaboration with landscape architects’ NIPPAYSAGE, the newly landscaped pier gives pedestrians back their rightful place:

“我们的设计策略是打造一处低调的景观,既保留当地工业遗产的重要性,同时为行人打造一个极具吸引力的空间。为了能够融入这里的工业环境,我们进行了大量的简洁处理手法。”NIPPAYSAGE的创始人、合伙人兼景观设计师Josée Labelle说到。

“The strategy was to create an understated landscape that preserves the significance of the site’s exceptional industrial history, while creating an inviting new destination for pedestrians. Simple gestures were carried out on a grand scale in order to blend in with the industrial context,” explains Josée Labelle, Landscape Architect, Partner and Founding Member of NIPPAYSAGE.

▼景观步道,The landscaped walkwa © James Brittain

NIPPAYSAGE在翻新后的码头建筑屋顶处打造了一条景观步行道,使用了最先进的绿色屋顶技术,种植了20000多种植物,这些植物都通过了炎热、寒冷和大风等极端条件的研究测试。这条步道被命名为“Promenade d’Iberville”,人们可以通过一个人字形的巨大木质露台来到码头的尽头,露台上缀有来自当地的树木,包括魁北克枫树、榆树和可以制作船桅的白松树。这条步道完善了港口的公共空间路网,成为了重塑城市与St. Lawrence河之间联系的典范。

NIPPAYSAGE created a landscaped walkway on the roof of the renovated ferry terminal, using cutting-edge green roof technology and featuring more than 20,000 plants, selected through extensive research into species adapted to extreme conditions of heat, cold, and wind. Known as the Promenade d’Iberville, the walkway leads to the Place des commencements at the end of the pier via a large wooden terrace with a herringbone pattern, dotted with native trees, including Quebec maples, elms, and white pines historically used to make boat masts. This pedestrian route completes the network of public spaces in the Old Port and, in an exemplary way, reestablishes links between the city and the St. Lawrence River.

▼艺术雕塑,Art installaion © James Brittain

▼夜览,Night view © James Brittain

“客户的要求是打造一个世界一流的游轮码头,我们认为我们可以做的更多,所以我们将曾经破旧的工业场地改造为了具有包容性的无障碍公共空间,为整个社区注入了活力,并提升了城市的生活品质。”Sonia Gagné总结道。

“Our client asked for a world-class cruise terminal, and we thought we should give them more than that. By transforming a once decrepit industrial site into inclusive and accessible public spaces, we’ve breathed new life into the whole community and enhanced the city’s quality of life,” concludes Sonia Gagné.

▼项目区位,site plan © Provencher_Roy

▼高塔平面图,floor plan of the tower © Provencher_Roy

▼高塔立面图,elevation of the tower © Provencher_Roy

▼结构分析图,structure details © Provencher_Roy

Technical sheet

Client: Administration portuaire de Montréal (AMP)

Address: 200 rue de la Commune Ouest, Montréal, Québec, H2Y 4B2

Year: 2013-2023

Surface Area: 38 000 m²

Architect: Provencher_Roy


Structure: NCK

Electromechanical: Pageau Morel


Maritime Infrastructure: WSP Group

Structural Glass: Elema

Lighting: CS Design

Consultant: Arup

Builder: Pomerleau
Photo credits: James Brittain, Stephane Brügger, Olivier Blouin, Nanne Springer


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