发布时间:2019-05-30 21:12:31 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Ocean, wetland, and forest are intertwined; people, birds, and trees are harmoniously symbiotic; the ecological treasures shared by Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

▼湿地公园鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the wetland park


Hengqin New Area is located in the south of Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province. It faces the Pearl River Delta on northwest and the South China Sea on southeast and the Three Islands of Macau across the river. With the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the distance between it and Hong Kong has been greatly shortened. With such a superior geographical location, Hengqin New Area has become a demonstration zone for exploring the new model of cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao under the “one country, two systems” principle.

▼横琴新区区位分析,zone analysis of the Hengqin New Area


Hengqin Wetland, located in the west side of Hengqin New Area, is the target of this design. The wetland covers an area of 362 hectares. It is a precious coastal wetland resource in Hengqin New Area, a natural base for growth of mangrove in history and an important stop on the East Asia-Australia migration route for migratory birds.

▼横琴国家湿地公园基地周边环境分析,位于横琴新区西侧,analysis of the surroundings of the site of the Hengqin National Wetland Park that is located in the west side of Hengqin New Area


In the context of exploring the new model of cooperation in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Hengqin Wetland will not be limited to Hengqin Island in terms of positioning and functions, but will be more integrated into Hong Kong and Macao, especially that Macao has a need for ecological resources, for it has scarce ecological resources. Hengqin Wetland will not only undertake the function of protecting the green ecological barrier of Hengqin New Area, but also become a shared base for ecological cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

▼横琴国家湿地公园内的分区图,作为横琴新区城市安全的绿色生态屏障,the function areas of the Hengqin National Wetland Park that protects the green ecological barrier of Hengqin New Area


ECO-SHARELAND— Happy Wetland for the Birds, Ecological Sharing Land for All is the design concept we propose for the program. Through the analysis of the interior and exterior of the site, we believe that the site is not only a coastal wetland where the sea, wetland, forest and city can develop coordinately, but also an ecological habitat in which people, birds and trees live in harmony and an ecological treasure land based on and shared by Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

▼设计概念分析图,concept diagram


Through scientific and rational systematic design, we hope to build the wetland into an ecological model of shared wetland in South China, an experimental highland in flexible cities, and a new landmark for ecological restoration in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

▼湿地公园总平面图,site plan of the wetland park


Combined with the current situation survey and a large number of analysis, it is concluded that the closer the region is to the urban interface, the more disturbance its ecosystem will have; the further the region is away from the urban interface, the less disturbance it will have and the completer its ecosystem will be. Based on the principle of minimum intervention, we propose to limit human activities to areas which have high levels of ecological disturbance, follow the design principle of low interference, rationally arrange the venues, so as to minimize human intervention and at the same time achieve values of popularization of science, scientific research and tourism of the wetland; at the same time, the areas with high ecological sensitivity shall be completely protected to create a natural environment for the succession of mangroves and provide habitat for birds. Based on the above scientific and rational spatial planning, we hope to construct an ecological sharing habitat for people, birds and mangroves.

▼人类活动区分布图,将人的活动限制在生态干扰程度高的区域,allocation plan of the human activity areas, limiting human activities to areas which have high levels of ecological disturbance


▼湿地公园内水系统设置分析图,the water system inside the wetland park

As a coastal wetland, Hengqin Wetland has long been in the interlaced transition zone between terrestrial ecosystem and marine ecosystem. Its habitat system is unique and has diverse functions, with great ecological significance and functional value. However, with the development of the city, human disturbance has had a huge impact on this site. The current situation is that a dam across the periphery of the wetland separates the wetland from the open sea. The disappearance of the tidal activity means that the mangrove habitat is completely destroyed and the coastal ecosystem starts to degenerate. Then a large number of fish culture in ponds have also polluted the water system of this site. We decide to keep the current seawall, but increase the setting of gates. By dredging the water system and controlling group gates jointly, establish a set of circulating and controllable water system. The area connected with the outer sea serves as the main rain and flood storage area to protect the city. Meanwhile, tidal activities are reintroduced to restore the habitat conditions for mangrove growth. The water level control area will strictly control the water level to meet needs to construct infrastructure necessary for daily recreation. The floodgate can only be opened in emergency to regulate or store water. The water source in the water level control area can be replenished by three methods: urban rainwater collection, reservoir water replenishment and water lifting by wind power supply. Two water purification areas are provided to purify such water.

▼保留场地中蕉基鱼塘的肌理,穿梭在蕉林中,体验果树采摘的乐趣,the texture of the banana-based fish pond in the site is retained. Shuttling through the banana forest, visitors can experience the fun of picking fruits from trees


▼场地调研分析图,以确定在此生长的红树林品种,diagram of the site analysis to determine the mangrove species

▼红树林生境分布图,充分发挥红树林群落在抵御海潮、风浪等自然灾害方面的生态功能,allocation map of the mangrove habitat, making best use of the ecological functions of mangrove communities in resisting natural disasters such as sea tides, winds and waves

Combined with the water system planning, the area connected with the outer sea has reintroduced natural tidal movements to meet basic conditions for mangrove growth. On this basis, we have conducted detailed site research with professional team to determine the mangrove species that can grow here, namely kandelia candel, bruguiear gymnorrhiza, aegiceras corniculatum, and acanthus ilicifolius. Based on ecological habits and habitat needs of these specific varieties, we have conducted in-depth research and obtained some relevant scientific data. Through reconstruction and rehabilitation of mangrove habitats, the coastal wetland ecosystem with mangroves as the key parts will be restored to put into play ecological functions of mangrove communities in resisting natural disasters such as sea tides, winds and waves. In this way, function of mangroves as the “marine guard” will be fully realized.

▼乘船深入红树林湿地深处,近距离感受红树林的魅力,take a boat to go deep into the depths of the mangrove wetland to experience the charm of the mangroves closely


▼鸟类栖息地分布图,allocation map of the bird habitat

Hengqin Island is rich in bird resources and is on the “East Asia-Australia” migration line. Therefore, there are a large number of birds inhabiting here in autumn and winter. In the mangrove wetland in Qi’ao Island of Zhuhai, the main purpose is to display the diversity of mangrove plant. In Hengqin Island, the mangrove wetland is more to show its function and significance as a bird habitat. We seek the help of bird experts to determine which birds will stop here and build a habitat environment for different birds through systematic studies of bird spatial distribution, living habits and specific habitat conditions, so as to realize the goal of attracting and protecting birds.

▼多样的生物栖息地,远离人群的小鸟天堂,habitat of diverse living things and a bird paradise away from the crowd


▼人行步道的交通网络分析图,diagram of the human circulation network

The transportation network is mainly in the pedestrian area. Through overall connection and internal looping, a continuous and convenient slow network is formed. In the transition area between the pedestrian area and the ecological protection area, end rest platforms and bird watching towers are set up in some parts, so as to carry out scientific monitoring and scientific display in a low-interference way. At the same time, a low-interference and multi-level sea-land-air path which has underwater corridors, submersible corridors and aerial trestles is set up to form a fun and convenient ecological transportation network.

▼入口广场以海浪曲线为主题,极具动感与视觉惊喜,the entrance plaza takes the wave curve as the theme, which is very dynamic and visually pleasant

▼游客服务中心采用覆土建筑的形式成为场地中心的绿色空间,提供多条穿越路径,the tourist service center is a green space in the center of the site because it is a earth-sheltered building, providing multiple crossing paths

▼透过全透明的玻璃幕墙,将鸟类生活展现在眼前,life of birds is presented to visitors through a fully transparent glass curtain wall

▼游客服务中心通透的内外部空间,成为游客观赏湿地和休憩停留的场所,the tourist service center is a place for visitors to watch the wetland and rest because its exterior and interior spaces are transparent

▼完全沉入水底的特色通廊,以全新的视角展示湿地,a characteristic gallery that completely sinks into the water, showing the wetland in a new perspective

▼沉水廊道两侧有玻璃幕墙隔着湖水,游人可近距离观察湿地水下环境,there are glass curtain walls on both sides of underwater corridors to separate the lake, so visitors can observe the underwater environment of the wetland closely

▼捉泥鱼、编制鱼笼,感受非遗的文化魅力,while Catching mud fish and making fish cage, you can feel the cultural charm of intangible cultural heritage

项目名称:广东珠海横琴国家湿地公园概念方案设计 设计:GED 杭州格境建筑景观设计有限公司 项目设计年份:2018年9月设计 主创及设计团队:江哲炜、许立南、张蕾、陈灵斐、徐旋、季玉琪、林坚玮、胡雨、钱景、曹赟 项目地址:广东珠海 建筑面积:公园规划面积3.26k㎡,其中建筑面积4.27万㎡ 合作方:南京市园林规划设计院有限责任公司 客户:珠海蓝湾建设开发有限公司


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