发布时间:2023-11-29 12:53:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


A couple with two children wants to renovate an existing five-bedroom apartment to create a quality living space. Old apartments like this one, often divided up into small, dark interior rooms and long hallways, don’t meet the needs of a modern family. The most important aspect of this design will be to generate large, well-lit spaces and to upgrade the gallery that provides access to the terrace.

▼从阳台看向室内,from terrace to interior space © Marta Vidal


▼改造前室内空间, interior space before renovation © Marta Vidal

Almost all the available space is allocated to three bedrooms and the living-dining room. Existing obstructive partitions are demolished to give rise to the new distribution, and new divisions are avoided. The location and dimensions of the original bathroom are maintained in the new one, which is joined to the master bedroom to form a suite. The old fireplace serves as the point of reference for situating the new kitchen, which is tucked between the dining room and the terrace. The existing terrace is incorporated into the new design. Limiting the expense for brickwork means that more resources can be dedicated to the furniture, which is tailor-made. All the fixed elements – the kitchen installations, showers, toilet, sinks, wardrobes, beds, sofas and desks – are strategically situated in the corners of each room to free up the central areas. The goal is to achieve a fluid, open space where there is almost no need for doors to support optimal function.

▼改造后空间:将隔断拆除,existing obstructive partitions are demolished after renovation © BAMMP Arquitectes+Vallribera Arquitectes

▼家具被放置在拐角处来保留中心区域的空间,furnitures are situated in the corners of each room to free up the central areas © BAMMP Arquitectes+Vallribera Arquitectes


Two strategies are implemented to promote energy efficiency. On the one hand, the insulation of the envelope. Rock wool is added to the drop ceiling, both façades are insulated with the addition of interior paneling, and the existing wooden window frames on the north façade are repaired and fitted with double-paned glass. On the other hand, the southern orientation of the gallery lets it function as an energy-capturing bioclimatic element. In winter, the large glazed doors let in direct sunlight, and the new tile flooring and brick walls store the heat. In summer, rolling blinds block the direct sunlight, and the folding doors can be opened entirely, connecting the interior with the terrace. Part of the original hallway is maintained to bring in light from both façades and to provide natural cross ventilation to cool down the apartment on summer evenings.

▼夏天百叶窗遮挡直射光线,rolling blinds block the direct sunlight © Marta Vidal

▼餐厅空间,dining space © Marta Vidal

▼原始走廊的一部分被保留,以从两个方向引入光线,  part of the original hallway is maintained to bring in light from both façades © Marta Vidal


The fixed furniture and elements attached to the walls are made from birch plywood panels. The same material is used for the floors as an alternative to conventional parquet flooring. The outdoor terrace and the spatial unit formed by the gallery, kitchen and bathroom are treated uniformly with a traditional ceramic tile that covers both the walls and the floor. This resource erases the boundary between inside and outside, creating the sensation of a larger outdoor space. The doors from the previous five bedrooms are recovered and combined in the three new rooms. Thanks to these doors, the desks in the two bedrooms are joined along with the balcony into a single work-study space that can be compartmentalized. The wooden windows on the main façade are repaired and painted green.

▼固定家具和墙上的装饰元素都由桦木板制成,the fixed furniture and elements attached to the walls are made from birch© Marta Vidal

▼通过门的开关,书桌与阳台组成一个可分隔的单一工作学习空间,  the desks in the two bedrooms are joined along into a single work-study space due to the door  © Marta Vidal


The lifespan of these existing elements, and of the apartment as a whole, is extended for many more years.

▼家具细部,furniture detail © Marta Vidal

▼场地平面,site plan © BAMMP Arquitectes+Vallribera Arquitectes

Project: 120GAR Interior renovation of an apartment in Sabadell  Location: Sabadell, Barcelona  Phase: Finished construction  Gross floor area: 90 m²  Design date: 2021  Construction date: 2022  Developer: Private  Architects: Montserrat Garcia (BAMMP); Llorenç Vallribera, Aleix Gil (VALLRIBERA ARQUITECTES)  Photographs: ©Marta Vidal


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