TYPE. COMMERCIALPLACE. Bao'an, Shenzhen, PRDAREA. 104 SQUARE METERYEAR. 2018DESIGN: BLUE SKYTEAM: ANDY ICE SEN体验店的概念基于Gano Excel的愿景与使命而获得的灵感,它将带给每个家庭健康,非凡活力。Gano Excel 中国区首家体验店的出场方式是活力的,踏对节奏。店铺的视觉与体验是颠覆传统的,是面向未来的引领者。The experience store concept is based on the vision and mission of Gano Excel and it will bring extraordinary vitality to each family's health.Gano Excel's first experience store in China is dynamic and rhythmic.The vision and experience of the store is subversive of tradition, and is the guide for the future.