该项目位于中国上海,是由著名设计团队Wutopia Lab完成的。该团队在接管该项目时面临的主要是两个挑战。第一,他们需要在有限的预算成本下让一个视频制作公司加入到该项目中来。第二,这里在过去是国民党一位将领的住宅,里面的景观大都有一定的历史了,因此将它们进行改造并不是一件容易的事情。
In this project, the architect was facing two challenges. First of all, he needed to bring up the video company’s nature within very low budget. Second, the historic building was a former residence of a KMT General, which cannot be changed easily.
According to the local regulation, the illegal structures around General’s former residence built before a certain point are allowed to exist in silent acquiescence. But it is not allowed to build more, and once these illegal structures were removed, new buildings are not allowed to replace them.The architect ignored different material and building time, painting all parts of illegal structures in black, including canopy. Black unified the differences in detail, made allocated units become background of the main building and highlighted the main building. The historical expression of the site was divided into two parts, the white parts are official history while the black parts are the unofficial history.