位置:美国 休斯敦
设计公司:Hargreaves Associates
目标公园位于美国休斯敦,这里是美国最受欢迎的公园之一。公园面积为2.77英亩,被命名为Gerald D. Hines水墙公园。公园的设计让人们不自觉的产生一种敬畏感,同时又带给人们宁静的意境。公园内有一个64英尺高的瀑布。该公园的设计师是普利策获奖者Philip Johnson。半圆形的建筑喷泉跨越一个宽阔的绿色草丛,两侧种有186棵橡树,它们都面向威廉斯大厦,威廉斯大厦是当地一个64层楼高的办公大楼。
One of Houston’s most visited urban parks, the 2.77-acre Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park inspires feelings of awe and peace with its loud and powerful 64-foot waterfalls. Designed by Pulitzer Prize winning architect Philip Johnson, this large semi-circular fountain is located south across a wide green lawn flanked by 186 live oaks and faces the Williams Tower, a 64-story reflective office building.
11,000 gallons of water per minute cascades down the fountain’s inner and outer walls, coating visitors in a thick blanket of mist. Even though it was a cold winter’s day, many visitors still made the trip to look up in awe at the larger-than-life man-made waterfall.。
美国Gerald D. Hines水墙公园外部实景图
美国Gerald D. Hines水墙公园外部局部实景图