发布时间:2015-01-05 17:36:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

KH studio

这是一个城市入户交通区域的整体形象改造项目,总规由MVRDV和Francis Kéré领衔。KH_studio提出混合风景理念。希望将这片位于开阔绿地中的繁忙交通区激发成为一个富有活力的平台区域。

KH_studio has just won the first prize at the international restrained competition for COLUMBUS QUARTIER in Mannheim (DE).

As a following of KH’s MANNHEIM’S CONNECTION, the Europan winning proposal for B38 highway city entrance and its urban sector of 250 Ha, Ilaria Novielli and Alessandro delli Ponti were invited to a restrained competition against 12 international firms, going from Rudy Ricciotti to AGPS, Ortner-Ortner, Baumschlager-Eberle or Motorplan. It was an extremely hard task, as stated by city representatives in the recent press Conference, but KH’s proposal made the unanimity of the jury. The winning proposal is based on a strategic approach merging mobility with programmatic and landscape issues in a time sequenced development. KH’s masterplan will integrate a metropolitan sector with nearby urban schemes by MVRDV and Francis Kéré.

The international competition asked to imagine Columbus Quartier as the new main entrance to the city of Mannheim (DE), the reshaping of B38 highway (already treated in EUROPAN 12 Competition) demanded the transformation of a 35 Ha linear area of formerUS military basis which are the scene of action of the “Hybrid Landscape” project by KH_studio.

Hybrid Landscape – exploring infrastructural porosity

Set in between a wide green campus and a heavy highway infrastructure, Columbus Quarter is conceived as a hybrid landscape, which can be activated starting tomorrow.

Its generous space, and its military palimpsest is capable to host a vast variety of vocations and programs, going from commercial functions to offices or university spaces. The challenge is thus that of building an adaptable coherence through time, answering positively to diverse issues coming from different actors and taking the best out of each to build a strong and dynamic identity for Columbus.

The relational strategy which founds the project orients short term demands on long term ambitions, allowing to define an original but credible hybrid quarter for the city of Mannheim.

The progressive development of built areas and of landscape are merged through time, in order to assure an new strong image to the entire sector.

The DNA of the project imagines its transformation through its different ages, from immediate activation to the adaptation to a real post-car city configuration. This strategic DNA is set in some key

guiding concepts: mobility differentiation, spatial porosity, environmental and mobility infrastructure hybridation, environmental activation of built units, phased program articulation.

The project becomes an active platform to build an actor-relational optimised strategy through time.




▼ 积极运动带 , Birkenauer , an active Sport strip

Hybrid 1 – Green Arcipelago and the active strip

At the scale of our site Birkenauer straße is part of a loop traversing and connecting a built archipelago. In continuity with the inherited plot system, along Birkenauer straße, green transversal pockets structure its porosity.

From day one Birkenauer will be the scene of micro actions on the site, from temporary pop-up programs, linked to the launching of programs and participatory initiatives, to informal landscape operations that can be allowed on the strip, in possible coordination with the BUGA initiative.

Progressively, with new program implantation, Birkenauerstrasse becomes animated, on the campus side, by intense ground sport programs and singular qualitative volumes, gliding on the free landscape, and densifiyng around the Friendship circle’s were the different spatial values of the project meet.

Hybrid 2 – Next generation highway

B38 can be reconfigured starting tomorrow. The mobility analysis of car flux shows that it would be easy to reserve the right lane to serve new programs on the side of B38. This would be the first step to transform the current hard infrastructure into a boulevard, without yet launching a heavy investment. B38 is thought as an hybrid boulevard, giving major investors visibility while turning

dimensional constraints in active devices for the environmental qualification of the whole area. The setting of the major investors is strategic. Mono-specialized commercial volumes and their parking areas define a landscaped buffer protection for the entire site from day one, but also allow future transformations to both program and parking plots when B38 will become a slow boulevard.

Parking lots are thought as agronomic landscapes, and disposed in order to allow potential mutualisation with other programs. South double facades and terraces become effective means to regulate heat and cold while producing solar energy. The built pochets as the landscaped ones produce a transversal coherent approach for the entire site.

DNA – key strategies :

Mobility differentiation

B38’s reserved right lane only serves retail, avoiding heavy traffic on Birkenauer strasse.The slow mobility commercial venue and quarter loop is directly connected to the tram, it also hosts electric bus and bike passage on a free surface system.Birkenauer, serving as tram lane, hosts bike paths and gives direct accessibility to newly built office programs.Multimodal spots assure connection with the overall city system.

Active mutualizations

Mutualization is a basic principle, applied to different topics.Retail parking lots can become accessible at night for programs set in green pockets or in sports areas. Rain water an used water is recycled and treated in order to be used for public space mantainance and building functionality (gray waters). In the mean while wast humid areas in green pockets can host water treatment. Electric energy produced by the quarters active roofs and facades is re-immitted in the system or directly linked to public illumination system or light vehicles recharging, making the sector autonomous.

Hybrid program

Macro retail volumes structure the b38 landscaped façade, but they are set in a stimulating urban relation with green areas and other programs, contributing to define an hybrid commercial park, where, from university to company, passing through start-up and co-working all the phases of a company formation and all the scales of commercial activity can be effectively represented.

Environmental Porosity – activation of built units

Porosity to rain water and sun sculpts the volumetric setting of the plot. South facades are used to regulate climate and produce energy. A high permeable ratio is assured both in built units as in publicspaces, allowing reusing rain water for grey water in buildings and landscape maintenance.

Hybrid landscapes

Green reserved areas are a landscape progression moving from hard infrastructure to campus, merging the two faces of Columbus Quartier. They are thus thought as hybrid “serving landscapes” with a key role in the strategic functioning of the area. They assure a green buffer zone on B38 and help collect rain water for the quarter, most of all they host informal uses and evolve and densify throught time in parallel with built plots densification.

The team:

Invited Architects-Urbanists : KH studio – Alessandro delli Ponti and Ilaria Novelli

Associates : Ferdinand Schmelzer and Atelier EEM (Francesca Liggieri, Marc Blume)

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KH studio



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