发布时间:2022-02-17 22:44:07 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼店铺外观,Front View ©或者设计

Market is the place where you can appreciate the breath of life most vividly. Vehicles and people shuttle back and forth, presenting the fundamental part of life with great vitality. It is the familiar scene inscribed in the mind of every generation. Currently, brands are pursuing upgrading and changes, but they could not find the starting point. GRAND LIZ is a brand of Chinese dessert based in Shanghai. Being the “local time-honored brand” in consumers’ mind, It had won the recognition from consumers with great product power in recent years, with those middle-aged or even older group serving as the main customers. In terms of the brand upgrading this time, we would like to make GRAND LIZ be a choice for youngsters on the basis of maintaining its original market.

▼分析图,Analysis ©或者设计


▼入口,Entrance ©或者设计

Our final strategy is as below. We will take the scenes representing Shanghai life as the acting point. On one hand, it could connect the Shanghai culture contained in the brand with the regional product advantages; on the other hand, great breakthroughs could be made through old scenes and new attempts. In this way, the brand rejuvenation could be realized through the dialogue with youngsters and the cut and dried “China chic”would be got rid off. The distinctive cultural content for GRAND LIZ itself would thus be created. Bazaar, park and alley serve as conceptual scenes utilized by us.

▼堆头展示组合,Showcase ©或者设计

▼篮筐+纸箱组合成入口处的货架/陈列台,Shelves/display stands at the entrance composed by baskets and carton  ©或者设计


▼内部空间,interior space ©或者设计

GRAND LIZ SUPERMARKET is the first theme store for GRAND LIZ. We will integrate sales and production into the atmosphere of market. Besides, materials and color in the space are extracted from most representative elements of the market, such as the metal clapboard, small white tiles, color matching of blue and red with plastic sense, small advertisements of “psoriasis” posted everywhere, and mountains of goods which are messy but full of folk wisdom. All of the details“restore”the face of a market as what it should be. Meanwhile, a “daily scene in the supermarket” is presented through ingenious design, reorganization and upgrading. We are striving to present a fashionable new retail space which is full of young elements, hot topics and sharing desire. The stall owners in the market will always use whatever objects they have at hand to create a comfortable rest corner for themselves. For example, the following one is stacked with two baskets, and then a piece of wood is placed, which is a small bench – the seating area.

▼后厨窗口,kitchen window ©或者设计

▼打卡区,Check-in zone ©或者设计

▼用篮筐、木板搭建出的座位区, the seating area built with two baskets and wooden boards ©或者设计


▼为契合“市集”主题定做的四面围合的产品冷藏柜,The product refrigerated cabinet is custom-made to fit the theme of “market” ©或者设计

▼模仿肉铺摊的软装饰品,Soft decorations that imitate a butcher’s pavilion ©或者设计

It is a new try for GRAND LIZ, which indicates a new start. We will establish the theme store of GRAND LIZ SUPER PARK and the theme store of GRAND LIZ SUPER ALLEY in the next step to present completely different consumption scenes. In our mind, consumption upgrading is by no means the simple change of “decoration”in the surface. In fact, it implies the output of present content from the inside out, the constant dialogue with consumers through content, site and products and the everlasting freshness. The product refrigerated cabinet is custom-made to fit the theme of “market”. The products are displayed from top to bottom according to the shape of the cabinet. The store staff stands in the center of the cabinet and shouts for sales, and the scene seems to return to the lively market. the stall owners replaced all kinds of dried vegetables and meat with all kinds of Shanghai-style dim sum.

▼称重区和收银区,Weighing area and checkout area ©或者设计

▼局部空间,Partial Space Display ©或者设计

▼平面图,floor plan ©或者设计

项目名称:廣蓮申點心市场 项目地点: 上海市虹口区瑞虹路181号瑞虹天地太阳宫地下一层33室 主持设计师:巫国源 设计团队:奕豪、BOBO、小鱼、小鸣、张浩、吕哥 项目业主:廣蓮申 主要材料:不锈钢、金属烤漆、地坪漆、 室内面积:230m2 完工时间:2022.02 摄影:或者设计

Project name: GRAND LIZ SUPERMARKET Project location: Room 33, B1, Hall of the Sun, No. 181 Ruihong Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai Director: Guoyuan Wu Project team: Yihao, BoBo, Xiaoyu,Xiaoming,Zhanghao,Lvge, Client: GRAND LIZ Main materials: Stainless steel, metal paint, floor paint, Indoor area: 230 square meters Completion date: Feb. 2022 Photography: OR Design



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