发布时间:2016-11-23 01:18:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

在赫尔辛基大都会区地铁扩建项目的一期工程中,连通了赫尔辛基Ruoholahti和埃斯波Matinkylä的西部线路已于2017年11月18日投入运营。西线每天将运送超过17万名乘客。一期工程和二期工程的沿线将分别建造8座和5座新地铁站,旨在打造与众不同且能够从城市和室内尺度体现出地点特征的车站空间。与此同时,这条线路将连接埃斯波市的多个中心区域,成为全新的城市主干。ALA建筑事务所和Esa Piironen建筑事务所合作设计了一期工程的两座地铁站:阿尔托大学站和Keilaniemi站。此外ALA还负责设计了二期工程沿线的Kivenlahti站、Espoonlahti站以及Soukka站,将于2020年之后投入使用。

The first phase of the western extension of the Helsinki metropolitan area subway line, the West Metro – in use since November 18, 2017 – connects Ruoholahti, Helsinki to Matinkylä, Espoo. The West Metro will service over 170,000 passengers per day. The objective that has been set for the architecture of the eight new stations along the first, and the five new stations along the second phase of the extension is to create distinctive, location-specific identities for them on both urban and interior scale. At the same time the metro will act as a link between the various urban centers of the City of Espoo and in a way create its new backbone. ALA Architects and Esa Piironen Architects have designed two of the new stations along the first extension phase: the Aalto University Station and the Keilaniemi Station. ALA is additionally working on three stations in Kivenlahti, Espoonlahti and Soukka along the second extension phase to be opened for traffic in the early 2020s.

▼地铁站外观,exterior view of the entrance pavilion

▼旧铜板饰面、灰色的花岗岩和耐候钢板共同构成了建筑在地上部分的材料基调,Aged dark copper sheet cladding, grey granite and Cor-ten sheets form the basis of the material palette for the above ground parts of the entrance pavilions



Otaniemi, today home to Aalto University, has since the 1950s had a strong individual character linked to science, technology and the general belief in the future. The growing campus is defined by the Alvar Aalto designed red-brick buildings. The Aalto University metro station resides in the heart of the growing university campus in Otaniemi. Its main entrance opens straight towards the former Helsinki University of Technology main building. Among other design decisions, the Aalto University station distinguishes itself from the other stations along the metro route through its rich material palette. The palette has been picked as to avoid gloss, and to emphasize natural materiality. The station’s lowered ceiling is made of Cor-ten steel panels. It visually connects all the public areas of the station, and relates to the surrounding red brick environments with its color. The faceted ceiling flows through the main entrance, to the platform level and up to the secondary entrance on Tietotie street.

▼车站的设计运用了丰富的材料,旨在强调自然的质感,the rich material palette has been picked as to avoid gloss, and to emphasize natural materiality

▼天窗照亮了宽阔的交通空间,the generous circulation space is illumiated with the large skylight

▼天花近景,a close view of the ceiling

▼多面的天花板从主入口一路延伸至站台层,the faceted ceiling flows through the main entrance to the platform level

▼低矮的天花板以耐候钢板制成,the station’s lowered ceiling is made of Cor-ten steel panels

▼电梯通道,escalator shaft



Aged dark copper sheet cladding, grey granite and Cor-ten sheets form the basis of the material palette for the above ground parts of the entrance pavilions. Visible structures are reduced in the entrance space with an engineered, athletic, light form reminiscent of origami. Natural light is brought down to the platform level via an escalator shaft that terminates with a view towards the lime alley of the Otaniemi Mansion.

▼位于Tietotie大街的次入口,exterior view of the secondary entrance on Tietotie street

▼简洁动感的外观使人想起折纸的形态,the structures are reduced in the entrance space with an engineered, athletic, light form reminiscent of origami


▼场地平面图,site plan

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan

▼站台层平面图,platform level plan




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