发布时间:2021-08-10 01:32:23 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
魁北克规模最大的公共艺术项目,20 多件独特作品分布在 5 公里长的艺术路线上,挑战人们对魁北克城市地标的固有看法,同时突显对女性艺术家的特别关注,并与国际艺术项目进行合作。

“不寻常的走廊”(PASSAGES INSOLITES)是魁北克规模最大的公共艺术项目,今年已举办至第8届。该项目由EXMURO制作、Vincent Roy负责艺术指导,并在魁北克政府的支持下得以成功展示给公众。作为规模空前的一次展览,本届“不寻常的走廊”将从2021年6月26日持续呈现至10月11日。


PASSAGES INSOLITES, produced by EXMURO under the artistic direction of Vincent Roy and presented by the City of Quebec, is taking place from June 26 to October 11, 2021. This 8th edition, unprecedented in scale, has met a great success.

More than 20 unique and surprising works by artists from Quebec and around the world have been adding a touch of magic to the urban experience and transforming how we see the city. PASSAGES INSOLITES is open and accessible to all, and the art walk is a safe activity that’s ideal for the whole family. From ephemeral installations to unexpected encounters, art is taking over the city and popping up a street corner near you!

▼《水位渐涨》,作者:魁北克制作公司Théâtre Rude Ingénierie © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO Théâtre Rude Ingénierie (Quebec City, Quebec), “Rising Waters”, 2021 Photo : Stéphane Bourgeois

▼《第一阶段》,作者:魁北克艺术家Wartin Pantois Wartin Pantois (Quebec City, Quebec), “Phase I”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

主游览路线 The main circuit

一条绘制于马路上的黄线将引领参观者沿着5公里长的艺术路线前进:从Petit Champlain和皇家广场穿越老港口,再到Saint-Roch和Saint-Sauveur。路途上共设有21件独一无二的艺术作品,构成了一段引人入胜、充满惊喜和出乎意料的诗意体验,引发着人们以新的眼光来看待城市空间。

▼路线示意,circuit map © EXMURO

From Petit Champlain and Place Royale, through the Old Port, and on to Saint-Roch and Saint-Sauveur, a yellow line painted on the road will guide visitors along the 5 km circuit of singular artworks. Intrigue, surprise, unexpected joys, and moments of poetry are the order of the day, as visitors enjoy 21 works that will make you see with fresh eyes. Artists and collectives have risen to the challenge with creativity, humour, and audacity, to make art take over the city and create a space of perpetual enchantment.

▼《永恒的暂时》,作者:魁北克艺术家Sarah Thibault Sarah Thibault (Quebec City, Quebec), “Monumental Impermanence”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

▼《巴士候车亭》,作者:魁北克艺术家Pascale LeBlanc Lavigne Pascale LeBlanc Lavigne (Quebec City, Quebec), “The Bus Shelter”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

▼《雕塑家本人像》,作者:魁北克艺术家Valérie Potvin Valérie Potvin (Quebec City, Quebec), “The Sculptor Herself”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

通过公共艺术彰显魁北克市的建筑遗产 Public art showcases Quebec City heritage buildings


·由Charles-Étienne Brochu创作的《山王》展出于魁北克议会大厦前。 ·由Benoît Maubrey创作的《剧场》位于魁北克大剧院的室外空间。 ·由Collectif Tel quel创作的《穿越墙壁》在魁北克城堡展出,其作者是项目团队与魁北克艺术工艺之家举办的学生竞赛的赢得者。

Exclusive to this year’s edition, works of public art will challenge how we see Quebec City landmarks:

·King of the Mountain, by Charles-Étienne Brochu, presented in front of the Quebec Parliament Building. ·ARENA by Benoît Maubrey, presented outdoors on the grounds of the Grand Théâtre de Québec. ·Through the Walls by Collectif Tel quel, winner of the student competition held through our first collaboration with the Maison des métiers d’art de Québec, presented at the Citadelle of Quebec.

▼《山王》,作者:魁北克艺术家Charles-Étienne Brochu © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO Charles-Étienne Brochu (Quebec City, Quebec), “King of the Mountain”, 2020 Photo : Stéphane Bourgeois

▼《剧场》,作者:德国艺术家Benoît Maubrey Benoît Maubrey (Berlin, Allemagne), “ARENA”, 2017 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

▼《穿越墙壁》,作者:魁北克艺术家Collectif Tel quel Collectif Tel quel (Quebec City, Quebec), “Through the Walls”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

另外一个令人兴奋的合作发生在历史学家José Doré与两位新人艺术家的合作,前者为后者的作品提供了详细的历史阐释。由学生竞赛获奖者Collectif du Tropique创作的《终点站》是一个展现了曾经活跃在Saint-Roch街区的商业标识的雕塑装置。《癫狂的魁北克》则是一场与建筑学有关的奇思妙想,它对魁北克市的诸多地标建筑进行了再现与重组。

In another exciting collaboration, historian José Doré has partnered with two collectives of emerging artists to provide detailed historical explanations of their exciting works: ·Last Stop, by Collectif du Tropique, winner of the student competition organized in collaboration with the Art School of Université Laval, is a sculptural installation featuring reproductions of commercial signage that once enlivened the streets of the Saint-Roch district. ·Delirious Québec, by the collective of the same name, winner of the student competition held in collaboration with the Université Laval architecture students’ association, is an architectural flight of fancy that reproduces and recombines many of Quebec City’s landmark buildings.

▼《终点站》,作者:魁北克艺术家Collectif du Tropique Collectif du Tropique (Quebec City, Quebec), “Last Stop”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

▼《癫狂的魁北克》,作者:Delirious Québec Delirious Québec (Quebec City, Quebec), “Delirious Québec”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

一场涵盖全球公共艺术的盛会 An international event bringing in public art from around the world

本届展览不仅涵盖了来自世界各地的优秀公共艺术作品,还通过与瑞典厄勒布鲁OpenArt双年展的首次合作突显了对于女性艺术家的特别关注,其中包括STYRELSEN FOR STÖR KONST, Ulrika Sparre和Susanna Hesselberg三组艺术家。到了2022年,他们将携作品在OpenArt双年展上展出并参加交流活动。

PASSAGES INSOLITES is focusing on women artists through our first-ever partnership with the OpenArt biennial of Örebro, Sweden, which has brought work by three Swedish collectives and artists: STYRELSEN FOR STÖR KONST, Ulrika Sparre, and Susanna Hesselberg. In 2022, three Quebec artists will complete the exchange by exhibiting at OpenArt.

▼《世界上最平等的地方》,作者:瑞典艺术家STYRELSEN FOR STÖR KONST © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO STYRELSEN FOR STÖR KONST (Stockholm, Sweden), The Anti Embassy – “The Most Equal Place in the World”, 2021

▼《我是光》,作者:瑞典艺术家Ulrika Sparre Ulrika Sparre (Stockholm, Sweden), “I am the Light”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

▼《父亲的去世就像一座图书馆的倒塌》,作者:瑞典艺术家Susanna Hesselberg Susanna Hesselberg, (Malmö, Sweden), “When my father died it was like a whole library had burned down”, 2015 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

International artists at PASSAGES INSOLITES this year: ·Benedetto Bufalino (France): The Lawn Cars, in Petit-Champlain. ·Benoît Maubrey (Germany): ARENA, an interactive sound work, part of the Grand Théâtre de Québec 50th anniversary programming. ·Nicole Banowetz (USA): An Adaptive Moment in Bassin Louise. ·Mark Jenkins (USA): Untitled, characters scattered around the city.

▼《草坪汽车》,作者:法国艺术家Benedetto Bufalino Benedetto Bufalino, (Lyon, France), “Lawn Cars”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

▼《一个适合的时刻》,作者:美国艺术家Nicole Banowetz Nicole Banowetz (Denver, United States), “An Adaptive Moment”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

▼《无题》,2021,作者:华盛顿艺术家Mark Jenkins © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO Mark Jenkins (Washington, D.C., United States), Untitled, 2021 Stéphane Bourgeois

▼《陷阱》,作者:BGL BGL (Quebec City, Quebec), “The Trap”, 2007 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

▼《想象力的游行》,作者:Charles Fleury和École secondaire Vanier学校学生 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO Charles Fleury and the students of École secondaire Vanier (Quebec City, Quebec), Parade of Imagination 2021

▼《车站A》,创作者:魁北克艺术家Yann Farley Yann Farley (Sainte-Justine, Québec), “Station A”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO

▼《旅行箱》,作者:魁北克艺术家Giorgia Volpe Giorgia Volpe (Quebec City, Quebec), “Suitcases”, 2021 © Stéphane Bourgeois | EXMURO


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