▼建筑外观,exterior view
The Project is around 600㎡,which was the official rice warehouse before 1990s, then transferred into metalwork welding factory, but now a multi-industry shop including a 2 room guesthouse, light food restaurant, vintage goods and plants sales, culture events, etc.
▼庭院及餐厅入口,courtyard and the restaurant entrance
▼餐厅区概览,restaurant overview
▼用餐区,dinning area
▼入口处吧台,front bar
▼二层阅读区,2F reading area
▼窗户外的二层阳台,window view of the balcony
▼古旧道具售卖,vintage goods
The main material of the building before transformation is big stone, steel, and cement, the roof is covered with red tiles. We can see the lime already fell from walls. But it shows beautiful original black wall as they used asphalt to do the waterproof job. To keep these unique features, we keep the original black wall, and green windows, and changed 1/4 roof from sheets to glass for the garden.
▼商品展示空间,display area
We use steel, cement to build a partial two-storey area to meet the requirement on reading room and administration, based on keeping the original structure. At the part of interior design, using dark green and white tiles with vintage wooden furniture and plants to create a classic but soft atmosphere, to collect its old soul and current usage. Which also meet the requirement of taking young people as the main market orientation.
▼中心庭院以及客房区入口,courtyard and the entrance to guest room
▼客房入口及阳台,guest room entrance and the balcony
▼客房公共客厅,common living room
▼客房,guest room
▼一层、二层平面图,1F & 2F plan
设计方:若凡工作室 Rovvon Studio
项目设计 & 完成年份:2018
主创及设计团队:若凡工作室Rovvon Studio