发布时间:2021-04-26 22:27:04 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

2021 年 4 月 6 日—6 月 14 日,A8 设计中心在成都麓湖呈现“湖岸 2 公里:西南独立建筑师 2021 麓湖跨界联展”。31 名独立建筑师沿湖水岸搭建实验性打卡点,以多角度的思维方式,跨界公共艺术,探寻建筑师表达自我的方式。同时以创意、开放、沉浸式展览为起点,探索一期湖系滨水空间的公共性。小隐建筑有幸受邀参与其中,将事务所提出的“意象建筑”以艺术装置的实践形式再次呈现给大家。

April 6, 2021 to June 14, A8 Design Center will present “2km along Luxelakes: Southwest Independent Architects Group Exhibition 2021” in Luxelakes, Chengdu. Thirty-one independent architects set up experimental installations along the shore of the lake to explore ways for architects to express themselves through multi-angle thinking and cross-boundary public art. At the same time, a creative, open and immersive exhibition will be taken as the starting point to explore the publicness of the waterfront space of the first phase of the lake system.

It’s our honor that Archermit Architecture could be invited to the exhibition, the “Imagist Architecture” theory proposed by the firm would be presented again in the form of art installation.

▼展览路线,the route© A8 设计中心

30 号展览点位紧邻麓湖·云朵乐园,人流量大、小孩子也特别多。场地为三角形,紧靠湖岸,两侧临水,周围视野开阔,原本就是麓湖一处拍照打卡的绝佳点位。基于场地的上述特点,在展览方案设计之初,我们就明确了设计原则:安全、通透、融合、互动、趣味。

The exhibition site of No.30 is close to Luxelakes · Cloud Paradise, with a large number of people and children. The site is triangular, sitting next by the lakeshore with water on both sides, sharing a wide vision around, which was originally a perfect spot for photographing in Luxeslake. Based on the characteristics of the site, we have made clear design principles: safety, transparency, integration, interaction and interestingness at the beginning of the design stage.

▼30 号点位现场照片,the site© 小隐建筑

在刚过去的 2020 年,全世界都受到疫情不同程度的影响,而且至今仍发挥着极强的作用力,导致很多事情都飘忽不定。在这样的一个大环境下,我们思考讨论了这次展览多种主题的可能性,结合事务所“意象建筑”关于情感研究的方法,最后我们决定做一次关于情感输出的探讨尝试——混沌意象。

During the past 2020, the whole world has been affected by the epidemic to varying degrees, and it is still maintaining as a strong force, which makes a lot of things in flux. In such an environment, we considered and discussed the possibilities of various themes in this exhibition. Combined with the theory of “Imagist Architecture” related to emotion researches, we finally decided to make an attempt to explore the expression of emotion — Chaotic image.

湖边的三角形场地,triangular site by the lake© 小隐建筑

▼混沌意象鸟瞰,aerial view © 小隐建筑

混沌——在可控和随机之间,有确定的因果,但无法通过精准计算预测的现象。宇宙中的一切物质,本身处于混沌状态。看似是无序的碎片,却有一定的逻辑和规律,他们相互联系、影响有机地汇集成一个整体。人们的情感既是混沌的一种表现,是个体差异存在的根本。这些捉摸不定的主观情感也在外界客观事物的影响中有迹可循。经过多次的讨论,我们将这次的情感意象分成了 5 个类别:人与社会的情感、人与自我的情感、人与人之间的情感、人与自然的情感、人与生命的情感。

Chaos — Phenomenon which is a definite cause and effect between controlled and random that cannot be predicted mathematically. Everything itself in the universe is in a state of chaos. Seemingly disordered but there is a certain logic and order actually, they are interrelated and influenced by each other, finally gathered into a whole organically.

People’s emotion is not only an expression of chaos, but also the root of individual differences. These elusive subjective feelings are also reflected under the influence of external objective things.

After many times of discussion, we divided the emotional images into five categories: emotions between people and society, personal self-real emotions, emotions between people, emotions between people and nature, and emotions between people and lives.

▼与湖水的互动,interaction with the lake ©小隐建筑

结合展览想要表达的“情感意象”,考虑安全性和造价控制,展览装置的主材选择聚碳酸酯板(PC 阳光板)。聚碳酸酯板是一种综合性能高的节能环保型材料,有多种透明度和肌理质感可供选择,能营造出各种特殊的氛围效果:模糊、虚实、滤镜、消隐、漫射等等,同时其耐抗击强度高、质量轻,非常符合我们对安全、通透的效果要求。展览装置采用了蜂窝阳光板、矩形阳光板、矩形晶亮阳光板、菱镜纹耐力板、钻石纹耐力板、透明耐力板等 6 种聚碳酸酯板。为了弥补聚碳酸酯板的结构稳定性并强化展览装置的混沌氛围,局部采用了镜面不锈钢板。

Combined with the “emotional image” that the exhibition wants to express, considering the safety and budget control, the main material of the exhibition installation is polycarbonate board. Polycarbonate board is a kind of material with comprehensive performance of high energy efficient and environmental friendly with a variety of transparency and textures to choose from, which can build the atmosphere that gives all sorts of special effects: fuzzy, void, filters, translucent, diffuse, etc. And its anti-shock intensity is high, quality is light, which reaches our requirements of safety and transparency. The exhibition uses six kinds of polycarbonate plates, such as honeycomb structural polycarbonate plates, rectangular structural polycarbonate plates, crystal rectangular structural polycarbonate plates, rhombus polycarbonate solid plates, diamond polycarbonate solid plates and transparent polycarbonate solid plates. In order to make up for the structural stability of polycarbonate panels and enhance the chaotic atmosphere of the exhibition installation as well, mirror stainless steel plates are used locally.

多种材料营造氛围效果,expressing“emotional image”witha variety of textures ©小隐建筑


▼材料分析,the materials©小隐建筑

The wind by the lake blew a mirage in the air, and scattered illusions on the ground. The city, the tall building, the home, the life, build one poetic order world in chaos. Walk through the world we built which is a collection of blur, filter, hermit and void, that nostalgia, that cupboard each family has, those people accompanying with you, those dreams, those landscape walked through, those freedom and beauty……Slowly emerges before eyes! Chaos or clarity, illusory or reality, confusion or perception is always changing. After a lot of complicated but eventually flat, find the belongingness and even the commonality of life! It may not be important to find who you are, but it is more important to remember how you feel when you are lost and confused. It makes you think…Who are you? What have you lost? What are you looking for? In this limited chaotic world, we accompany with you to feel thousands of images!

▼颠倒的视角,view from the inverted perspective©小隐建筑


The silhouette of the city suspended in the air and the cubes scattered on the ground are like the cities, buildings, families and fresh lives around us, which constitute a chaotic and ordered place together.

装置中的视角,view inside the installation©小隐建筑

世界观是人们看待这个世界的滤镜。是你带着滤镜看世界,还是这个世界带着滤镜看你。尽情释放自我,记录每个灵魂的独特瞬间!不要在意墙外的声音,Ta 只窥见朦胧的你……!

Worldview is the filter people viewing the world. Whether you see the world through a filter, or the world sees you behind the filter. Let go of yourself, record the unique moment of each soul. Never pay attention to the voice outside the wall, they can’t see you clearly…

人与装置的互动,interaction between visitors and the installation©小隐建筑

1.5 米的立方体盒子,临湖的透明聚碳酸酯板框起一幅画,其余几个面均为半透模糊效果,外围的人只能透过一个 300mm 的方孔窥见盒内的场景:嬉戏、打卡、静思……权在自己内心所向,天真孩童的好奇探寻、青春靓丽的婀娜多姿……夕阳西下,盒子里的场景又变幻成一出妙曼的皮影戏。

Within the 1.5-meter cube, the transparent polycarbonate plate facing the lake frame a picture. The other sides are all translucent. People outside the cube can only see the scene inside through a square hole of 300mm: playing, photo shooting, meditating…yearning from one self’s heart, innocent children’s curiosity, beautiful movement of young generation…When the sunsets coming, the scene inside the cube transforms into a wonderful shadow puppetry.

多样的互动场景,various interactive scenes ©小隐建筑


Those unreal dreams and memories are experiences or ideals. No matter how vague your thoughts, you can still feel resonance of those unforgettable true feelings and emotions.

▼隐中的翠绿与柔软,the green and softness materials©小隐建筑

▼日光照耀下的飞翔梦境,bluedreams under the sunlight©小隐建筑


Those “dreams” whether still remember fresh?

In both dream and reality, three boxes sealed the three most common dreams of people: getting lost, falling and flying. The three colors also represent different emotions: red is passionate and self-conscious, yellow is anxious and ostentatious, blue is independent and hopeful. They also represent different stages and emotions of life. After experiencing the confusion of the red jungle and the frustration of the yellow valley, they can finally fly freely in the blue sky.

▼迷失与坠落的梦境,dreams about lost and fallen dreams ©小隐建筑

The beauty or ugliness whatever you feel at that particular point, another angle may create another different scenery.Missing, forgetting, warmth, contradiction, intimacy, estrangement…Distance between you and your hometown, home or family, sometimes far, sometimes close.Are those emotions “home” giving you still clear?

▼夜间亮起的装置,the installation lighting up at night ©小隐建筑

2020 年春节前个人经历了婚变、亲人去世等生离死别,长期远离家乡、父母,导致与大家庭的关系逐渐疏远,对“家”的感触尤为深刻,这是选择“家”作为人与人之间的情感探讨的缘起。常言道“家家都有一本难念的经”,没有亲历其中的人,其实都没有办法感受到别人家庭那些复杂微妙的关系。在炫丽朦胧的大盒子里面,白色山坡上竖立着一幢由 10 个立方体盒子组成的潘洛斯三角(Penrose triangle)建筑,其中一个立方体里面安置了一个白色的“家”,三角的两端各有一个小人。透过不同角度的 3 个小孔,看到截然不同的几个“家”的场景:摇摇欲坠的独自行走、楼顶形单影只的望向远方、其乐融融的葛优躺、快要牵在一起的手……他们传递着完全不同的情感氛围,也是很多家庭关系的真实写照……

Before the Spring Festival of 2020, I have experienced marital divorce, death of loved ones and other separations. I have been away from my hometown and parents for a long time, which has led to a gradual estrangement with my extended family. I have a deep feeling about “home”, which is the reason why I choose “home” as the emotional discussion between people. As the saying goes, “Every family has a hard book to read.” Those who do not experience it personally has no way to feel the complex and subtle relationship of other families. Inside the cube, a Penrose triangle building made up of 10 boxes stands on a white hillside, a white “home” places in one of boxes, with a small figure at each end. You can see several completely different scenes of “home” through the three small holes with different angles: walking precariously alone, looking into the distance alone on the roof of the building, lying happily, and holding hands together…They convey a completely different emotional atmosphere and are reflections of different family relationships…

▼盒子中炫丽的灯光,the colorful boxes©小隐建筑


Unknown, hidden, disappeared, detachment, return…… We are connected with nature, worship nature, transform nature, conquer nature or respect nature, conform to nature, protect nature.Nature is the source of our wisdom. There is always a way to explore and discover the truth of this chaotic world!You can see the green still in the distance looking through the green valley. The carefree old man is sitting on the soft cloud spreading the valley and the lake. A few red trees poke their heads out from the deep cloud, the fish are hooked, and the old man is happy — the picture scroll of “hidden in the wild” is all in front of my eyes. The definition of the vacation and leisure nowadays, or the ancient yearning towards home garden, all reflect people’s wish for a better life of poetic dwelling. Times are changing, but our relationship with nature remains the same.

▼湖畔夜景,night views by the lake©小隐建筑

2020 年前所未有的全球化疫情爆发,引发无数人对于生命健康的种种思考。封存在小盒子里面的“玩物”是空气里微观世界的放大,渺小却不可忽视的影响着我们生存的环境。雪崩的时候,没有一片雪花是无辜的!经历 2020 这一场灾难,有的人离开了,有的人重获新生。我们是否反思日常中还会带来灾难的点滴:消融的冰川、颗粒污染物、病毒感染、饮食污染、水资源枯竭……还有多少看似微不足道的事物会带来巨大的创伤……?

The unprecedented outbreak of the global epidemic in 2020 has caused countless people to think about their lives and health. Things sealed in small boxes are the enlargement of the microscopic world in the air, which is small but not negligible impact on our living environment.There is no snowflake innocent in an avalanche! After the disaster of 2020, some people have left and some have found new ways to live. Have we ever introspected details in daily life which could possibly cause future disasters: melting glaciers, particulate pollutants, viral infections, food pollution, water depletion and so on. How many other seemingly insignificant things can cause possible hurts?

盒子中的生动场景,vivid scenes in the box©小隐建筑

作为一个装置艺术,表达一定的思想情感是这次展览的重点。在这之外,让艺术更贴近生活也是我们关注的另外一个重点,展览场地紧邻麓湖·云朵乐园,在这个区域活动的人群从蹒跚学步的孩童到耄耋老人,年龄跨度非常大,各自的认知及需求也天差地别,展览的安全性、互动性、趣味性、体验性亦是我们关注的重点。依据人体工学设置了 300mm、400mm、600mm 的魔方,以满足人们坐、靠、踮、抱、戴等的行为需求。部分 300mm 的魔方内置“意象玩物”,可根据参与者的想法随意移动组合,构成属于他的装置组合形态。在多种聚碳酸酯板形成朦胧、迷糊、虚幻的场景氛围基础上,局部点缀的镜面不锈钢板反射形成的影像延展空间,更强化了装置的魔幻色彩和趣味性,让游览的人们都忍不住用相机记录下这个独特瞬间。让更多的人参与艺术、了解艺术、懂得艺术,生活自会越来越美!

Expressing certain ideas and emotions is the focus point of this exhibition in the form of art installation. Besides, bringing the art closer to life is the other point we concentrate. The exhibition site adjacent to the Luxelakes · Cloud Paradise, people within this area age from toddler to elder, age span and the difference between what they know and need are huge. So the safety, integration, interaction and interestingness become our principles naturally.

300mm, 400mm and 600mm Cubes are set to meet people’s behavioral needs of sitting, leaning, standing on foot, holding and wearing according to ergonomics. Parts of the 300mm cubes has built-in “imagist things”, which can be moved and combined according to participants’ ideas to form their own composition forms.

On the basis of the blurry, fuzzy and void scene atmosphere formed by a variety of polycarbonate plates, the extension space formed by the mirror stainless steel plates strengthens the magic color and interestingness the installation, which makes visitors can’t help recording this unique moment with their cameras.

Let more people participate in art, know about art, understand art, life will be more and more beautiful!

灯光吸引人们驻足,the installationattracting people to stop ©小隐建筑


Be bold to explore that unknown world. Things experienced on the way. Feel with your heart. Those people. Those stories. All can shine! Find a person. Weave a dream. Build a home. Between mountains and rivers. Reborn once!


展览出品:A8 设计中心出品人:梁蕊策展人:那娜、邓巧展览设计:小隐建筑事务所创作团队:潘友才、冯煜桃、胡沁梅、杨喆、刘子轩、张杉施工单位:四川商博建筑工程有限公司项目负责人:吴显勇、姜飞展览地址:四川省成都市麓湖生态城云朵乐园设计时间:2020 年 3 月摄影:冯煜桃、杨喆、潘友才

Exhibition Producer: A8 Design Center

Producer: Rui Liang

Exhibition Planner: Na Na, Qiao Deng

Exhibition Designer: Archermit Architecture

Design Team: Youcai Pan, Yutao Feng, Qinmei Hu, Zhe Yang, Zixuan Liu, Shan Zhang

Construction Company: Sichuan Shangbo Construction Engineering Co. Ltd

Project Manager: Xianyong Wu, Fei Jiang

Exhibition Site: Luxelakes · Cloud Paradise, Chengdu, Sichuan

Photography: Yutao Feng, Zhe Yang, Youcai Pan


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