发布时间:2019-07-10 19:40:10 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Located in Rongcheng, Shandong province, Swan Lake Park is a natural wetland near the Yellow Sea, flat and vast, with reed spreading wildly and water streams meandering. Every October, groups of swans migrate south to this site from Siberia. This magnificent scene, as well as the beautiful landscape of the wetland, attracts large groups of tourists. The local government wishes to build a public facility that provides tourists with services such as viewing and catering.

▼建筑全景,overall view© 陈颢

建筑选址于湿地东北角,此处背靠一片茂盛的黑松林,面朝整个湿地景观。建筑在场地中的形象可以被理解为一座“桥”和一座“塔”:水平向的景观廊长 71 米,如同湿地上的一道长桥,架空漂浮在柔软的土壤和水流上,最大化地保持了自然地形的延续性,又如一把从湿地伸入水面的标尺,通过自身的水平性提示下方地形的变化;竖直的瞭望塔高 15.6 米,如同水边的灯塔,为游客观景提供了一处可以俯瞰湿地、远眺马山的高点视野。一横一竖两个体量,在空间的三个维度上与场地紧密地联系起来。

概念草图,the concept sketch

The service building sited on the north-east corner of the park, with dense pine forest to its back, faces the wetland landscape. The contextual image of the architecture is understood as “a bridge” and “a tower”: the horizontal Bridge House is 71 meters long, like a bridge spanning over the soft soil and water, leaving the continuity of landscape uninterrupted. It also acts like a ruler that extends itself from the wetland to hover over the water pond, through its straightness delineating the sectional change of the landscape below. The vertical Viewing Tower is 15.6 meters tall, like a lighthouse near the water, providing tourists with a high point to overlook the wetland and Mont. Mashan. The two volumes, horizontal and vertical, correspond to the site in three dimensions of space.▼建筑全景,由一座“桥”和一座“塔”组成,overall view of the project that can be understood as“a bridge”and“a tower”©杨天周


▼首层平面图,景观廊沿长轴方向分为三层,咖啡厅和卫生间布置在中间,交通空间位于两侧,ground floor plan, there are three layers in the longitudinal direction – café and bathrooms are in the center, with circulation on both sides

In the early design phase, the program of Bridge House was a café and bathroom facilities. The environment conditions and user requests led to its self-revelation gesture to the wetland and pine forest. Thus a third program which connects the previous two emerged – sightseeing.There are three layers in the longitudinal direction – café and bathrooms are in the center, with circulation on both sides.

▼景观廊远景,distant view of Bridge House©陈颢


The two sides are semi-open corridors with different atmosphere – the east corridor near the pine forest is introverted and quiet, while the west corridor facing the wetland is extraverted and open.

▼景观廊外立面局部,东侧的外廊紧靠松林,更为内向安静,partial exterior view of the facade of theBridge House,the east corridor near the pine forest is introverted and quiet©陈颢

▼景观廊外立面,西侧的外廊则面向湿地景观,更为外向开阔,the facade of the Bridge House,the west corridor facing the wetland is extraverted and open©陈颢


▼景观廊主入口处,两侧的路径在行进过程中时而聚合,形成出入口和连桥,the lobby of the Bridge House, thetwo paths sometimes converge, forming entrances andlinkage©赵奕龙

景观廊主入口处,the lobby of the Bridge House©赵奕龙

▼景观廊主入口处,一侧是湿地,the lobby of the Bridge House beside the wetland©陈颢

景观廊主入口处,一侧是松林,the lobby of the Bridge Housebeside thepine forest©杨天周

两侧的路径聚合形成的内院庭院,the courtyard formed by the converging of two paths©陈颢

▼屋顶观景平台,可远眺群山,the rooftop platform thatoverlooks Mont©陈颢

The two paths sometimes converge, forming entrances, linkage, or inner courtyard; they then diverge into stairs, leading up to the roof platform that overlooks Mont. Mashan, or down to the lower deck with proximity to the water. This provides people with varying experience while traversing the building.

通往水面楼梯,the staircase leading to the water level©陈颢

▼建筑底部看向水面,view to the lake underneath Bridge House©陈颢

▼景观廊底部,underneath Bridge House©赵奕龙

▼建筑底层看向水面,view to the lake on bottom viewing platform©赵奕龙


In order to achieve large span, wood cast in-situ concrete was used for the structure, which is also the majority of the finish material of the building. Between the two horizontal floor slabs, there are multiple concrete shear walls that reinforce structure and at the same time partition the building into spaces with different personalities. Staggered pine wood form provides fine texture to the concrete, adding some warmth to the architecture while responding to the natural feature of the pine forest at site.

室内展廊,错缝排列的松木模板为坚硬的混凝土墙体赋予了细腻的木纹肌理,the interior gallery space, staggered pine wood form provides fine texture to the concrete©陈颢

▼由玻璃限定出来的咖啡厅空间,the Café defined by glass©陈颢

▼咖啡厅视野,viewing from Café ©杨天周

▼咖啡厅外廊,the exterior corridor outside Café©杨天周

景观廊夜景全景,overall view of Bridge House at night©陈颢

景观廊外立面局部夜景,partial exterior view of the facade of theBridge House at night©陈颢


▼天鹅湖木塔的轴测爆炸拆解图,the exploded axonometric drawing of the Wooden Viewing Tower

▼天鹅湖木塔的剖面模型,section model of theWooden Viewing Tower

The Viewing Tower is purely programmed for viewing. Thus the design focus is to narrate the experience of it. Viewed from outside, the tower is well enclosed with wood shingles that will weather into grey color with time, adding more peacefulness to the building. The light source inside the wood tower is from the skylight in the center of its roof, washing the interior of the wood tower into gradient light conditions. Entering the wood tower into a dark space, one takes wooden steps that spire up, passing through a few openings that provide fragmented view frames. It gets brighter while ascending. Arriving at the observation platform at the end of the spiral staircase, one’s view is fully opened, to the extent of the entire Swan Lake.

▼由木瓦片打造而成的观鸟塔外观,整体较为封闭,exterior view of the Viewing Tower that is well enclosed with wood shingles©杨天周

▼观鸟塔的木质旋转楼梯,the wooden spiral staircase of theViewing Tower©陈颢

▼观鸟塔仰视图,屋顶中心的天光营造出从低到高逐渐由暗变亮的空间状态,bottom view inside the Viewing Tower, the light source inside the wood tower is from the skylight in the center of its roof, washing the interior of the wood tower into gradient light conditions©陈颢

▼景观廊模型,physical model of theBridge House

▼模型,景观廊西侧外廊,physical model viewing fromwest

▼模型,景观廊东侧外廊,physical model viewing from east


▼场地图,site plan

▼西南立面图,south west elevation

▼景观廊的短剖透视图,cross perspective section of the Bridge House

▼景观廊的长剖透视图,longitudinal perspective section of the Bridge House

项目名称:天鹅湖湿地公园景观廊及观鸟塔业主:荣成市好运角旅游度假区建设局项目地点:山东省荣成市项目功能:咖啡厅、卫生间、游览观光设计单位:迹·建筑事务所(TAO)主持人:华黎设计团队:华黎、雷铮、刘秋兵、马坤结构工程师:马智刚机电工程师:吕建军及 Kcalin 卡林设计团队、李鑫、李伟施工团队:威海建设集团三公司建筑面积:278.2 平方米结构体系:钢筋混凝土结构、钢结构设计时间:2017 施工时间:2017-2018 摄影:陈颢,赵奕龙,杨天周

Project: Swan Lake Bridge House and Viewing Tower

Client: Rongcheng Good Luck Corner Tourism Resort Construction Bureau

Location: Rongcheng, Shandong

Program: Cafe, Toilet, Sightseeing

Principal architect: HUA Li | TAO (Trace Architecture Office)Design team: HUA Li, LEI Zheng, LIU Qiubing, MA Kun

Structural engineer: MA Zhigang

General contractor: Weihai Construction Group Co.,Ltd

MEP engineer: LV Jianjun and Kcalin design group, LI Xin, LI Wei

Floor area: 278.2 sq. m

Structural system: Steel / Reinforced concrete

Design: 2017Construction: 2017-2018

Photograph: CHEN Hao, ZHAO Yilong, YANG Tianzhou


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