发布时间:2018-12-19 03:03:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

继Son Lap学校的Toigetation卫生设施项目的一期工程于2014年完工后,Toigetation项目的二期工程增加了卫生设备和配件的数量并将其整合在一起,以达到越南教育部、培训部和卫生部的卫生服务标准。该项目位于越南的奠边府巡教县的塔马公社内,该地生活条件艰苦,常年水资源短缺,因此本项目便致力于满足公社内300多名塔马小学生的卫生和洗浴要求。

Subsequent to the Toigetation project completed in Son Lap school in 2014, the Toigetation 2 has been upgraded regarding the number of sanitary equipment and accessories as a more holistic approach to the standard sanitation service by Ministry of Education and Training and Ministry of Health of Vietnam. The project is to meet the sanitation and washing needs for over 300 Ta Ma primary school pupils in Ta Ma commune – a commune in special difficulties and water scarcity in Tuan Giao district, Dien Bien province.

▼项目鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view


▼项目旁有两棵大树,茂密的树冠为其下方的空间提供了阴凉区,two big trees beside the project with wide canopy providing shade to the space below and within

▼项目生成过程,the process of this project

Featured with the iconic image of two big trees with wide canopy providing shade to the space below and within, the Toigetation 2 lightly touches the ground with a layer of vegetation (trees and herbs) on its four sides. The layer of vegetation helps regulating indoor climate, harnessing load bearing structure, supplying food and at the same time creating a perceived boundary between inside and outside space. Constructed by local Human resources and Materials in simple but efficient construction methods, the project uses solar panels for electric lightening, rain water and waste water for cleaning and gardening purposes.

▼外观:项目由方盒子体量的空间和由竹管搭建而成的支架和顶棚组成,exterior view: the project consists of a rectangular volume, supporting made of bamboo and a roof

▼项目四周种植着一层植被,a layer of vegetation (trees and herbs) on four sides

▼利用竹管支架种植植被,创造一个感官上的室内外空间的边界线,harnessing load bearing structure to plant a layer of vegetation to create a perceived boundary between inside and outside space


The Toigetation is supposed to contribute to shaping users’ future action, thereby exerting significant impacts on the promotion of local ecological balance, economic stability and improvement of Human rights in Vietnam more positively in the context of severe shortage of toilets at schools in Vietnam’s rural areas.

▼顶棚为小学生们提供阴凉空间,the roof provides purples with a shade area

▼收集雨水和废水用以清洁和浇灌,collecting rain water and waste water for cleaning and gardening purposes

▼屋顶处竹管支架连接细节,bamboo roof details

▼竹管支架支撑着顶棚,the bamboo structure supporting the roof

▼男浴室入口,entrance of shower (boys)

▼室内空间,interior view

▼项目夜景:使用电子照明,night view: using the electric lighting

▼平面图,floor plan



▼细节分析图,details diagrams

Location: Ta Ma Primary School, Ta Ma commune, Tuan Giao district, Dien Bien province, Vietnam

Investor: Dien Bien Provincial Centre for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation

Sponsor: UNICEF Vietnam

Architect In Charge: Doan Thanh Ha & Tran Ngoc Phuong

Team: Chu Kim Thinh, Dao Bich Lien, Nguyen Hai Hue, Nguyen Van Manh, Nguyen Van Thinh.

Completion date: June 2016

Photographs: Nguyen Tien Thanh


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