发布时间:2024-05-23 07:21:46 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

蓝调国际:飞鸟,绝美中的不凡 Flying Birds, Extraordinary Beauty 重庆麓悦中岛地块是一个马拉松式的项目,与万华合作的朋友都熟悉他们异乎寻常的细心和耐心。在超长的设计周期里,所有合作方都凭借超强的毅力认真执行最初的构想。 主创阿笠以超然审美和洞察,精妙把握未来人居的审美及独特生活场景。设计团队在项目规模宏大的场地空间中,张弛有度地布置出相得益彰的空间场所。重庆复杂的山地地形没有束缚住设计师的想象力,设计手法看似自由奔放,实则处处透露着人性化的细腻和温柔。 游弋于项目高差层叠的场景空间,可发现设计师运用漂浮、下沉、旋转、连接等手法,将不同竖向场地构建成一处神奇立体的山地花园。令人惊奇的并非螺旋塔、秘密下沉花园或宛如飞带的连廊,而是在三四十米巨大高差的场地中形成无障碍归家路径。这些漂浮在林间路径上的无障碍栈道,为以高差闻名的重庆树立了新典范。正是这种朴素的人性关怀,使得项目不仅呈现出奇异多姿的景观场景,还将关于豪宅浅薄描述重新引导,回到关注使用和人性的基本准则上。 因此,麓悦江城的“飞鸟集”中表现了一种深层的精神追求——自然与人的相互倾述。如同泰戈尔在诗句中描绘自然万物的灵性相通、有机一体,展现出人与自然、爱与神的亲密无间、交互融溶,从而生成了麓悦江城丰富隽永的生活场景。 独属山城的“飞鸟”,自由徜徉。 ——任刚

BLUES: Chongqing’s Luoyue Zhongdao plot is also a marathon-style project. Friends who often cooperate with Wanhua are familiar with their extraordinary care and patience. Throughout the lengthy design process, all parties involved have shown exceptional perseverance in faithfully executing the initial concept.

Lead designer A Li has shown remarkable aesthetic insight and foresight, delicately capturing the future aesthetics of living and unique lifestyle scenes. The design team has skillfully arranged the vast site space, creating complementary spatial places with a sense of relaxation and tension.

The complex mountainous terrain of Chongqing has not limited the designers’ imagination. While the design approach appears to be bold and free, it also reveals a subtle and gentle humanity. Navigating through the layered scenes of varying elevations in the project, one can discover how the designers use floating, sinking, rotating, and connecting techniques to construct different vertical sites into a magical three-dimensional mountain garden. What is truly remarkable is not the spiral tower, the secret sunken garden, or the corridor resembling a flying ribbon, but the barrier-free paths formed on the massive high-difference terrain of 30 to 40 meters, setting a new standard for Chongqing known for its elevation differences. It is this simple human care that allows the project to not only present a diverse and colorful landscape but also redirect attention to the basic principles of human use and human nature.

Therefore, the “Flying Birds Collection” of Luyue Jiangcheng reflects a deep spiritual pursuit – the mutual communication between nature and humans. Just as Tagore depicted the spiritual connection among all things in nature in his poetry, showing their organic integration and the intimate and interactive fusion between humans and nature, love and divinity, thereby creating the rich and timeless living scenes of Luyue Jiangcheng.

The “Flying Birds,” unique to the mountain city, freely soar. ——Ren Gang

▽项目视频 video

重庆-山里有座城 · 城里有座山 Chongqing-A City in the Mountains, A Mountain in the City

一座独具魅力且魔幻山城,拥有着独一无二的城市面孔,8D 魔幻立体地形、赛博朋克、山水交融。

A uniquely charming and enchanting mountain city, boasting a one-of-a-kind urban identity, with 8D magical terrain, cyberpunk, and an integration of landscape.

理想主义的生活场域 An Idealistic Living Environment


万华带着这样的理念来到重庆,以麓悦江城为蓝图,构筑属于重庆的理想主义生活场域。从麓山到麓湖,深耕成都 20 年之后,重庆成为万华麓系品牌向外拓展的第一站。又历经四年的耐心打磨,麓悦江城才得以逐渐揭开面纱一角。

It should be an organic fusion of architectural aesthetics, practical aesthetics, and the city’s DNA, and it should also become an expression of the city’s future development vision. With this philosophy in mind, Wanhua arrived in Chongqing, using Luyue Jiangcheng as a blueprint, building an idealistic living environment unique to Chongqing. After deep cultivation in Chengdu for 20 years, from Lushan to Luhu, Chongqing became the first stop for Wanhua’s Lushi brand to expand outward. After four years of patient refinement, Luyue Jiangcheng gradually unveils its mystery.

▽场地空间布局 Site spatial layout

绘-城市未来之想象 Sketch-Imagining the Future of the City“丘岭连四谷,九区三十台”,得天独厚的地理形态赋予场地丰富的地貌特征。半岛森居,一只张开双翼的巨鸟,是城市未来之想象。

“Hills and valleys, nine districts and thirty platforms” The unique geographical form endows the site with rich topographical features. Peninsula Forest Residence, Finding Answers Amidst Rich Topography… A Giant Bird Spreading Its Wings.”

▽概念演绎 Conceptual deduction


The Gathering of Flying Birds: A Narrative of Mountain Folding.

界-立体折叠 Boundary-Three-dimensional Folding

“飞鸟希望自己是云彩,云彩希望自己是飞鸟 ”。盘旋而上的螺旋塔,分为三层空间,分别赋予了休憩、观景与远眺的不同功能。

“Birds hope to be clouds, and clouds hope to be birds.” A spiraling tower ascending upwards, divided into three levels, each serving different functions of relaxation, observation, and panoramic views.

▽景观螺旋塔 Landscape spiral tower

塔身外观犹如一个「鸟巢」,向上蜿蜒的「钢铁藤蔓」由超 3000 米艺术钢带经参数化精密编织而成。看似随性的设计,藏着无数次数字模型的精琢,打造出看似随机却浑然天成的视觉交响。

The exterior of the tower resembles a ‘bird’s nest’, with upward winding ‘steel vines’ meticulously woven from over 3000 meters of artistic steel bands through parametric precision. The seemingly casual design conceals the refinement of countless digital models, creating a visually symphonic composition that appears random yet harmoniously natural.

域-悬浮折叠 Domain-Suspended Folding


The mountains roar like children’s shouts, lifting their arms, trying to grasp the stars in the sky.

▽悬浮折桥动线设计 Floating folding bridge moving line design


The surrounding corridor extends, encircling the certral atrium, and creates a rich three-dimensional space for wandering. Interwoven among the treetops, one can enjoy the pleasant sensation of touching the branches brushing against the forehead, and after passing through, can marvel at the expansive view beyond the branches.

▽丰富立体的场地空间 Enrich the three-dimensional site space

桥下剧场 Underbridge Theater



Every space is designed with intent, yet each use of it becomes a chance encounter. With ten thousand people, there are ten thousand possible uses, truly realizing a multidimensional lifestyle beneath the integrated transportation system.

The theater beneath the bridge is designed with a rich community neighborhood space. It offers various activities, such as reading and painting at the Rivulet Learning Community, playing board games at the Universe Bar, and doing fitness activities like billiards. From the laughter of children running around, to the active lifestyle of young people, to the peaceful rest and relaxation of the elderly, there is always a sense of contentment to be found that suits one’s preferences.

架空的「峡谷」腹地,是儿童们全天候的游乐地。戏水池里水温尚凉,孩子们就玩起篮球。每一个设施都是「定制款」,云朵篮筐、整根木头做的跷跷板、乒乓球台和攀爬架,鲜艳明媚的色彩为孩子们划出场地边界。 The suspended ‘canyon’ hinterland serves as an all-weather playground for children. The water in the play pool is still cool, and children play basketball. Each facility is ‘custom-made’, with cloud-shaped basketball hoops, seesaws made of whole wood, ping pong tables, and climbing frames. Bright and colorful hues mark out the boundaries of the playground for the children.



The invasion of greenery brings a sense of tranquility, offering a peaceful respite to enjoy the slowed pace of time. Embracing moments of serenity, one can experience both a relaxed tension and a warm vitality, immersed in a life full of vigor and vitality.

云端栈桥——最适合看日出的晨雾岭,拥有一座轻盈而优雅的空中之桥。栈桥依地形自 8 米缓降至 4 米,被约 80 株成年水杉环绕,让行者仿佛漫步于林间树梢。The Cloud Bridge – located in the Misty Ridge, where the sunrise is best observed, boasts a graceful and elegant sky bridge. Following the terrain, the bridge gently descends from 8 meters to 4 meters, surrounded by approximately 80 mature metasequoias, allowing travelers to feel as if they are strolling among the treetops.

▽水杉环绕的空中之桥 The sky bridge surrounded by metasequoia

续-编织折叠 Continuation-Woven Folding

“万物的力量,最大的是生长的力量 ”。

The greatest power of all things is the power of growth.

▽艺术灵动的飘带廊架 Artistic streamer gallery

与飘带廊架相伴的约 500㎡摇曳草地葱郁开阔,还具备容纳各类创意活动的「包容性」,艺术展览、草坪 LIVE、市集派对等活动都能在此展开,自然和生活的交融更能让麓客体会放松而纯粹的愉快。

Accompanied by the ribbon-like corridors, there is a lush and spacious 500-square-meter swaying grassland, which also possesses an inherent inclusivity to accommodate various creative activities. Art exhibitions, lawn LIVE performances, market parties, and other events can all take place here. The fusion of nature and life allows visitors to experience a relaxed and pure joy.

趣-对话美学 Interest-Aesthetic Dialogue


Art is perception, surprise is everywhere.



animals transformed by ‘Luxue’


WE LIVE IN THIS WORLD WHEN WE LOVE IT. ——Tagore’s “The Gardener”


景观设计:蓝调国际 (成都公司& 重庆一院)

景观面积:约 59000㎡

完成时间:2024 年













建筑设计单位:5+Design 建筑事务所


Project Name: Chongqing Luyue Jiangcheng Lushi Peninsula Landscape Design: Blue Tone International (Chengdu Company & Design Institute No.1) Landscape Area: Approximately 59,000 square meters Completion Date: 2024 Project Address: Yuelai, Chongqing

Client: Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Xinxizhi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

Landscape Construction: Chongqing Senlan Landscaping Co., Ltd. Structural Design: Changsha Anji Engineering Design Co., Ltd., Zhongji Zhonglian Engineering Co., Ltd.

Ironwork Construction: Chongqing Yitong Metal Products Co., Ltd. Signage Production: Chongqing Xili Sign Design and Production Co., Ltd.

Sculpture Design: Guangzhou Yijia Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. Sculpture Production: Chengdu Feiyi Sculpture and Mural Art Co., Ltd.

Lamp Production: Chengdu Huanmei Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. Soft Decoration Design: Chongqing Yanciyinghua Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. Soft Decoration Production: Chongqing Yanciyinghua Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd.

Flower Scene Creation: Chengdu Huimei Huajing Gardening Engineering Co., Ltd. Architectural Design Firm: 5+Design Architectural Firm Photography Studio: Prism



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