The rapid rise of cities gives people a new perspective on life needs and beauty.
Outside of work is life.
People's pursuit is no longer a house, more should be a comfortable decompression home.
本案是一家六口:父母、年轻夫妻与两小孩的生活空间,坐落在沿海城市的顶层复式。 将空间回归本质,探索空间与自然,艺术与情感。 This case is a family of six: parents, young couple and two children living space, located in a coastal city penthouse. Return space to its essence, explore space and nature, art and em
以山丘的概念融入进户休闲区,减压与回归自然的舒适感,适合居家下午茶的区域。徐徐微风,澜澜海面。浮世繁华,将许可以在这里放缓步调寻找一份心灵的宁静 With the concept of hill into the household leisure area, decompression and return to the natural comfort, suitable for home afternoon tea area. There is a gentle breeze and a sea. Ukiyoshi bus tling, will allow to slow down here to find a peace of mind
交谈中观察到女主人偏向艺术气息,采用现代风格的同时,运用进口复古金属手工漆与黑白灰的空间相互碰撞。 In the conversation observed goodwife bias artistic breath, while adopting contemporary style, apply import to restore ancient ways metallic hand lacquer and the space of black and white ash collide each other.
使用布纹墙板,石英瓷芯材质的客厅背景,既体现出简美,又解决沿海住宅防潮湿的性能。同时让整个空间有了循序渐进,虚实结合。 Use cloth grain wallboard, the sitting room background that quartz porcelain core pledges material, reflect to give Jane beauty already, solve the performance that coastal residence prevents moisture again. Let whole space had step by step at the same time, virtual and real union.
楼梯选用木饰与钢化玻璃的结合,窄边扶手、胡桃木点缀在玻璃上,使得空间整体视觉更通透、澈亮。又不乏细腻。 Stair chooses wood to act the role of and toughened glass union, fine edge armrest, walnut adorns on glass. Make space integral vision more transparent, bright. There is no lack of subtlety.
厨房门采用左右藏式推拉门,整体空间颜色以白色为主,让锅碗瓢盆在白色背景诠释自己的造型感。犹如一个整洁的艺术空间,尽情的创作美味佳肴 Kitchen door is about Tibetan type sliding door, integral space color is given priority to with white, let pan bowl gourd ladle basin interpret the modelling feeling of him in white setting.
人生的初端正是孩童。二楼儿童区以复古绿色手工漆加上金属与木地板相互结合,让空间赋予童真之境,动静皆宜。 The first proper step in life is to be a child. Second floor children's area with retro green hand paint plus metal and wood floor mutual combination, so that the space is endowed with the childlike innocence of the environment, movement and motion are appropriate.
阳光房是顶楼的区域之一,结合山丘元素,采用pu石皮,克制和平衡的感受,利用光线、形式、纹理、艺术包容自然的质地,铺叙自然。 The sun room is one of the areas on the top floor. Combining the elements of the hill, pu stone skin is adopted to control and balance the feeling, and the texture of light, form, texture and art is used to cover the nature and express the nature.
观景露台 Viewing terrace