Kew Elsfield Townhouses Located in leafy Kew, the Elsfield consists of 19 townhomes each with its own parking. Living over two levels, the Elsfield attracts owner-buyers with the inclusion of special finishes and features – stone to kitchens, wide timber flooring boards and feature staircases. Collaboration Architects: Malcolm Elliott Close 莱希斯菲尔德镇的房子坐落在叶树荫凉的位置,它由19个联排别墅组成,每个公寓都有自己的停车位。在两个层面上,Elsfield吸引了业主-买家,其中包括特殊的装饰和特色-石材到厨房、宽阔的木地板和特色楼梯。协作架构师:MalcolmElliott关闭