Italy QueriniFoundation site reconstruction
Querini Stampalia基金会的主席Marino Cortese在谈到该项目时说道,“为了对场地的恢复和部分景观的重建,我们已经努力了大约半个世纪。不断的工作和重复是需要大量的激情和坚持作基础的。威尼斯当地人们和今天的游客们都将基金会的大楼看作是典型的威尼斯风格与当地文化相互融合的结果,在人们心中的地位很重,因此此次的重建也备受关注”。Marino Cortese主席对于此次的项目非常自豪,也迫不及待想要看到修复后的养子。
此次的修复工程一共有四个部分:第一个是桥梁,在过去的几个世纪里,它是保留下来的最轻的景观之一,修复的时间也没有很长。第二个是入口处的障碍景观,主要将场地与周边的水域分开。第三个是拱廊。第四个便是花园的恢复了。在该项目中,Carlo Scarpa团队将整个典型的威尼斯庭院改造成一个更加欢快的封闭花园,融合了阿拉伯风格和传统的日本园林风,为整个场地带来了别致的异域风情。
“It took more than half a century of continuous work, as well as much passion and tenacity on the part of everybody. Yet what Venetians and tourists alike today see is a synthesis of Venetian style and culture, which has regained the dignity it deserves by origin, importance and function”. This is what Marino Cortese states; the President of Querini Stampalia Foundation is rightfully proud to present his “new” institution.
This architectural restoration is made up of four parts: the bridge, which is the lightest and fastest junction arch made in Venice over the past few centuries, the entrance with the barriers for the defence from high waters, the portego (arcade) and the garden.Here Carlo Scarpa turned a typical Venetian courtyard into a delightful hortus conclusus, reinterpreting Arabic and Japanese traditions.
意大利Querini 基金会场地重建实景图