发布时间:2018-11-18 14:56:08 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Real estate sales center is a kind of temporary architecture that can only last several months or few years at most, which is usually dismantled after houses are sold out. Even if it can be preserved in few cases, functions are completely transformed. Interior decoration of real estate sales centers is generally complicated, causing obstacles and waste of resources in the process of functional repurposing. The building not only meets the temporary need of marketing but also has potential for a wide range of other possible usages. It’s more appropriate to say that we designed a space without functional constraints rather than just a sales center. We turned all necessary service spaces featuring great spatial restrictions such as staircase and bathroom into basic modules in accordance with Ergonomics, and meanwhile tried our best to weaken the functional attribute of other remaining spaces. In this way, we separated function and space, so as to eliminate functional constraints of spaces.

▼建筑外观,exterior view

▼东立面,east facade

▼东南侧视角,view from southeast

▼立面细部,facade detail


The client is an estanciero who pursues high quality of real estate development instead of instant commercial profits. Based on the concept of attracting house buyers through creating a better lifestyle, he has been devoted to operating eco-farms as engaging in property development. A green lifestyle was exactly what he wanted to convey to target consumers through the sales center. Timbers, the green and natural materials that suite the client’s corporation identity, are undoubtedly the most perfect materials for constructing the building.

▼农场视角,view from the farm

可以采购到高性价比的常规木材尺寸为:3m、4m、6m长,横截面200mm左右的方料。如何运用这些基准木料,去搭建一个大空间,获得更多元的空间适用可能?单根木柱为独立支撑单元是不太合适的,因为得不到一个无柱的大空间状态。以多根木柱组合形成“集束柱”是比较合适的选择。在自然应力里,圆形受力最均衡,根据单柱截面尺度、适宜高度、便捷施工空隙等因素,水平单元形态采用了近圆形的正12边形、直径1m、木截面120mm*180mm的集束组合柱。垂直方向采用 “树”的生长形态,分成五段每段2m左右,由内向上也向外慢慢挑出生长,最终形成高度4.5m、边长8m的方体边界空间,这样下部达到了使用的相对最大空间,整体又得相对最大结构强度。

▼体验中心由16个木制“集束柱”单元体构成, the building consists of 16 units made of wooden clustered columns

Cost-effective general timber materials that we could purchase were square logs in the length of 3m, 4m or 6m, with a 200mm side length of the cross-section. To build a large solid space and maximize its possible functions, several square timber pillars were combined together to form a “clustered column” instead of using a single wooden pillar as the supporting unit. As forces acting on circle plane are even in different directions, horizontal units of the clustered column were designed in the shape of regular dodecagon, which are nearly round, with a diameter of 1m. The section size of timber pillars of the clustered column is 120mm*180mm. As for vertical units design, we applied the shape of trees. The clustered column was divided into five segments, each with the length of about 2m. These segments extend outward and upward to the ceiling, forming a cubic edge space with a height of 4.5m and a side length of 8m. With such clustered columns, we not only maximized the lower space but also the structural strength.

▼室内概览,interior view


The bottom part of each “clustered column” is in the shape of regular polygon.  These “clustered columns” extend upward from the bottom and form a “square” outside edge. Each unit along the edge was horizontally and longitudinally interlined. Just like Lego bricks, each unit is independent or combined with others to create the desired space. The space is extensible. With “continuous arch” between each unit, the overall structure is very stable. And the more it stretches, the more stable the structure is.

▼单元结构“集束柱”可以像乐高积木一样进行组合,形成不同尺度的空间,the “clustered columns” are like Lego bricks that can be combined with others to create the desired spaces


We were asked to complete design, construction, finishing and decoration of the architecture in less than two months and at the same time control the cost. Meanwhile, the architecture was required to be reusable that could be quickly constructed and dismounted. For us, it was a great challenge.

▼北侧庭院视角,view from the north courtyard


We offered the following solutions. Firstly, trying best to control labor cost and improve efficiency. We adopted simple and basic construction methods as well as common material processing techniques, through which ordinary technical workers were capable of carrying out the construction work and materials could be processed in common factories, which ensured the building to be constructed in a short time. Secondly, ensuring the standardization and modularization of units. We divided the whole building into several primary units. And these primary units were further split into various standard components which were assembled based on a unified approach. The minimum unit could be formed only by three basic components, which was conductive to controlling the size and number of modular units. Besides, we established a set of standard and simple approaches for assembling, so as to accelerate the construction and installation process. Thirdly, subdividing all types of work involved in the project as much as possible, processing materials in different factories, and arranging manufacturing workshops reasonably. In this way, all materials and components could be processed before or while the pre-order work on site was carried out. For example, while measuring and grooving work was carried out at the site, components of the steel structure, wooden columns and steal connection components were processed in different factories separately at the same time. After back-filling was finished, wooden column units were assembled on the basis of the steel structure. All wooden column units were interlinked through bolting steel connection components. And all relevant work such as installation of indoor furniture, air conditioning and wiring systems was carried out in a coordinated way. Eventually, we completed construction and decoration of the building ahead of schedule.

▼施工现场,construction phase


Considering various practical factors, we laid tiles on the ground floor by using cement mortar. However, all other parts in the space were connected by bolts. All components can be completely dismounted, installed, moved and reused for other constructions, making the building thoroughly reversible.

▼除一层地面外,所有的部件均采用螺栓连接, all parts of the structures were connected by bolts except for the paving of the ground floor

▼水池夜景,night view of the pool


If the building is a person, all the equipment, electromechanics, pipelines of it are the respiratory systems, collaterals and blood vessels of the body. All these systems in the body are by no means isolated, but are highly integrated with the skeletons and muscles in a symbiotic state, resulting in a more effective and intensive space.

▼一个集约化的腔体,a highly integrated cavity


Other parts of the building were also designed in a way similar to the structure of body. Taking furniture as example, all the furniture “grows” on the structural column, with each table surrounding a single “clustered column”. All the furniture and guardrails stretch out of the core structure, and even weave a surface by extending outward. These necessary parts are concomitants of the main structure, providing support against it and making it more stable. Equipment, electromechanics, pipelines, furniture and exterior were integrated into units of the structure to achieve the smallest occupancy, which facilitated separation of function and space and created a “smart” space resembling cavity of the human body.

▼入口台阶,stair at the entrance

▼二层儿童区  kids’ area on 2F

▼围护栏杆犹如“生长”在结构体系上,the guardrails “stretch” out of the core structure

密斯·凡·德·罗将芝加哥伊利诺伊理工学院克朗楼称为“普适空间”, 因为设计允许建筑改变功能,密斯称“它是创造的最清晰的建筑,完美地体现了普适的理念”。珑府生活体验中心以国内现有的常规标准木材和普遍性加工工艺、建造技术,并不是迁就和设计某个特定功能,而是创造无限的使用可能,包含但不限于密斯的“普适空间”的是,在空间不变而达到功能“普适”的基础上,还可以根据不同的时间变化、适用状态而去增加、删减、更替或移动建筑的局部或整体。它本身也可以完全被拆分消解,通过“可逆建造”重回到材料的初始状态为其他建筑施工行为所用,达到一种空间和材料都能普遍运用的最大可能。

Mies van der Rohe called the Crown Hall at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago a “universal space”. The design permits the building to change its functions, so Mies declared it “the clearest structure we have done, the best to express our philosophy.” As designing and constructing the Longfu Life Experience Center, we chose to use standard timbers in China and utilized common processing and construction techniques, with a view to create a “universal space” that boasts infinite possible  usages rather than be limited to a certain specific function. The building is a “universal” space, but more importantly it is a “universally-used space”. The whole building or any part of it can be enlarged, cut, replaced or moved based on different needs. What’s more, it can also be completely dismounted and repurposed, and its materials can be reused for other constructions, hence achieving the objective that both the space and materials can be most universally used.

▼二层通廊,corridor on 2F

▼“集束柱”细部,detailed view of the “clustered columns”

▼城市关系图,city map

▼鸟瞰图,aerial view

▼结构模型研究过程,development process of structure model

▼总平面图,site plan

▼一层平面图,plan 1F

▼二层平面图,plan 2F



▼剖透视图,sectional perspective



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