nomads.:由nomad studio设计的”绿色地毯“艺术装置安装在圣路易斯当代艺术博物馆庭院之中,这是这个庭院展出的第一个作品,它完全改变了这个庭院空间的性质。装置占地约200平方米,是一个由数千种植物组成的绿色织物,就像一块自然的地毯,但又漂浮在地面之上,挑战着传统的建筑空间,象征性地掩盖了社会被忽略的事实。
nomads.:This is the first significant installation located in the courtyard of the Contemporary Art Museum of Saint Louis, which completely modifies and alters the space. Green Varnish, designed by landscape architecture firm nomad studio, is the first installation of its kind which is located in the courtyard of CAM in Saint Louis, with the aim of completely transforming and altering the space. A green fabric made up of thousands of plants floats in the space, symbolically covering the inconvenient facts of society. The structure occupies approximately 200 square metres and has turned the courtyard into an exuberant sculpture filled with life. It is a natural tapestry which plays with the architectural space, while provoking it.
▼数千种植物组成的绿色织物 A green fabric made up of thousands of plants
该项目由nomad studio的合伙创始人William E. Roberts和Laura Santín指导完成,他们出名于能将当代艺术设计与自然元素直观结合,其作品主要关注景观设计对社会和环境的密切影响,获得过国际奖项。“绿色地毯“表达了一种用政治正确的美来隐藏社会现实的思考。
This project has been directed by William E. Roberts and Laura Santín, founding Partners of nomad studio, known for its intuitive approach of combining contemporary art and design with natural elements. Their work, which has been internationally awarded, has mainly focused on projects closely related to the social and environmental impact of landscape architecture. With Green Varnish, nomad studio explores the necessity of hiding inconvenient realities with politically correct beauty. A spectacular green fabric elegantly floats over the floor of the museum’s courtyard.
With this installation, William and Laura reflect on society’s tendency to ignore and hide any relevant information which represents an inconvenience. In this specific case, on how our lifestyle is altering natural systems. We live in denial within vanishing landscapes, refusing to accept reality. Landscapes are gradually ceasing to be operative in their ecological structures and therefore, will transition into a completely different landscape in search of a new ecological order.
William和Laura认为:“在集体意识的深处,我们都清楚需要克服气候变迁带来的重大变化,但是目前,我们的反应完全是被动的,不是纯粹的拒绝,就是以某种形式的“绿色“去掩盖,以使我们能够一如既往地生活。” “绿色地毯“讽刺了这种伪装在早已被滥用的可持续发展政策下的“绿色”趋势。
For William and Laura: “Deep inside the collective awareness, it is clear we need to overcome major changes in order to cope with climate change. Currently, our response is completely reactionary and we mainly express it in2 two different manners: pure rejection or some form of green shift that enables us to continue business as usual.” With Green Varnish nomad studio is making an ironic gesture towards the ‘greening’ trend camouflaged beneath the mantra of sustainability, resilience and other words which are often abused in the current world of design.
项目名称:Green Varnish
设计公司:nomad Studio
顾问:Iria Perez and Assoc., LIA Engineering
装配团队:Collab – Portico, Green Roof Blocks.
摄影:Jarred Gastreich,David Johnson,nomad Studio,Alex Elmestad
Project name: Green Varnish
Location: Contemporary Art Museum of Saint Louis (CAM)
Brand: Nomad Studio
Consultants: Iria Perez and Assoc., LIA Engineering
Assembly Team: Collab – Portico, Green Roof Blocks.
Photography: Jarred Gastreich, David Johnson, nomad Studio, Alex Elmestad
Editor: Jiangyan Shou