发布时间:2020-01-05 00:55:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

在丹麦西海岸的海港小镇Esbjerg,全新的海事中心正式向公众开放。该中心由WERK Arkitekter和Snøhetta合作设计,并于2019年的设计竞赛中获胜。落成后的建筑为当地居民与港口沿线的游客提供了一处便捷的水上运动俱乐部与共享空间,同时也成为了当地独特的海上社交枢纽以及建筑地标。

In the seaport town Esbjerg on the Danish west coast, a new maritime center has opened to the public. Developed by WERK Arkitekter and Snøhetta, following a design competition in 2019, the center is created as a shared space for watersport clubs and visitors along the port, providing the town with a social maritime hub and architectural landmark.

▼项目概览,overall of the project

Esbjerg新海事中心,又被人们亲切地称为“灯笼”,它的设计旨在将社区放在第一位。建筑内容纳了多个水上运动俱乐部、船库、培训设施、大型车间空间和社交功能,是一座真正的全能海上活动中心。圆形的体量与开放的设计热情邀请着游客从各个角度进入建筑,体现出高度的无障碍性与包容性。“我们的目标是创造一处独特的目的地,照亮丹麦西海岸,这样每个人都可以找到通往海上新社区的路。”WERK Arkitekter创意总监Thomas Kock说道。

Esbjerg’s new Maritime Center, dubbed “The Lantern”, is designed to put the community first. Housing multiple watersport clubs, boat storage, training facilities, a large workshop space and social functions, the center is a true hub for maritime activities. Its circular, open design invites visitors in from every angle, creating an accessible and inclusive building. “The goal has been to create a unique destination that lights up the Danish West Coast, so everyone can find their way to new communities at the sea,” says Thomas Kock, Creative Director at WERK Arkitekter.

▼顶视图,top view

▼顶视图近景,closer top view


Room for maritime activities and communities

Snøhetta的高级建筑师和项目经理Frank D. Foray指出,新中心将为游客提供丰富的活动参与以及学习的机会。“海事中心为每个人提供空间;从经验丰富的潜水员,专业皮划艇手,到捕蟹学校的班级,或者单纯的游客或路人,都能在此找到一席之地。‘灯笼’邀请着每一人走进海上活动的世界,并向外看一看无边无际的大海。”Frank说道。

Frank D. Foray, senior architect and project manager at Snøhetta, points out that the new center will invite to activity, engagement and learning for the visitors: “The maritime center has room for everyone; from the experienced diver or professional kayaker to a crab-fishing school class or a random passer-by. The Lantern invites everyone to a peek inside the maritime life and outwards to the sea with its endless horizon,” says Foray.

▼建筑外观,exterior view of the project


The upper level of the building houses various clubs, including clubs for rowing, kayaking, sailing, diving and triathlon, as well as common areas, an educational center and training facilities. On the lower level, directly connected to the sea by a bridge, one can find the boat storage and workshop space. Large windows throughout the building’s façade give plenty of daylight and visibility inwards, while also connecting the center to its surroundings. At night, a warm glow shines through the windows, lighting the center up like a lantern.

▼木制立面,wooden facade

▼二层室内空间概览,overall of the upper floor interior

▼室内细部,interior details


Inspired by wooden boat construction


The building design is inspired by the geometry and craftmanship of boats, paying homage to the maritime tradition and its significance in the port of Esbjerg. Round-shaped holes between the terrace and the boat storage and preparation area bring daylight down to the ground floor’s core and create a visual and social vertical link.

▼二层露台,lifted terrace

▼建筑的设计灵感来自船只的几何形状与建造工艺,the building design is inspired by the geometry and craftmanship of boats

▼由露台仰视天空,looking up to the sky from the terraces


The façade has a rhythm and repetition inspired by wooden boat construction, both outside and inside. It also reflects the water’s energy with the pace and horizontal rippling effect experienced when throwing a stone in the water. The changes in the angle of the panels give varying shadows, inspired by the shapes of kayaks. The wooden rhythm continues on the roof, where solar panels are integrated in a belt around the top edge.、

▼屋顶细部,details of the roof

▼立面细部,details of the facade


Where the poetical and practical meet


With a vision to create a space that unites the poetical with the practical, the Maritime Center aims to find a balance between the mesmerizing and never-ending movements of the sea and practical everyday chores. A symbiosis between the beautiful and the raw, the elegant and the robust. The robustness of the center is evident not just in the buildings’ ability to facilitate activities, but also in how it creates shelter from strong winds. The building is planned for high water in case the water exceeds the new surrounding dam. Therefore, the structure up to the first floor is made of concrete, poured in one go. The wooden façade is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, while the building is designed with areas where visitors can find shelter.

▼基础到一楼的结构都由混凝土浇筑,the structure up to the first floor is made of concrete


One such area, and the heart of the project, is a lifted, publicly accessible terrace, gathering all the different activities of the building. Connected to the first floor, the terrace is accessible from the two main stairs, creating an amphitheater. Along these two amphi stairs, visitors can enjoy the view and the maritime activities on smaller wind-protected terraces on the first floor.


smaller wind-protected terraces

▼总平面图,master plan

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan

▼二层平面图,upper floor plan



Project size: Approx. 2800 m2 (approx. 3800m2 incl. terrace and boat storage)

Client: Esbjerg Municipality

Materials: Approximately 65 kilometers of European, Thermo-treated pine tree is used for the building’s facade and roof construction


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