发布时间:2022-12-29 20:55:40 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


"History should be perceived and passed on rationally, and the passing on should keep its value. The duty of an architect is not only to create beauty and surprise, but also to position himself. A touching and enriching content is much more valuable than a superficial appearance."


新作 | Flop艺术空间



New work| Flop art space

Project type: Renovation

Time of completion: August 2021

▲西南角&东北角建筑街景 | ©柯剑波

Street view from southwest & northeast  | ©Jianbo Ke


Background & Research

一、Flop是一个什么样的项目?What is Flop?

▲地理区位图 | ©房子和诗Site plan | © Archipoetry


Flop is a renovation project of an old factory. It is located in an old industrial zone on Jugong Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou. There are some industrial factories remains around it, a high-tech industrial park and creative pioneer center are constantly built out.

▲周边环境照片 | 源自网络Photo of surround environment | Illustration from internet




The renovated factory, Flop, will be mainly used as a site for commercial photography, with a fusion of art and brand exhibition, buyer's shop, coffee shop and other leisure space.

This kind of commercial photography base is common in Hangzhou. Hangzhou has been the earliest source of e-commerce. With the rise of live streaming and its geographical advantages, attracting an increasing number of Internet celebrities and Internet celebrity MCN organisations. Most of which are concentrated in Binjiang district of Hangzhou.

Therefore, large and small photography bases have appeared in Binjiang District. Various shooting styles will be accommodated by changing the interior fit-out of the bases according to commercial requirements. The factory is a testament to Hangzhou's transition from traditional industry to the Internet industry.

二、在网红打卡时代影响到建筑改造时,我们是如何思考当代老建筑改造的?How can we revitalize old buildings when the era of social media affects architectural renovation?

▲西方工业革命 | 配图源自网络Western Industrial revolution | Illustration from internet





Renovation of old buildings began very early in history. The transformation of western old buildings originated in Germany in the 20th century. Many buildings left behind by the Industrial Revolution in Europe could be revitalized and effectively improved for urban purposes. Since the 1990s, there has been a boom in the transformation of historic industrial buildings in China. Many industrial buildings have been transformed into living, leisure & office buildings, art galleries, museums and exhibition halls, etc.

As a contemporary renovation project, Flop involves architectural & interior design, as well as the landscape construction of the entire courtyard. Considering contemporary commercial needs, we are cautious to see this transformation as part of an urban renewal project. We hope that in the process of urban renewal and development, the old building can be recycled rather than completely demolished.

What looks old and useless may become unique features in the contemporary scene, thus increasing the diversity of the city. And the part being preserved will also retain people's memories of the city. Therefore, at the beginning of the renovation, we first considered how to deal with the original building in order to preserve its memory.

Additionally, through its transformation into something that is Instagramable, the building has become "symbolised" by network culture, which has weakened the essence of the use of space to some extent. To be successful in this process, architects must think about how to meet life and business needs through architecture practices.


Strategy & Construction

一、Flop具体是如何改造的?How was the Flop reformed?

1、结构改造策略Strategy on Structure reconstruction

▲改造前建筑 | ©房子和诗Before reconstruction | ©Archipoetry

▲改造后建筑 | ©柯剑波After reconstruction | ©Jianbo Ke


Flop's original building is a steel factory made of colored composite steel with decayed and damaged facades, but the structural framework is intact. The interior has a strong sense of order and rhythm evocative of old industrial architecture.




▲建筑结构改造策略 | ©房子和诗Strategy on structure reformation



Because Flop occupies an important entrance position and is prominent among other buildings, we hope to preserve the past urban memory by preserving its original structure and volume.

Therefore, we strengthened the original structure and removed the old composite steel wall and roof which had been seriously decayed. The volume and height of the renovated building will be the same as the original. It is our hope that people who see Flop will recall the past memory of old factory. Due to the multi demand of

photography shooting, we added additional two mezzanine to the existing double-height factory building. Both the existing and original structure supported loads independently.

2、建筑空间改造Reconstruction of Architecture space

▲建筑空间改造前 | ©房子和诗Before renovation | ©Archipoetry

▲建筑空间改造后 | ©柯剑波After renovation | ©Jianbo Ke






▲建筑体块改造策略 | ©房子和诗Strategy on volumetric modification  | © Archipoetry



In terms of spatial quality, we hope that flop can preserve the original factory's characteristics of high ceilings. So, the area has not been completely closed, and the space should be as open as possible for people to circulate.

There is a large area of empty space on the first floor, retaining only the spaces required for human circulation, entrances and exits. The second floor is added according to the functional requirements of photography space. A small device is placed on the second floor to divide the space. The roof uses solar panels to introduce indoor lighting, and the walls use aluminium alloy metal to reflect the original architecture.

二、建成的Flop艺术空间Completion of Flop space

1、融入老工业厂区,增加街区活力Merge into old industrial district, bring vitalisation to the neighbourhood

▲北向室外交通空间 | ©柯剑波

Exterior traffic in the north | ©Jianbo Ke

▲北向室外交通空间近景 | ©柯剑波

Close up view of north exterior traffic | ©Jianbo Ke

▲北立面一层入口 | ©柯剑波

Ground floor entrance in the north | ©Jianbo Ke


The insertion of the north public circulation allows the building to be well integrated into the entire industrial district. The building appears to be more open to the public. There is a large spare space to the north of the building. Nearby people can enter the Flop via the north entrance. People can also stand on the platform and look over the whole park in the north direction.

▲西立面  | ©柯剑波West elevation | ©Jianbo Ke

▲西立面局部  | ©柯剑波Close up view of west elevation | ©Jianbo Ke


The coffee lounge on the west elevation includes an open bar and magazine rack. By providing this window, Flop provides an open platform for communication between internal and external industrial districts. Part of the wall has been painted with traditional brushing process. This brings back people's memories of the the past.

2、新旧结构的共存Co-exist of past and present

▲一层休息空间与中庭 | ©柯剑波1F resting space and atrium | ©Jianbo Ke我们利用增加的二层结构层和通高空间结合起来。座椅围绕一楼的柱结构和二层的梁结构结构成为一个内向的休息空间,并与上方的二层空间形成视线交流。

We made use of the added two-story structure and combined it with the double-height space. The column structure on the ground floor and the beam structure on the second floor are surrounded by chairs, which form a resting space facing inward. This arrangement also forms an eye connection with the second floor.

▲一层通向二层交通空间 | ©柯剑波Circulation between 1F and 2F | ©Jianbo Ke


We added a bare concrete staircase to connect the first and second floors. Bare concrete staircase itself obtain an effect of being worn out.

3、置入的小空间Insertion of small spaces 

▲B-B剖面图 | © 房子和诗

Elevation B-B | © Archipoetry

▲二层装置空间望向交通空间 | ©柯剑波

View of circulation path from arch installation on 2F | ©Jianbo Ke

▲二层交通空间望向装置空间 | ©柯剑波

View of arch installation from circulation path on 2F | ©Jianbo Ke

▲二层装置空间 | ©柯剑波

Installation space | ©Jianbo Ke


On the second floor, we divided different areas for photography and exhibitions. One includes an arch installation for brand and art exhibitions, while the others are small spaces for photography.

4、景观空间的流动性Fluidity of landscape

▲二层平面图  | ©房子和诗2F Plan | © Archipoetry

▲南向景观庭院俯瞰 | ©柯剑波Satellite view of south courtyard | ©Jianbo Ke▲南向景观庭院立面 | ©柯剑波Elevation of south courtyard | ©Jianbo Ke


The south courtyard not only serves as a place for rest and photo shoots, but also becomes a crisscross traffic space. Horizontally, people can enter the courtyard through the south entrance, and then return to the road through the courtyard. In the vertical direction, people can reach the roof of the adjacent building through the statement stairs in the courtyard.

5、材质与线条Materiality and Line weight

Part of the west north | ©Jianbo Ke▲西南角局部 | ©柯剑波Part of the west south | ©Jianbo Ke


The selection of facade materials corresponds to the original style of the old building. Likewise, aluminium alloy roofs are more durable, which is mostly used for walls and roofs. Glass is much simpler without a frame. We hope to simply highlight the materiality of the aluminium alloy so as to strengthen the impression of the former building in the district.

▲建筑西北角透视 | ©柯剑波

Perspective view from west north | ©Jianbo Ke

▲东南角局部 | ©柯剑波

Part of the west north | ©Jianbo Ke


A rimless glass corner creates the illusion of a borderless zone while revealing the original steel columns. The gradual change in texture from the old brick wall to the newly constructed wall creates an interesting visual contrast that recalls back memories.

建造与当代生活Construction and Lifestyle


How does Flop guide people to better use the space?


Spatial influence on photography

▲A-A剖面图 | © 房子和诗A-A Section | © Archipoetry

▲使用中的二层展览空间 | ©柯剑波2F exhibition space | ©Jianbo Ke


On the second floor roof, there is a large area of solar panels that can provide a vast amount of natural light for indoor photography. At the same time, skylights embedded in the sun panels create light rays with a sense of order, giving photo production in this space a special shadow effect.

▲使用中一层通高空间 | ©柯剑波1F double volume space | ©Jianbo Ke局部通高空间使得二层的自然光自然地照射在一层。一层的开放窗口也带给室内明媚的阳光。这样白天整个厂房空间会被多方向的光线照亮,并形成一定的明暗关系。这种明暗关系也给商业摄影带来了不同的光影感受。

A double volume space on the first floor allows natural light to flood in naturally. The window openings on the first floor also bring sunlight inside. The entire workshop space will be lit throughout the day by different sources of light to achieve shading. The relationship between light and dark also brings a special shadow effect to commercial photography.

2、材料对摄影的影响Materiality influence photography

▲一层交通空间墙面细节 | ©柯剑波1F corridor wall detail | ©Jianbo Ke

▲二层交通空间墙面材料 | ©柯剑波2F corridor wall material | ©Jianbo Ke


Through the change of architectural materials, we respond to the requirement of commercial photography space with different textures. During construction, the damp walls naturally fell down and formed a special peeling effect. This peeling effect revealed the original building materials beneath, and we kept this wall effect that was created by accident. Additionally, we expose the interior red brick walls to correspond this peeling effect. Some other walls with clean art paint to contrast with the textured walls.

3、建筑空间对运营的影响Architecture space influence business operation 

▲实际运营中的Flop |  ©柯剑波Flop in operation | ©Jianbo Ke


Café on the first floor can be transformed into a sandy photo shoot location. The pick-up window has changed from merely a functional window to a background for

commercial shooting. As an architect, We are primarily concerned with transformation from the point of view of architectural elements, such as beams and columns, along with space and materials, so that the interior will leave more space for the owner to arrange decoration elements such as furniture and soft finishes for secondary layout, in order to fulfil the various commercial needs of users.

▲建筑使用后现场场景 | ©柯剑波Site scence | ©Jianbo Ke






Having the building in operation we realised that its rich structure and spatial quality were key elements for commercial photography. People unconsciously capture photos of architecture details and turn them into interesting social media posts.

In this process, we will rethink projects that are famous on social media. Visitors captured the building's characteristics into an image with strong visual impact, and the image became a symbol of the building.

On the other hand, social media has increased the public's exposure to architecture, but the public may only become familiar with it through the distortion of secondary photo editing processes. As a result, the public may lose the opportunity to experience a space or understand it further.

If architects do superficial "design" by simply following the internet trend, once the topic loses its interest, their designs are also less valuable.

Interestingly, at the same time of this essay publication, Flop as a photography base is temporarily closed, and it will become a vintage second hand store. We as architects may not be able to control how space is used in buildings, but we believe a meaningful building should exist persistently.












Think of

Some sad house

Hidden behind prosperity and vanity

The reality is gone

The structure is still there

Order will be buried

Think of

Some sad house

Or two

Three buildings

-- Langjin Zhu 

▲一层平面图 | © 房子和诗1F Plan | © Archipoetry

▲二层平面图 | © 房子和诗2F Plan | © Archipoetry

▲屋顶平面图 | © 房子和诗Roof Plan | © Archipoetry

▲西立面 | © 房子和诗West elevation | © Archipoetry

▲东剖立面 | © 房子和诗East section | © Archipoetry

▲北立面 | © 房子和诗North elevation | © Archipoetry

▲南立面 | © 房子和诗South elevation | © Archipoetry

▲A-A剖面图 | © 房子和诗A-A Section | © Archipoetry

▲B-B剖面图 | © 房子和诗

B-B section | © Archipoetry





项目成员:肖秀莹 沈哲琪 虞莉 王文静 谢文莹 牛新佳 齐玥

业主方:Flop 艺术空间







撰文 | 朱浪进 齐玥

摄影 | 柯剑波

视频 | uhe Studio

视频音乐 | Jiang Jiang

插画  | 齐玥


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