发布时间:2021-10-21 17:47:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Renai Xiangyu Park is located in the east area of Tuanbo New Town, Tianjin. It is the first city park in the new town; the client hopes that it is more like a park in the forest, a park full of laughter and laughter, showing the ecological and green concepts of the new town construction, Showing the peaceful and happy life of residents in the new town.

▼公园全景鸟瞰,overall of the park© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司


Originated from nature and crafted with ingenuity, the current water surface of the park has been transformed into the beautiful scenery of the inner lake. A lot of practice and exploration have been carried out on rainwater collection, purification, native plant cultivation, and plant diversity, which has improved the overall ecological environment and biodiversity of the new town. We designed a variety of social places for all ages to provide public with open spaces that realize a happy and beautiful life.

▼公园西侧湖面及栈道顶视图,top view of thewest lake and plank road of the park© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

随着团泊新城东区 10 多年的建设开发,东区常住人口逐年增加,2019 年东区第一所新建中小学力仁翔宇学校开学,需要进行建设满足居民日常休息、社交、娱乐、健身的城市公园。公园紧邻天津力仁翔宇学校,增加了适应小学及初中孩子游乐、户外教育的功能设施。

With the construction and development of the eastern district of Tuanbo New Town for more than 10 years, the permanent resident population of the eastern district has increased year by year. In 2019, the first newly built Liren Xiangyu school in the eastern district will open. It is necessary to build an city park that meets residents’ daily activities, social interaction, entertainment, and fitness. The park is adjacent to Tianjin Liren Xiangyu School, which has added functional facilities suitable for children’s amusement and outdoor education in elementary and junior high schools.

▼功能分析图,Functional analysis diagram© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

公园现状用地中央有两个总面积约 1 万平米的水面,建设方要求给予保留,并希望扩大面积,利用挖湖来达到场地内土方平衡。现状湖面位于场地中央,规划整个公园的功能均围绕湖面展开,打造静谧、生态、自然、亲水的绿化开放空间。

There are two existing small lake with a total area of about 10,000 square meters in the center of the park. The client requested to keep them and expand the area of the lake to balance the earthwork in the site. The current lake is located in the center of the site, and the planning of the entire park are going to expend around the lake, creating a quiet, ecological, natural, and lakeside green open space.

▼水循环分析图,Analysis diagram of water cycle© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司


The client hopes to create a park which is like in the forest to provide residents with a high-quality ecological environment, leisure and recreation space, social space, and to form a youth sports and outdoor education theme park.

▼公园东侧湖面鸟瞰,aerial view of the east part of the park© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

公园内设置 3 米宽人行步道和 1.8 米宽塑胶慢跑道,两条路时分时合。慢跑道穿行在场地周边富含负氧离子的大树密林之间。湖面南侧布置儿童活动场地和篮球、足球运动场地及滑板场地。儿童场地,采用三角形母题,三角形从地面拉伸起来,形成山丘,凹陷下去,成为水池,配置蓝、黄、灰色彩色塑胶,既规整又变化丰富,通过三个六边形戏水涌泉,将小童区和大童区分开。

A 3-meter-wide pedestrian trail and a 1.8-meter-wide plastic jogging track are set up in the park. The jogging track runs between the dense trees that are rich in negative oxygen ions around the venue. On the south side of the lake, there is a playground for children’s activities, basketball, football and skateboarding venues. The children’s playground adopts the triangle motif. The triangle stretches from the ground to form a hill, and then sinks down to become a pool. It is equipped with blue, yellow, and gray colored plastics, which is both regular and varied. The children’s area is separated from the older children’s area by set up three hexagonal water srpings.

▼幼儿儿童区鸟瞰,playground for the little children© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司


On the west side of the lake, we plant reeds, cattails, and calamus along the lake with the theme of ecological landscape, design overhead plank roads system to let people walk through wetland plant areas and appreciate the ecological environment and biodiversity of the park, so that children can learn and observe the nature world. The overhead platform is a viewing platform that overlooks the beauty of the entire park. It is also a base for outdoor education for young people.

▼大童活动场地鸟瞰,playground for the elder children© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司


The park has 4 social spaces with different styles and theme to serve community residents of different ages and needs. There are elderly people practicing Tai Chi or chatting with each other , some aunts dancing, some children playing, there are lakefront spaces, and mountain spaces; it has become an city park that the residents of the new city are fond of.

▼公园西侧湖面鸟瞰,aerial view of the west part of the park© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司


At the east entrance of the park, there is a lotus-viewing platform next to the lake, and a rest space enclosed by weather-resistant steel plates. You can not only overlook the mountain theater on the opposite side of the lake, but also enjoy the beauty of the lotus nearby. It is a wonderful place to enjoy the sunset. Good place to go.

▼湖岸剧场鸟瞰,Bird‘s-eye view of Lakeshore Theater© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

▼观荷平台,view platform© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

▼耐候钢板围合的休息空间,rest space enclosed by weather-resistant steel plates© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司


The north entrance of the park adopts a circular motif to create a more dynamic world where children can communicate and entertain friends after school. Musical interactive fountains, baby bird sculpture, and characteristic ornamental grasses realize social spaces with different themes. At the same time, it become a waiting and communication area for parents to pick up and drop off their children.

▼北入口小广场,The north entrance of the park© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司



▼湿地栈道,Wetland walkway© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

▼滨湖平台及公园瞭望台,Lakeside platform and park lookout point© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

▼东西湖景观桥,Landscape Bridge© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司


Rainwater in the park is collected through a variety of methods such as recessed green space, road drainage wells, and ground runoff. All rainwater in the park is collected into two inner lakes. Aeration is carried out through the fountain in the inner lake, and the water of the lake is lifted to the surrounding water system and wetland system with a water pump. After purification, the water return to the inner lake, realizing the original intention of sponge city rainwater management and water conservation.

西侧湖面及休闲大草坪,The lake and leisure lawn on the west side© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

西侧湖面及游客中心远眺,Overlooking the lake and visitor center on the west side© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

湖岸剧场,Lakeshore Theater© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

沿湖栈道,Boardwalk along the lake© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

西侧生态湿地,Ecological wetland on the west side© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

公园瞭望台,Lookout point of the park© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司


The soil in New town is severely salt-alkaline. Planting native plants that are tolerant to saline and alkali will ensure the survival rate and future growth of the vegetation. The trees in the park are made of Chinese locust, black locust, ash, paper mulberry, and Tsubaki trees. A large area of amorpha, iris, and Jerusalem artichoke are planted to form a background on the earth. The waterfront is dominated by native reeds, dotted with cattails, calamus and lythrum. The wetland system is filled with native self-growing reeds, constructing a healthy, diverse and sustainable ecosystem. Visitors along the ups and downs of the lakefront plank road, shuttle directly to the reeds along the water bank, and appreciate the poetry in Guo Xiaochuan’s “Autumn in Tuanbowa”.

▼下凹绿地与景观小品,Concave green space and landscape pavilion© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

▼林间栈道,Plank road in the wood© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

“秋风像一把柔韧的梳子,梳理着静静的团泊洼; 秋光如同发亮的汗珠,飘飘扬扬地在平滩上挥洒。 高粱好似一队队的“红领巾”,悄悄地把周围的道路观察; 向日葵低头微笑着,望不尽太阳起处的红色天涯。 矮小而年高的垂柳,用苍绿的叶子抚摸着快熟的庄稼; 密集的芦苇,细心地护卫着脚下偷偷开放的野花。 蝉声消退了,多嘴的麻雀已不在房顶上吱喳; 蛙声停息了,野性的独流减河也不再喧哗。 大雁即将南去,水上默默浮动着白净的野鸭; 秋凉刚刚在这里落脚,酷暑还藏在好客的人家。”

"Autumn wind is like a flexible comb, combing the quiet tuanbowa; The autumn light is like shining beads of sweat, fluttering and fluttering on the flat beach. Sorghum is like a team of “red scarves”, quietly observing the surrounding roads; Sunflower lowered his head and smiled, unable to see the red horizon where the sun rises. The short and old weeping willow strokes the ripening crops with its green leaves; Dense reeds carefully guard the wild flowers that are secretly open under their feet. The sound of the cicadas has subsided, and the babbled sparrows are no longer chirping on the roof; The sound of the frogs ceased, and the wild Duliujianhe river was no longer noisy. The wild goose is about to go south, and there are white wild ducks floating silently on the water; Autumn cool just settled here, and the heat is still hidden in a hospitable house."

林间慢跑道,jogging trail in the woode© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司

▼阶梯式绿地,Stepped green space© 北京易禾规划设计咨询有限责任公司



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