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The 3,000-year-old Chengdu City has experienced such prosperity and ups and downs, taking root from the changes of the times and blooming flowers. Mengchaiwan, a prosperous industrial area in Chengdu during the 1950s and 1960s, gradually grew older after the millennium and fell into disappointment. Fortunately, Chengdu is such a city with a very deep life consciousness. It has only been two or three years after the efforts of all parties, and it has come alive again, with the bright colors of the new generation and its own bright History, also with a thousand years of endless fireworks.

项目背景 Project Background

项目位于中国成都市成华区锦江沿岸,是成华区连接中心城区的门户地段。上世纪五六十年代,在社会主义工业化的浪潮中,各种大型的国有企业在此兴建厂房和宿舍,让猛追湾片区迅速热闹兴旺起来。2000 年以后,随着传统工业的衰落,这个城区也渐渐变得老旧破败。2018 年,成都成华区政府启动了整个猛追湾片区的城市升级改造工程,计划从城市形象,产业转型,人文环境,经济复苏等各方面全面提档,对体景观改造提升进行了设计。

The project is located along the Jinjiang River in Chenghua District, Chengdu, China, and is the gateway to the central urban area of Chenghua District.In the 1950s and 60s of the last century, in the wave of socialist industrialization, various large-scale state-owned enterprises were building factories and dormitories here, making the Mengchiwan area prosperous and prosperous. After 2000, with the decline of traditional industries, this urban area gradually became old and dilapidated.In 2018, the Chenghua District Government launched the urban upgrading and reconstruction project of the entire Mengchai Bay area. It plans to comprehensively upgrade the city image, industrial transformation, human environment, and economic recovery to design and upgrade the landscape.

▼总平面图 plan

现状与问题 Status and problems

此次改造范围包含天祥滨河路望平滨河路两段共 1 公里长的滨河路,滨河路与天祥、望平两条街道之间的几条小巷,以及望平街南端的一个旧院落(望平坊)的综合改造。望平坊包含原纸箱厂纺织厂旧址、原国税局及家属楼等,从建筑到景观都破损严重,院落内交通混乱,公共空间被各种旧物占道拥堵不堪,有形无实。交通的梳理,公共空间的释放,场所形象的焕新都是很大的挑战。

▼望平坊改造前 Before the transformation of Wangpingfang

▼望平坊改造后 afterthe transformation of wangpingfang

而滨河路段原 7 米宽双向通车的市政道路占据了整个滨河路的主要空间,车道与商铺之间没有人行道,没有缓冲距离,行人与车混流,极不安全;商业没有外摆空间,业态低端且比较单一。部分道路被私家车占用成为了停车场地,压缩了通行空间。面宽约 5-6 米的滨河绿化带被灌木和栅栏围死,成为市民无法进入和停留的消极空间。因为没有休闲的空间,附近居民只能自己搬着小板凳坐在马路边上休息。滨河人行步道紧靠河岸栏杆仅两米宽的通行断面,无法停留和休闲。

The original 7-meter wide two-way municipal road on the Binhe Road section occupied the main space of the entire Binhe Road. There were no sidewalks and buffer distances between the driveway and shops, and people and vehicles were mixed. Relatively simple. Some roads are occupied by cars and become Parking lots, compressing the passing space. Because there is no leisure space, nearby residents can only sit on the side of the road with a small bench to rest. The 5-6 meters wide riverfront green belt is surrounded by shrubs and fences, making it a useless space for citizens to enter and stay. The riverside pedestrian walkway is close to the river bank railing and is only two meters wide. It can’t stop and relax.

Before the transformation of river bank

设计策略 Design Strategy


The design starts with function and culture. Through combing the spatial structure and site context, with innovative design language and modern technology interactive technology, the site’s past and present dialogues are realized, creating a historical memory that connects the place, full of Chengdu flavor A very stylish and open city space with vitality. Let the original citizens and surrounding citizens have a better living space, and continue to attract merchants to settle in, tourists visit, forming a new tourist destination.

▼更新前的商业街角 Commercial corner before renewal

▼更新后的商业街角 Updated commercial corner

1.梳理空间结构,丰富场地功能 Reorganize the spatial structure and enrich the functions of the venue

滨河路段为了扩大人行的空间,降低整个区域的流通速度,为人的停留及商业活力带来更多机会,设计将路幅 7 米的机动车道变成 4 米宽自行车道,同时通过对新元素植入创造视觉甚至触感体验。与此同时,对绿化带进行了仔细的梳理,保留长势旺盛的大乔木,取消原有的绿化围拦,分段落拆除部分灌木及地被,一部分还原成可以进入的林下休闲平台,一部分种植成品质丰富色彩多姿的林下花境。

In order to expand the pedestrian space and reduce the circulation speed of the entire area, the Binhe Road section has created more opportunities for people to stay and commercial vitality. The design has changed the 7-meter motor vehicle lane into a 4-meter bicycle lane, and at the same time created a vision by implanting new elements Even a tactile experience.At the same time, the design carefully combed the green belt, retained the vigorous growing trees, canceled the original green fence, and removed some shrubs and ground covers in sections, part of which was restored into an accessible under-forest leisure platform, part Planted into a rich and colorful understory flower garden.

整个 500 米长的滨河沿线,经过整合之后有了约 10 个功能各异的休闲平台,形成了一个内容丰富形式多元的生活空间带。重新梳理后,滨河步道与临街商业之间有了更多的流通感,桌椅等休闲设施也变得丰富多样。

Along the 500-meter-long riverfront, after integration, there are about 10 function-rich leisure platforms, forming a diverse living space zone.




After reorganization, the riverside walkway and street-side business became more circulated. In order to better open the internal courtyard space, Yifang completely opened the bottom entrance of the original IRS. Through the visually striking scene processing, a wide and colorful main entrance channel was formed, allowing visitors to enter the courtyard in surprise. The original narrow entrance channels on both sides of the north and south have also been built into the landscape scene to implant the historical memory of the place and enrich the passing experience.

According to the scale of the site and the new functional positioning of the surrounding buildings,the internal courtyard has formed a theater space mainly for display interaction and a living space mainly for leisure communication, through which a variety of artistic and fun channels The connection makes the entire inner courtyard full of surprises.

2.呼应场地历史文化 Echo the site history and culture through node design

景观设计以地刻铺装、光影装置、互动装置等手法呈现成华区的工业光阴长河,让市民在这里找寻到场所曾经的记忆。从 1953 年,东郊工业区第 1 个电子工业项目锦江电机厂开始,一直到 1998 年,成都光明器材厂成为我国第 1 家量化生产镧系玻璃的专业厂家,在跨越 40 多年历史长河的成华区工业记忆里,设计梳理出成华区工业发展史的 10 个第一,并以全新的语言进行了重现。

The landscape design presents a long river of industrial time in Hua District by means of ground carving, light and shadow installation, interactive installation, etc., so that the public can find the memories of the place here.

From 1953, the first electronic industrial project in Jinjiao Electric Factory in Dongjiao Industrial Zone, until 1998, Chengdu Guangming Equipment Factory became the first professional manufacturer of quantitative production of lanthanide glass in China. In the industrial memory of the district, the design sorted out the 10 firsts of the history of industrial development in Chenghua District and reproduced it in a new language.

1953 年段,设计在休闲平台上设置了一组线性装置,从装置的细长缝隙里可以窥探到一帧一帧的老照片沿着线性的画轴徐徐展开,东郊工业区第 1 个电子工业项目锦江电机厂的全部历史尽在眼底;装置的背面被设计成一组长椅,背靠长椅,前方是一个旋转幕布构成的放映台,电影播放时幕布转成平面,无电影播放时幕布转成侧面,并显示猛追湾 logo 字样。

In the part of 1953, the design set a set of linear devices on the leisure platform. From the elongated slits of the device, one frame by one frame of old photos can be peeped along the linear drawing axis. The first electronic industry in Dongjiao Industrial Zone, The entire history of the project Jinjiang Motor Factory is in sight; the back of the device is designed as a set of benches, back against the bench, in front of a projection screen composed of a rotating curtain, the curtain turns into a plane when the movie is played, and the curtain turns when there is no movie. Into the side and display the logo of Mengchaiwan.

▼老照片画轴 Old photo scroll

1958 年段,成都红光电子管厂我国第一支黑白显像管。设计用一面大尺幅的变色玻璃来讲述了这段历史。

In 1958, Chengdu Hongguang Electron Tube Factory was the first color picture tube in my country. The design uses a large-scale color-changing glass to tell this history.


In 1988, Chengdu Guangming Equipment Factory ranked first in the world in terms of production and sales of optical glass. This past history has brought interesting inspiration to the place-the design of a “wall of light” inlaid with concave lenses, convex lenses, prisms and reflectors made of different optical glasses, created a series of opportunities for King Interactive. Those optical glasses that remember the glorious history are here integrated with the new city life.

▼记录历史的光学玻璃 Optical glass recording history

望平坊的滨水夜生活 Waterfront leisure nightlife


The leisure life on the waterfront is the typical life scene of Chengdu, the leisure capital. As an important place in old Chengdu, the chasing bay must of course be the big stage of leisure life. The leisure and comfort of old Chengdu people are placed here. Try to inject more vitality here and attract new generations to visit. Through the design of night lights and the use of new materials, the night scenes are not only colorful but also full of interactive fun.

一条时空之廊链接望平坊与滨河路。廊道顶部由 5800 块小液晶屏幕形成了一个波浪似的天蓬,这块波浪式的巨型液晶屏,可以播放任何画面甚至影视节目。隧道两侧经过通高 6 米多的原子镜无限放大,将天棚的图景、地面的人行,反复投射,让这个隧道充满了变幻无穷的魔力。


A corridor of time and space connects Wangpingfang and Bingjiang Road. The top of the corridor is a wavy canopy formed by 5800 small LCD screens. This wavy giant LCD screen can play any picture or even film and television programs. The two sides of the tunnel are infinitely magnified by an atomic mirror with a height of more than 6 meters. The sky and the pedestrians on the ground are projected repeatedly, making this tunnel full of ever-changing magic. The arch from the old photos of Chengdu stands at the end of the space-time tunnel through the construction of glass bricks. The transformation of the lights is reflected by the glass and is full of dreamy colors, showing the blend of new and old.

时空隧道 spatiotemporal tunnel


At night, the ground light strips on the riverside bicycle lane show different colors as the bicycle passes, increasing the fun of riding at night. Every leisure platform has the interaction of night lights, attracting more people to come to the river to play and relax.

▼互动的灯光设计 Interactive lighting design


The overall transformation of the Mengchaiwan project has improved the cultural and creative and Internet industry chains, driven the benign development of the industry and improved the living and tourism environment of the Mengchaiwan, and also created more high-quality service jobs and increased tourism income.

The combing of vegetation gives plants more space to grow. With the opening of the platform, the street life on the street is closely connected with the riverside, and the sight corridors allow the scenery on both sides of the Jinjiang River to blend with each other.

The landscape reconstruction of Mengchai Bay reorganizes the original urban space and ecological base, applies modern and stylish design language and new technologies, and reawakens the originally inactivated space, so that local citizens can live happily here and become teenagers. , A new destination for young people.

The renewal of the entire block also brings new opportunities and value to the city’s image, industrial transformation, and economic recovery.










Project name: Chengdu Mengchowan Urban Renewal

Year completed: 2019Project area: 45,000 ㎡

Project location: Chenghua District, Chengdu

Chief designer: Li Hui

Design team: Li Yan, Sa Tian le, Chen Ao, Male, Hou Maojiang, Li Dandan, Zhou xinyu, Chen Chengjiang, Junfeng, Zhang Jun, Jielongbo, Li Miao, Hu Xiaomei

Client: Vanke Midwest Town Construction and Development Co., LTD

Building renovation: Ji Zhun Fang Zhong

Photographer: Waijie photography


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