发布时间:2022-03-18 03:53:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

该项目位于Čakovice区的Hussite革命公园所在地,这里曾经是傍湖而建的村庄绿地。在捷克斯洛伐克第一共和国时期,这里的湖水被抽干,并被改造成公园。经过当时的建设,原来湖边的房屋被拆除,其屋顶残骸直至2019-2020年的重建工程之前都还存在。公园总体改造由Land05工作室负责,由Martina Forejtová领导。SKULL工作室受邀参与了公园南侧围墙的设计,最终完成了这座雕塑般的建筑纪念碑——名为“Superpower Wall”的砖砌浮雕墙。

The site which is now home to the Hussite revolution park in Čakovice was historically the location of a village green with a lake. During the era of the First Czechoslovak Republic, the lake was drained and the area converted into a park. During the construction adjustments of that time, the houses that had lined the original lake were demolished. The remainders of the roof gables of these buildings were still visible until the recent reconstruction that took place in the years 2019-2020. The author of the reconstruction of the park was the landscaping studio Land05, headed by Martina Forejtová. S K U L L studio was invited to take part in the design of the perimeter wall on the southern edge of the park. The outcome is this sculptural-architectural monument – a brick relief, with a degree of hyperbole entitled Superpower Wall.

▼Hussite革命纪念公园,Hussite Revolution Park ©Bet Orten

▼Superpower纪念墙,Superpower Wall ©Bet Orten

改造主题是“创造”的基本含义。原来的村庄绿地经过改造后,三角形屋顶的轮廓仍然刻在公园的围墙上。这些斜线图案、具有节奏感的线条,构成了砖墙浮雕的基础形式,经典的砖砌技术也被应用在该实用性围墙的设计中。“这是对不复存在的东西的纪念,它们曾在这个地方和历史中留下过印记。”SKULL studio负责该项目的雕塑家Matěj Hájek说道。

▼设计手稿,sketch ©Matěj Hájek

The theme of transformation is a fundamental idea of the realisation. After the conversion of the original village green, the contours of the gabled roofs remained inscribed in the perimeter walls of the park. The motif of these diagonal lines, sketches of time, is the basis for the current form of the brick wall – relief, where classic technology of the brick structure is taken to the very edge of practicability. “It’s a memento of what is no longer here, which nevertheless leaves its imprint on the place and time,” describes the author of Superpower Wall, the sculptor Matěj Hájek from S K U L L studio.

▼墙上刻画着三角形屋顶的轮廓,the outline of a gabled roof is carved on the wall ©Bet Orten

▼阶梯式座位,the stepped seats ©Bet Orten

与传统建筑材料不同,墙体采用了透明纳米涂层,这种材料因其光催化特性(不含化学物质和废物)可以起到清洁空气的作用。墙壁表面覆以二氧化钛,在紫外线辐射的作用下,每平方米的表面每年可以清除多达几公斤的有害物质。这项独特的而技术是由捷克J. Heyrovský物理化学研究所的科学家开发的。“无形在该项目具有双重体现:一方面是纳米技术涂层,它依靠阳光发挥作用;另一方面是记忆,它只存在于我们想象中的回忆片段。重要的不是我们看到的东西,而是我们无法看到的。”Hájek补充道。

In contrast with the traditional construction material, the wall is furnished with a nano-technological transparent coating, which thanks to its photocatalytic properties (without chemicals and waste substances) cleans the surrounding air. The surface of the wall is impregnated with titanium dioxide, which together with UV radiation is capable of liquidating up to several kilograms of harmful substances per year on a surface of 1 m2. The unique technology was developed by Czech scientists from the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry. “The invisible plays a dual role here. On one hand there’s the nano-technological coating which depends on sunlight in order to function, and on the other is memory, fragments of recollections that exist only in our imagination. What is essential is not what we see, but precisely that which escapes our vision,” adds Hájek.

▼砖砌浮雕墙近景,closer view ©Bet Orten

▼墙体与水景相辅相成,the wall is complemented in close proximity by a water feature ©Bet Orten

▼夜景,night view ©Bet Orten


The brick relief wall is complemented in close proximity by a water feature designed by the XTOPIX studio, the dark surface of which is reminiscent in its colour of the bed of the former lake.

▼公园内的公共设施,public facilities in the park ©Bet Orten

▼公园整体规划图,site plan ©SKULL studio

▼砖墙剖面图,sections ©SKULL studio


Superpower纪念墙,布拉格 / SKULL studio
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