这座用CLT(正交胶合木)搭建的临时亭子位于东京晴海的一处空地上,可以用来举办活动和表演。尺寸为160cm x 350cm、厚度21cm的CLT板材与钢架相结合,形成一个半户外的空间。一系列木质墙板呈螺旋状上升,犹如飞向天空的树叶。
Designed a temporary CLT pavilion for events and performances in open spaces in Harumi, Tokyo. By combining CLT boards (160 cm x 350 cm, thickness 21 cm) and steel frames, we created a semi-outdoor space with the image of leaves made of CLT flying up toward the sky in a spiral shape.
▼亭子外观,exterior view ©Kawasumi · Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
▼整体远景,general view ©Kawasumi · Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
In order to prevent rain and wind while taking in light, the gap between the CLT panels is closed with a kite-like film made of ultra-transparent Tefka (high-performance fluororesin film), and light like sunlight through the forest.
▼半户外活动空间,semi-outdoor space ©Kawasumi · Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
▼CLT板材与钢架相结合,空隙以薄膜封闭 ©Kawasumi · Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office CLT boards are combined with steel frames, while the gap is closed with a kite-like film
▼室内空间,interior view ©Kawasumi · Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
▼板材细部,material details ©Kawasumi · Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
▼从树木间望向亭子,view to the pavilion from the trees ©Kawasumi · Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
CLT is made from hinoki cypress produced in Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture, at a factory of Meiken Kogyo in Maniwa City, used in Harumi, and then transported to Maniwa National Park Hiruzen again and rebuilt in the greenery…
▼展馆入口处,entrance to the exhibition pavilion ©Kawasumi · Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
▼内部展示空间,exhibition area ©Hiroshi Kuwahara
▼夜里的亭子,night view ©Satoshi Takae
Chuo-ku, Tokyo December 2019 Exhibition Hall 1,631.16m2 Project Team: Shin Ohba, Fuchi Motojo, Daiki Shigenaka, Kohei Kudo, Yohei Mochizuki, Yuzuru Kamiya, Toshiko Watami, Moe Kanako, Kengo Niijima ** Cooperating companies: Mitsubishi Estate, Mitsubishi Estate Design, Mitsubishi Estate Home, Ejiri Architects, Meiken Kogyo, Devices, TRA / K, Nihon University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Yoshino Office, Denka, Kiriyama Architects Tokoro, Google, TIME & STYLE, Strogue Co., Ltd., Iwai Construction Co., Ltd., Furukawa Equipment, Makino Densetsu, Sentido Co., Ltd. Photography by Kawasumi · Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office / Satoshi Takae / Hiroshi Kuwahara