发布时间:2013-09-12 15:12:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Ronny Kiaulehn



Appreciation towards

Ronny Kiaulehn

for providing the following description:


这些非常成功的商业运动摄影来自体育摄影师Ronny Kiaulehn。1996之前,他在帆板公司上班,到世界各地的海洋和海滩测试帆板,换句话说,他有一份整天呆在海滩上的工作。后来他不再做那份工作后他无法想象坐在办公室中放弃与大自然的接触,于是他开始了体育摄影生涯。最开始他只做帆板运动的摄影,带着摄影机保护罩在海滩畅游。但是这样难以生存,因此他扩大了他的业务,涉足自行车以及其它运动,还包含时尚,人像摄影。他目前的最爱是水下人物摄影。工作时在室外他也喜欢用到摄影棚闪光灯,无论室内室外,他都用光熟稔。天生的直觉和捕捉让这些照片拥有惊人的感染力和独特的风格。

Q & A

Can you also tell a bit more about you ? Why and when started it ?

Before working as a photographer in 1996, I worked in research and development for a windsurf company. My job was to test their equipment, boards and sails, in oceans and

beaches all around the world.  In other words, I was paid for windsurfing and hanging around on the beach all day long!  After leaving that job, after almost 10 years of being

in touch with nature every day, I couldn’t imagine getting an office job– that’s why I decided to get in to action sports photography. I started out doing mainly surf/windsurf photography in the beginning. The scene was the same, I could hang around the beach with my old surfer buddies and swim in the waves with my underwater camera housing.  But after realizing that it was difficult to survive with only that kind of photography, I switched over into the mountain bike business.  During the years I extended my working field to include all kinds of outdoor sports, like running, road biking, sailing, stand up paddling, etc.  Now I do lots of other work as well,  including lifestyle, fashion, portrait and quite a bit of studio photography.  Also underwater fashion photography, which is one of my favorites in the moment.

Why most of  your work is people in picture?

I realized quite early that i was a really bad landscape photographer but i always loved portrait photography, already when i was a kid!Showing people in a particular moment, in a moment of action, enjoying what they are doing and transmitting that joy to the viewer is the goal of my work! The viewer should think: “I want to be there, i want to do the same thing, I want to be in this shot!” And as most of the jobs I am doing are for advertising the viewer should also think: “I want that bike, I want that those shoes, I want those cloth!

What amazing character do your works have?

Apart from the studio, also in most of my outdoor production I love to work with studio flash units. i want to have total control over the lighting in my shots using nature as a big

studio steup. On the other hand it’s difficult to predict what’s gonna happen, how people will perform once you started shooting, if their action or poses will be what you expected. Many times athlets or models behave in a completly different way to what i was thinking of, doing stuff I wasn’t considering before. And many times it’s just that, the unexpected, that makes a good image. That’s why I am always open to the ideas that come from the people i have to photograph, giving them the chance to show their own character and style.


Ronny Kiaulehn



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