▼驿站秋景,Autumn scenery ©樊婕
The Flower Station is a forerunner in the comprehensive regeneration of the site, introducing the notion of “green, art, and co-building” into the traditional neighborhood. Under the premise of limited budget, limited land area and limited construction period, the design adopted a strategy of integrating architecture, structure, space, material and structure and was successfully constructed in 109 days with the collaboration of all departments.
▼艺术季期间的使用,during the art season ©樊婕
Considering the varied demands throughout the art season as well as long-term operation, we investigated the prototype of greenhouse, extracted the economically and structurally effective structural aspects of the conventional greenhouse, and designed a structural system of Core Volume + Space Truss. The long-span space endows the community with a bright and open spatial atmosphere, exhibiting an outward and inviting architectural form.
▼空间网架,Space Truss ©樊婕
▼核心体量,Core Volume ©樊婕
The support system employs the lattice columns which minimizes the volume while enriching the visual hierarchy, and integrates with the space truss to form delicate architectural details. The weaving steel structural framework compliments the bright and open space, and stands out as a highlight element of the space, which shortening the construction period and saving the budget for interior decoration.
▼编织感的钢结构,The weaving steel structural framework ©同济原作设计工作室
▼结构贯通至室内,The structure runs through the interior ©樊婕
The indoor and outdoor spaces are integrated, and movable folding doors are outfitted at crucial places on the ground floor. The originally bounded indoor space may now envelope into the open environment, allowing people to engage with the space organically rather of being constrained to the set boundaries of the structure.
▼“空间一体化&立体漫游路径”设计, Diagram of Integrated space & Spatial roaming path ©同济原作设计工作室
▼空间一体化&立体漫游路径, Integrated space & Spatial roaming path ©樊婕
The spatial roaming path resolves the differences between the indoor and outdoor, as well as between floors, and generates platforms at varying elevations with staircases, allowing people to freely wander through the indoor and outdoor environments. People may walk freely from the ground level to the roof terrace, generating a variety of circulations for exhibitions.
▼空间一体化&立体漫游路径, Integrated space & Spatial roaming path ©左:樊婕,右:同济原作设计工作室
To reinforce the sensation of lightness and modernism, the construction materials are mostly steel framework, aluminum plate, and glass, and the colors are selected to be consistent low-saturation natural green to offer a holistic spatial experience in the space.
▼在屋架下, Under the roof ©樊婕
In terms of its details, the structural system is integrated with the lighting and shading systems to provide a hospitable environment for the diverse activities. It may also be tailored to the media demand of art events throughout the art season, remaining adaptable to the needs of long-term users.
▼屋顶节点,detail design of roof ©同济原作设计工作室
▼结构体系与照明系统和遮阳系统一体化设计,The structural system is integrated with the lighting and shading systems ©樊婕
The Flower Station may bring a variety of activities into the community, and the welcoming and intriguing space draws people in to experience events and spirits, as well as randomness and poetry. The architectural form encourages users to interact with it, enhancing the sense of community identification and belonging.
▼驿站夜景,Night view ©樊婕
The art season has endowed the flower house station an episodic tone, and the functions of salon, exhibition, and relaxation during the art season will be replaced in the future by new demands such as raising flowers, appreciating flowers, buying flowers, gathering and drinking tea. On this premise, the design offers opportunity for innovation and necessitates the participation and collaborative efforts of the community’s inhabitants and operators. The Flower Station will become a new meeting place for culture, art, and civic life on the riverside of Flowering Puhuitang.
▼平面图,Plans ©同济原作设计工作室
▼立面图,Elevations ©同济原作设计工作室