Enter Martin Pas, and you will venture into a world of analog synths and modular machines. Avowedly low budget, this setup was inspired by the products sold in the store: Martin Pas is an exhibition space based on the concept of modularity, simplicity and flexibility. A space that abides by only one rule: plug & play.
The most distinctive elements in the project are the sheet metal modules that define spaces in the store without enclosing them, playing with transparencies thanks to perforated patterns that are both decorative and functional. Showcasing products with this system allows for the layout to change without ever creating a sense of emptiness. Inspired by the concept of “plugs”, wooden circles complement the sheet metal, and can be used to directly hang certain products or to support valchromat and metal shelves. All other elements in the store were designed to be coherent with this system.
The project’s visual identity is a light and bright graphic synthesis of electrical circuit’s shapes. Finally, the name of the store was inspired by music: Martin Pas is a lost opera by Edgard Varèse, a French composer who once lived in Turin. It is a name that recalls the world of music and its legends, which echo in the fake memorial plaque installed inside the store to highlight its charm.
Year 2016
Work started in 2016
Work finished in 2016
Status Completed works
Type Showrooms/Shops / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Graphic Design / Furniture design / Product design / Building Recovery and Renewal