发布时间:2023-09-20 22:06:33 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Mi Reading (覔书店) is a multifaceted cultural bookstore brand under the banner of Shenzhen Friendship Bookstore. The character “覔” finds its origins in ancient Chinese script and is synonymous with “觅”, imbuing the concept with connotations of both exploration and pursuit.

▼入口,Entrance © 聂晓聪


In the year 2014, the first Mi Reading bookstore opened its doors at Shenzhen 9 Square Shopping Mall. Following nearly a decade of exploration and progressive growth, Mi Reading has now engaged the MOC team in a collaborative effort to establish a landmark flagship bookstore. This endeavor signifies more than a mere retrospective glance; it embodies a novel interpretation and investigation into the domains of brand positioning and spatial aesthetics.

▼入口处的主题展示区,Thematic display area at the entrance © 聂晓聪

“我们希望这里相比于传统书店或者仅仅把书店场景作为氛围营造的商业空间,它更回归本质,是一个充满活力的社区中心。” “Our aspiration is for this location to rediscover its core essence and transform into a dynamic community hub, distinguishing itself from conventional bookstores or commercial venues that simply evoke an atmosphere through bookstore settings.” —— 杨振钰 Yang Zhenyu, Designer


The bookstore is located in Guangzhou Huangpu and is designed as a culture sharing hub for the community. Inspired by the local history and the Silk Road, the designers incorporate the imagery of sailing ships, Nanhai ancient house clusters and other elements into the modern aesthetics. The multi-functional space combines book reading, theater, learning, children’s books, coffee, art, exhibitions, and community activities, creating a comfortable and relaxing cultural environment for the nearby residents.

▼入口通道,The passage at the entrance © 聂晓聪

01 文化剧场 Cultural Theater


With the advance of time, the means of disseminating knowledge have transcended traditional books. The conventional bookstore’s pursuit of “knowledge exchange” has grown more intricate, shifting from a mere relationship between individuals and books to a dynamic exchange of knowledge among people. Consequently, the spatial requirements have become more diverse.

▼两层通高的公共剧场,顶部造型取自航船的风帆为元素,回应在地文化,A double-height public theater with a roof design inspired by the wind sails to respond to local culture © 聂晓聪


Driven by this perspective, the designer has opened up the central sections of the two-story venue, giving rise to a luminous and spacious double-height atrium that enhances the flow of the space. The integration of expansive tiered seating has not only fostered an open arena for communal activities, but has also meticulously reconfigured the spatial circulation and morphology of two levels.

▼另一侧设置连通二层的楼梯,保证了公共活动时的交通动线互不影响,A staircase on the opposite side connects the second floor, ensuring seamless circulation during public events © 聂晓聪


The grand staircase, under typical circumstances, serves as a delightful reading area and a welcoming gathering spot. Depending on the occasion, it effortlessly transforms into a versatile venue for hosting diverse public events like study sessions and enlightening lectures.

▼从公共阶梯座位看向剧场舞台,View of the theater stag e from public staircase seating © 聂晓聪


▼剧场与“红色盒子”关系说明 © MOC DESIGN OFFICE The structural connection between the theater and the “red box”

Positioned where the staircase leads to the second floor, an extended “red box” projects outward. This architectural feature houses different-sized rooms, all oriented towards the theater stage, thereby complementing the theatrical function. The floor-to-ceiling glass display surfaces also encourages people to exchange and discuss while ensuring a noise-free coexistence with the public area. Beneath the “red box”, a compact space naturally evolves into an open, small-scale collaborative discussion area. Different communication and collaboration zones are strategically organized around the theater stairs, enhancing the diversity of interaction modes.

▼面向剧场舞台的“红色盒子” © 聂晓聪 The “red box” facing the theater stage

▼“红色盒子”的下方形成的小空间 © 聂晓聪 A compact space beneath the “red box”

▼二层“红色盒子”入口,Entrance to the “red box” on the second floor © 聂晓聪


The elevated spatial design of the theater is accomplished by a sequence of uninterrupted low bookshelf walls. These walls not only horizontally extend and unify the bookish ambiance, but also establish an unbroken visual vertical element. The arrangement of shorter bookshelves in the foreground and taller ones in the background further accentuates the spatial representation of the books. The rooftop pays homage to the city’s maritime heritage with the sail-inspired elements, reflecting the local culture.

▼天花板提取航船的风帆为元素,The ceiling takes the sails of sailing ships as elements  © 聂晓聪

▼从二层看向公共剧场,View of the public theater from the second floor © 聂晓聪

02 动与静的平衡——各得其所的共享社区 Balancing dynamics and tranquility – a shared community in harmony

书店是一座城市精神的见证,也是文化成长的庇护所。这里不仅吸引爱书之人,更是兼容各色人群文化需求的场所。设计师以中间的文化剧场和公共阅读区为界,进行动静布局考量,向左规划为儿童区和 “小小覔”绘本馆,向右则规划休闲社交功能的”覔咖啡”,以及咖啡上方的独立自习室和沉浸式剧场。随着动线的深入,实现从喧嚣到沉静的转变,也让不同的人群都能在这里找到适合自己的空间。

▼分析图,analysis diagram © MOC DESIGN OFFICE

A bookstore serves as both a testament to a city’s ethos and a sanctuary for cultural maturation. Beyond merely captivating book lovers, it functions as a space that accommodates a mosaic of cultural demands. The designer, with careful consideration for the arrangement of active and serene areas, delineates a conceptual boundary between the central cultural theater and the communal reading space. To the left, a dedicated children’s area and the “Little Mi” picture book library find their place, while to the right, the convivial hub of Mi Café is planned, alongside an elevated independent study room and an immersive theater above. As the pathways lead further, a transition from dynamic to serene environments is achieved, ensuring that diverse individuals can find their suitable spaces within this locale.

▼覔咖啡入口,取自古厝屋顶的瓦片,以现代的语言得以转译呈现,Entrance of Mi Café, inspired by the roof tiles of ancient houses and presented in a modern language © 聂晓聪


Mi Café is artfully positioned as a social haven on the theater’s periphery. Drawing inspiration from the harmoniously arranged courtyards within traditional ancient residences, the designer thoughtfully orchestrates the layout. The abstract form of the house frames leads to well-organized miniature courtyards, concurrently defining dwelling spaces and pathways. The integration of seating and landscapes within these structures facilitates a dynamic interplay, allowing for the interaction between individuals and their surroundings.

▼屋舍融合座位和景观,The integration of seating and landscapes within the structures facilitates  © 聂晓聪


Adjacent to the theater lies the children’s area, which was originally the external lower space of the staircase. The vibrant color scheme and the inclusion of the white horn-shaped enclosure emphasize the slanted ceiling and create an enchanting spatial encounter. Within the white enclosure, stairs interlink the children’s area with the picture book library, enabling smooth vertical movement within the comparatively lively children’s zone and maintaining distinct circulation from the quiet reading area.

▼一层儿童区的白色喇叭形盒子, The white horn-shaped box in the children’s area on the first floor © 聂晓聪


Ascending the stairs within the horn-shaped enclosure brings visitors to the second-floor picture book library, where the color palette gains richness while adhering to a coherent tonal scheme. Amidst this chromatic interplay, bookshelves host age-appropriate children’s picture books, interspersed with open seating areas that offer a delightful space for parents and children to enjoy precious moments of shared reading.

▼二层的儿童区入口,Entrance to the children’s area on the second floor © 聂晓聪

▼二层的绘本馆,The second-floor picture book library © 聂晓聪

▼公共阅读区与红色盒子,Public reading area and the “red box” © 聂晓聪


Crossing the atrium corridor leads to the public reading area, where the self-study room and immersive theater are nestled in a serene corner of the space. Within the self-study room, individuals can engage in undisturbed learning and contemplation. The view of urban greenery through the windows offers a soothing backdrop that aids relaxation between study sessions.

▼自习室入口,Entrance to the study room © 聂晓聪

▼自习室,The study room © 聂晓聪


In the journey from a conventional commercial bookstore to a culture-centered shared community, the design team has harnessed an open foundation, using a contemporary and inclusive approach to forge a composite urban space that injects greater vibrancy into the city.



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